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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. Fall is great, but working out in the winter is tough, especially on the cold rainy days in Atlanta. It is times like that I miss South Florida. OMG, Mursa and I agree on something. As long as we avoid politics we might be ok.
  2. Fall is great, but working out in the winter is tough, especially on the cold rainy days in Atlanta. It is times like that I miss South Florida. OMG, Mursa and I agree on something. As long as we avoid politics we might be ok.
  3. Agree on the fall workouts. Winter is tough when it is cold and rainy though. Days like that make me miss South Florida. OMG, do Mursa and I actually agree on something. Outside of politics, we may actually get along.
  4. The Acura is a front drive accord that looks good. Why dont you check out the A4 1.8T w/ quattro. Great bang for your buck and a car that is fun to drive if you are leaning toward the Acura. The 300c is not really my thing, but I can see the appeal if you want to pimp something out.
  5. tres-b

    Danny T

    I saw earlier that he and Steve Lawler are tag teaming on Thanksgiving eve. I cant confirm but saw it on CJ.
  6. Mursa, with all due respect, wake up. The terrorists blowing themselves up in Iraq are responsible for far more civilian deaths than US bombs. If you had the choice between talking things out w/ bin Laden and killing him, you would sit down and ask him why he hates us and how we could make it better. As I said before, lets drop this and save it for Current Events.
  7. That is cool as hell. They are predicting private flights to space for the public by 2007.
  8. Except killing Muslim Terrorists who threaten our nation and being true to his word and beliefs regardless of polls and the opinion of our "allies" like France and Germany. Lets drop this. I save my right wing extremism for those in the current events section.
  9. While I agree that Kerry edged President Bush in the debate, the poll you linked to is a non-scientific poll of interentet users on CNN.com. That is like me posting a link to FoxNews showing Bush leading Kerry by 30%. Again, I do feel like Kerry came out on top, but it wasnt a huge deal. The election was neither won or lost last week. Bling is a trance fan and supports Kerry. When will you grow up?
  10. lol...I couldnt play that if I wanted to. The only tape player I have access to is in my girlfriends A4. Saw Humphies w/ Little Louie Vega about 2 yrs ago. Great stuff. Currently I am rocking to Velvet Revolver. I made myself take out Steve Lawler this morning. I decided its too early in the week for me to start my day with dance.
  11. Last time I saw Acosta, I was underwhelmed. He is coming to Atlanta in the next week or two. This pretty much cements a dinner out and dvd night for me and my better half.
  12. I agree that someone's position should dictate support and not how you connect w/ them. Unfortunately, that is not how many people vote. Many people want someone to connect with them. Personally, I dont care if the guy stutters as long as I am with him on the important issues.
  13. I am aware of that. I want your take on how Kerry comes across to Joe Average. Do you think he connects well w/ most Americans? My feeling is that he doesnt. As I mentioned before, Clinton did this better than anyone. He was the apex predator when it came to reaching out to people.
  14. Wrong. However, it is a major issue and I think it is important that President Bush demonstrates the consistent, resolute approach that has brought our country to the point that 75% of Al Queda's leaders have been arrested and flip floppin around doesnt get tough jobs done.
  15. My nose burned everytime they used that breaking glass sound w/ a hit. I could just feel it in my nose...
  16. How do you think Kerry comes across? I feel like he looks and sounds like a rich guy. I dont think he connects well with the average American. I also think he is a politician through and through and it shows. Clinton was the best at connecting w/ people and he never sounded like a politician. Probably why he could run again today and win.
  17. You are foolish to think that President Bush isnt a smart guy. He is methodical and deliberate. Dont confuse these qualities w/ stupid. That is a huge error.
  18. Heres the thing-I you were a Bush guy going in, Kerry didnt change your mind and vice-versa. I dont think that either one was great or terrible. I think Kerry was a bit stronger toward the end of the debate while President Bush was stronger early on. I dont think either candidate won or lost any votes last night. If I had to pick a winner I would give Kerry a slight edge, but again, I dont think that last night was a huge win or huge loss. I think the debate that focuses on domestic issues is going to be key for Kerry. He has to distiguish himself from President Bush, something he has really failed to do other than his constant talk about Iraq being a disaster.
  19. I wouldnt worry too much. They dont ID at the door.
  20. Chasey Layne is my all time favorite.
  21. At least you are honest. Any particular reason or just in general it isnt your thing?
  22. Agreed on the pace of Manhatten. South Beach has a more laid back vibe(daytime at least) and I like the beach feel. Those clubs you mention were all awesome from what I have been told. However, what about now? Do you still consider the venues up there to be on par w/ Space? You may. I think this comes down to personal preference. When it comes down to it, Ill take my house music w/ a pina coloda and some sunshine.
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