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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. Somewhat right in that I do think that the common thread between many of those groups is the Muslim religion. However, I dont discount the nationalities as a huge part of why these conflicts are occuring. You are also correct in that I am not Catholic. FYI, I was not very religious for a long time until I found the right church with the right msg. Im not into ritual and high language. I want a relavent msg in a relavent environment. check out some of the sermons by Andy Stanley on: www.northpoint.org Great stuff and entertaining as well.
  2. I identified them as Muslim terrorists b/c the people of Isreal are forced to deal w/ more than just Palestinians although they are the main problem. You call a dog a dog and a cat a cat. The terrorists assaulting Israel are Muslims. I refer to them as Muslim Terrorists. If you review my posts, you will find that I nearly always refer to those attacking the US, Israel, et al as "Muslim terrorists". Why? Because I think it is important that everyone is aware that the principle of Jihad is alive, well, and sadly misguided. Convert or Conquer the Infidels.....disgusting I am a Christian.
  3. Yes, I am proud that we support Israel. God bless them and their relentless pursuit of Muslim Terrorists who threaten all of us.
  4. No, I believe the world is a better/safer place with Saddam out of power.
  5. One of the best posts I have read in awhile. I concur on your assessment of the Dems. They have become a party that is controlled by the extremists. They are weaker as a result and will continue to weaken until the moderates begin to reassert control. Remember, the vocal minority is still a minority.
  6. I would not vote for Kerry even if I knew he would put the heat on in Iraq. He is a poll watcher and a flipflop artist. That isnt what I look for in a leader.
  7. tres-b

    Tony Roma's

    I prefer Fat Boys to Sonnys but both are chains. The best BBQ spots are always dives that you have to search out.
  8. Why would I see a movie that is full of documented lies made by a man who hates President Bush? Did I watch the DNC? Yes Have I gone to Kerry's website to look at his platform and plans? Yes Do I feel like I am an informed voter? Yes Would F9/11 given me any information that would have changed my vote? No It would have been nearly 2 hrs of my life that I would never get back. That fat communist Moore doesnt deserve 30seconds of my time. I did see Bowling for Columbine and I dont doubt Moore's smarts, however he is not a documentary maker. He is a propaganda machine.
  9. You are correct. Muslim terrorist groups opposed to President Bush have been tracked using the Patriot Act.
  10. You are the fool for not knowing there is more to the bin Laden family than terrorists. There are several situations in the movie that involve non-terrorist bin Laden. Specifically the flight out of the US and the wedding. Members of the family that Moore claims were on this flight that never happened and people who were supposedly at the wedding were not. Unless you are one of those people who believe that every Muslim is a terrorist, why would I be a fool for citing examples of law abiding citizens?
  11. If you view F9/11 as anything more than communist propaganda, you are foolish. There is ample information out there that documents the lies that Moore pretends are truths. Take a few minutes to research this point and then let us know if this movie should change anyones mind.
  12. it's just the only thing they have ever used this for is to arrest anti-bush protestors ... and that is breaking our first amendment rights That is a lie. Period. If you would like me to site examples, I will be happy to pull specific ways that the PA has been used. Otherwise, dont use statements that are just BS.
  13. The same one who came home and shamed himself in front of the senate. Those examples are jokes b/c people are blaming everyone for their own problems. Thats the problem. The sooner everyone starts to realize that they are responsible for the person in the mirror the better off we will be. This is why Israel is still around. While they may be surrounded by Muslim terrorists who would rather kill the Jews than talk to them, they seem to do ok/ Why? They take care of theselves. I am signing off for the day. Good luck to those left to defend the ideals for liberty and freedom on the board.
  14. The examples you site are jokes. Bottom line- Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that the Military is in the war business. War=Danger. Period. As for recruiting underpriviledged kids, who would you have them go after, middle class kids who are on their way to State U to get a degree? The military is probably not going to get many of those b/c it isnt the best alternative for them. They are offering an alternative to working construction or cleaning bathrooms to kids who have nothing else. I dont really have a problem with that. I would join the Army b/f I would spend my life cleaning toilets.
  15. Ok, so there is no where to place the blame for 9/11. Fine. You cant knock Bush for bad intel and not knock Kerry for the same bad intel. Period.
  16. Cant have this one both ways. Either the Intel Com and the President are to blame or neither is to blame. You decide. As a member of the IC, dont you think a great leader would have used that position to reform the way intel works in this county. Kerry could have thought outside the box and tried to initiate some changes. Instead, he did nothing.
  17. No, they would not get sued. You are ultimately responsible for you. Are you actually telling me that people arent aware of the danger that members of the military may encounter? I didnt know people were that misinformed. I had more confidence in the general population than I should have had. I can promote something any way I want. If some kid asks a recruiter "Could I die while in the Army" the answer would have to be yes. On the other hand, I dont think a recruiter needs to say, "Before we get started, you may die while serving in the military." People can use the military to see the world. There is nothing wrong with that. But, that trip around the world comes with responsibilities. This is all semantics. The bottom line is that it is common knowledge that there is a risk factor to being in the military and there has been since there were knights on horseback all the way through today. On the other hand, there are some strong positives that come with being in the military as well. These are the selling points.
  18. So what you are saying is that Kerry was a completely irrelavent figure on the committee. Great, just the man we need to lead our nation.
  19. It should have said "can you" not "you can". As in "can you blame them for not talking about dying when they are trying to sign you up" Everyone knows about that part of the military. The recruiters talk about the other part.
  20. There is zero of the dreaded H word. Period. The recruiters are there to sell the great things that go along with being in the military. Everyone is aware of the bad part that comes with the good. Military goes hand in hand with war. War with death. Thats like saying blaming the guy who sells you the trip to Everest when you get frostbite and lose your toes. He never told you about that part. He only told you about how incredible it is at the top of the mtn. Is it his fault the storm kicked up and trapped you on the crest. Is he to blame for your loss? The answer is obviously no.
  21. Conspiracy---please. Im the last person who thinks about conspiracy theories. What you are saying is that the message of anti-war demonstrators is more valued than the veterans who served our nation overseas? As much as I value the words of hippies, granola, eaters and supporters of communism, I think our veterans deserve a little respect.
  22. Youre kidding right? Leading up to the liberation of Iraq, all I saw on the news was protests, and not 100s of 1000s. I dont think this instance is a huge deal, but dont twist facts about equal time either.
  23. I didnt see anything about this, but Im not all that surprised that it wasnt widely reported.
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