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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. Not mad, thats the American dream blowing up.
  2. On some points I agree with you. The Terminator benefits from great genes and smart use of steroids. On the other hand, I still think it says something about his personal drive and the American dream when someone who could barely speak the language has made it to the level that he has made it. Actually, she is an only child. Sorry about that.
  3. There is a huge difference between reminding the nation and exploiting a tragedy. If you think Rudy would exploit 9/11, you dont have an understanding of how that event impacted him and his fellow NYers. By the way, saying Dems and Reps suck really is profound. I wish I could come up w/ something like that.
  4. Someone who speaks little or no English moves to this country and ultimately gets elected Gov of California would not be considered the American dream. How about this---My girlfriends parents would roll pennies to buy groceries when she was young. Now, they are millionaires. Would that be American Dream enough for you? Democrats are such downers. You guys could turn anything into a negative. President Bush is on live w/ Rush.
  5. I agree completely. McCain was good and I respect him, but he did not have quite the electricity that Rudy brought to the table. The Dems can call it attacking all they want, but the truth is that they have a flip flopper whose record they cannot defend. I will be refering to Rudy as "The Hammer" from here on out.
  6. I dont think that you can make a case for the death penalty being humane. I stated that forcing an abortion in order to execute someone is not humane. I do support the death penalty, but dont consider it a huge issue. The death penalty does not stop people from committing murders, but at least in this case it is an eye for an eye. Smuggling should not be punished by execution. I dont care how you slice it, this is wrong. Additionally, am I to believe that the large % of male babies is a result of anything other than the atrocities listed above. I have found these reports in numerous places around the net. This is not isolated. It is not a "media" slant. It is also completely indefensible. Unless you would like to step up and explain why any of this is ok---- If not, I am going to let this thread die.
  7. Exactly right. The Terminator brings in some moderates that the President may not have appealed to at all. Bottom line is that Ahhhnold defines the American dream. Period.
  8. The above was not a "media" article. I am not from China. Rather than say I dont understand, why dont you tell me why the death penalty for smuggling or forcing abortion so you can execute someone is humane. Defend these two points b/c that is really what this discussion is all about.
  9. Theresa is a nightmare. I believe that she will cost Kerry votes once all is said and done. She comes across as the insane rich widow who drinks herself to sleep and has 30 cats at home. Plus, she is a real bitch.
  10. I believe Bush gets a bounce for several reasons: 1-The speeches of very popular Republicans like Rudy G, The Terminator, and others will broaden the appeal of the Republicans. 2-The American people want conviction, consistency, and strength. The President will demonstrate through his record and future plans that he has all three. 3-George W Bush is a plain spoken man who will ultimately appeal to more of our nation than Kerry. 4-Laura Bush doesnt come across like some out of touch socialite. Theresa is a total nightmare. 5-The Bush daughters are hotter than the Kerry girls.(Ok, this may not count for much, but lets be honest) Like I said, I am a Republican. I will vote for President Bush again, but this is what I believe will cause a bounce for the Republicans.
  11. In Chinese society, male children are considered far more valuable than females. As you are aware, China is a "Communist" state, although there is increasing economic freedom. Families receive child "credits". In other words, you get additional $$ for one child. However, after that, you are deducted. This is supposed to encourage less breeding. Unfortunately in rural areas where agriculture is a way of life, it is imperative that the families have male children. As a result, females are often killed at birth in favor of trying again for a male. I wish I could direct you to the article I read about this last year but I am unable to recall-Newsweek, Time, US News... Here is a related article and link http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/femaleinfanticide.html - China Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has created laws that provide equal rights for women and men, female infants in China are subject to horrible abuses. Female infanticide has increased dramatically since the CCP's family planning policy took effect in 1989. The main focus of this program is the "one child per couple" policy. This policy was created in order to prevent the increasing overpopulation of the country. A number of incentives are employed to asure public compliance. For instance, couples are given medical, financial, and educational benefits for compliance. However, punishments including fines, salary cuts, and even the imprisonment of pregnant women are carried out if couples fail to comply. "Children born "out of plan" may not be issued residence cards, which in turn, will deny them education and other benefits provided by the state" (Porras, 1996 p.2). In China, when women marry they become part of their husband's family. Thus, a preference for sons, who will ensure that parents are taken care of in old age, is common. The preference for male babies coupled with the "one child per couple" policy has led to an increase in female infanticide, the concealment of female births, sex-selective abortion, and the abandonment of infant girls. Although the Chinese governement recognized the risks to female infants in rural areas where anti-female bias is greater, allowing couples to have a second child if the first is a girl, the number of girls who have been subject to murder and neglect, as a result of this policy, numbers in the millions. If parents choose to hide the birth of a daughter, she will have no legal existence. She will face difficulties receiving healthcare, education, and other state services (Porras, 1996). Female infants are subject to neglect and discrimination, as well. As in India, Chinese girls are less likely to be given adequate healthcare and nutrition than their male counterparts. If abandoned or given up for adoption, Chinese infant girls risk horrible neglect and mistreatment in state orphanages. Dubbed "Dying Rooms", these orphanages have almost no boys. Ninety-five percent of the children in them are girls, and the other five percent are boys with mental or physical disabilities. The infant girls spend their days tied to wicker "potty" chairs. They are provided with no toys, physical attention, or mental stimulation. Disease runs rampant in the orphanages, and an estimated one in five children die (Woods, Brian "The Dying Rooms Trust"). A significant imbalance in China's male and female population has created additional abuses against women. For example, the kidnapping and slave-trading of women, primarily from Vietnam, for forced marriages in China claims 8000 victims each year (Manthorpe, 1999). The dramatic imbalance between the number of female and male infants is in large part due to sex-selective abortion. Although the Chinese governement has outlawed the use of ultrasound machines for prenatal sex determination, doctors continue to do so, especially in rural areas (Porras, 1996). The Chinese government has taken a number of steps to combat the practice of female infanticide, as well as promote and protect women's rights. The Marriage Law and Women's Protection Law prohibit female infanticide, and the latter prohibits discrimination against women who give birth to daughters (Porras, 1996). The Sex Selective Abortion Law and Maternal Health Care Law of 1994 were created to put an end to sex selective abortions, and the latter prohibits the use of medical technology to determine the gender of a fetus (Porras, 1996). Unfortunately, however, the practice continues in China despite these efforts. Conclusion Female infanticide is a horrible manifestation of the anti-female bias that continues to pollute socieities throughout the world. Even in technologically advanced and educated societies, the brutal practice continues. The successful eradication of the practice of female infanticide seems an arduous task. In order to combat the phenomenon, careful consideration of the location-specific and cultural factors leading to the practice is necessary. The education of both men and women, social strategies to improve the status of women, and access to family counseling and healthcare may provide means of eliminating female infanticide, as well as elevating the value assigned to women around the globe. Regardless, just the treatment of this woman, heroin smuggler or not is miserable. I am pretty far right. I believe that you lose rights when you commit crimes. However, this is too much. Nevermind the death penalty for smuggling, that is a whole other issue.
  12. I was kidding about the heroin, but not about the livestock comment. I cant believe you dont find this horrifying.
  13. Bateman, Its going to be good to have you around. W '04
  14. I would probably use heroin daily if I lived in China. How else would I dull the pain of existing there? Additionally, I think this is an interesting contrast to the closing ceremonies last night. What a joke! How does the IOC award the games to a country that still treats women like livestock. It is disgusting.
  15. if you cant serve than just shut up....stop pretending that your supporting them and then by saying oh they signed up for this.....learn to appreciate the lives of our soldiers they are not some rat-tags bodies to be wasted so that pomps like you can "not serve". There is a code in the military and its called duty, honor, god and country.. Just how are we serving our honor in iraq? (yeah by killing people who did not have a war with us, earning the contempt of the entire world), how are we serving god, by killing our fellow humans? and above all how is our country benefiting from this war??? So your premise is that since we are not in the military, we are just pretending to support our troops. In addition, the fact that they joined the military doesnt mean that they signed up for war-even though the function of the military is war. We also have no appreciation for the lives of our soldiers and Iraqis were better off with acid baths, public rapes, and chemical weapons being used on their own people. As for the contempt of the rest of the world, who cares? We are the only ones responsible for America and our interests. I am sure that the French will be there when THEY need us, but not when we need them. As for serving God, sometimes force is necessary. Might is occasionally right and necessary but this is not a holy war. We arent attempting to convert the Iraqiis to Christianity. America will benefit b/c millions are not liberated in Iraq. Yes, lives were lost. Yes, it is still a mess, but ultimately, the free people of Iraq will be better off.
  16. Yeah, you get it :rolleyes Hilarious...
  17. The problem with that is saddam was more american then anyone in the middle east. He was more materalistic then anyone who will be elected.He cared about wealth where most of the people in the middle east do not. Are you kidding me? The people of the ME are forced to live under the rule of royal families. They dont have money b/c there is zero opportunity(besides oil) in the region. If you define Americans by our level of materialism, you need to read some history, see where we came from. I am sad that you actually define us that way. Yes, we may be somewhat materialistic, but at least everyone has the opportunity to suceed here.
  18. If you watched the Dem Convention and knew nothing about Kerry, you would come to the conclusion that he went to college, fought in Vietnam, served as a prosecutor--or was it public defender--and now he is running for President. What about the 20 year stretch in Congress? Well, he never saw a tax increase he didnt like, a military spending bill he liked and was basically a non-factor on the hill. The man has been on the intelligence committee and wants to hammer Bush for making decisions based on intelligence that his committee was ultimately responsible for. Leaders possess conviction, character and strength. George W Bush has all three.
  19. Fox slants right, CNN slants left, and MSNBC falls somewhere in between. If you watch all three, you will see that the stories are pretty much the same with a lean one way or the other. Moore just lies, distorts truth and pretends his fantasy theory is reality. That is a huge difference.
  20. Listen, Linda, we didnt hire you to think. You are much like the dancing monkey on the hot pavement. If you cant keep your fat mouth shut about that traitor Moore, we are going to fire you. I love it. All the fat country singers(Dixie Chicks, Rondstadt) like Moore and hate Bush. It must be the brotherhood of cellulite that bonds them together.
  21. ez for u to say dumbass, sitting home and determining what they signed up for, while we the ones, who served, give u the blanket of protection that you have come to enjoy....I served my country I know what exactly we signed up for....there is one thing fighting for our country (I did it in a heartbeat) and therez another for fighting for someone to make money off.... Your posts define you as someone who would rather call people names than look at facts. You presume too much when you throw things out like "idiot" and "dumbass". You are the one who looks like both of these when you craft your posts around such childish statements. Once again let me say that I am a huge supporter of our troops. Everytime I see someone in uniform, I walk up to them and say "Thanks. God bless you for doing the job you do" President Bush is not making money off this war. If we wanted the oil, we could conquer the entire Middle East. Quit listening to Michael Moore and try to fomulate your own point of view. On another note, I appreciate the fact that you served our country. Despite our obvious differences of opinion, I respect you for providing our country with an invaluable service. Unfortunately, you are completely wrong about this whole service thing. Going to war is part of the gig. We can argue this point all day, but the fact of the matter is that if you do not want to fight, dont sign up. Period. End of sentence. There is no debating this. You as a soldier know that there is no discussion between officers and enlisted men. It isnt as if these guys were drafted. They decided to join the military. When Congress, not just President Bush, voted to go to war, it is the duty of the military to follow the order of the Commander in Chief. Again, there is no debating this. I hate the fact that the planes flew into the Twin Towers. I hate war. I hate that our guys are over there dying while I enjoy my life here. I hate the necessary force that we used to eliminate the Taliban and defeat Saddam. War is an extension of politics by different means and when negotiations fail, sometimes force is the only solution. Gob bless our Troops.
  22. Yes, he did sign up for it. If you are in the mililtary, it is your duty to go to war for our country. I respect the bravery and the honor of our soldiers. They lay it on the line for us, but this is the nature of their job. One of my best friends in currently hunting terrorists in Afghanistan(or the Stan as he calls it) He graduated from Tenn and could have worked anywhere. He chose to enlist. He knew what he was getting into and could not wait to get over there. He is a hero as is the soldier in this story who died. These men and women know what they are getting into. These are the risks that they volunteer to take. God Bless our Troops.
  23. Actually, the Arab Americans voted for Bush in 2000 b/c for various reasons, they felt he would do a better job for them than Gore. Now, in 2004 they have changed their minds. The reason is pretty clear. We have systematically hunted down, captured, or killed many of their culture's heros. As a result, the Arab American vote has swayed toward Kerry, someone who is far more concerned with feelings than right and wrong. Wake up people. bin Laden and his followers view us as "infidels". We, as Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. should be converted or conquered. The hatred for America is at an all time high. 3rd world leaders who all but enslave their people while living in luxury(Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran) blame us for all evil while collecting the check for oil. If you dont understand that, you are the idiot.
  24. Firestorm Not Her Fault? Nearly seven months after her wardrobe "malfunctioned" during the Super Bowl half-time show, pop-star Janet Jackson now says the resulting firestorm wasn't her fault, telling Genre magazine, "I truly feel in my heart that the president wanted to take the focus off himself at that time [due to the situation in Iraq], and I was the perfect vehicle to do so at that moment." Jackson then says Michael Moore's new film "Fahrenheit 9/11," "just confirms it." But President Bush never criticized Jackson, and, in fact, told reporters he was embarrassed to admit he missed the whole thing Are you kidding me? How delusional are these celebs getting? And cant you just hear the uninformed Ms. Jackson saying that Moores film confirms it? The only thing confirmed is that she is a total whack job just like her brother.
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