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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. I love the way you discount God's role in the world. Is it by chance that Israel is still around today, thousands of years after the Bible was written? Is it by chance that God's chosen people prosper and thrive even today at much higher levels than most? Say what you will, but as a Christian, I believe that God has a different course for those of us w/ Judeo-Chritian ideals. There is a reason that the majority of the Muslim world lives in poverty and it isnt b/c they are stuck in the desert. Israel has the same climate but very different living conditions. Why is that??? You think what you want. Ill stick with the guy who let the blind see, turned water to wine, and died for our sins so that we can receive salvation.
  2. A clubber w/ a degree in Political Science who works in Commercial Real Estate and gets it done during the week... Just because you have a masters, work at the WB and rave til dawn doesnt mean a I do the same. And if it was such a big f'ing deal, maybe they should have stuck around to guard it until our troops arrived since it was missing before we got there.
  3. Some of the worst news to occur??? Are you kidding me? This is not a huge deal. Is it an issue? Yes, absolutely. Is it going to make a difference in the outcome? No. There is never a shortage of explosive for these Muslims terroriss to strap on and blow themselves and innocents up. This will just make the supply a little more plentiful. I would consider the massacre of 50 unarmed Iraqi solidiers in the desert worse news. But then again, I understand that these missing explosives are all the fault of President Bush so I understand why Mursa believes this is the worst news of the year.
  4. I stated this earlier, but Ill for you, repitition must be the key to learning. We contributed almost nothing to the cause in Serbia. Europe was so concerned that they shouldered the most reponsibility. We flew missions over Serbia from so high up that we were out of the range of SAMs. And it really isnt an idiotic list. While ever situation is unique, I find the Haliburton one to be the most telling. No Bid=No Bid no matter what year it is.
  5. This reaffirms the belief that nearly everyone in the press is a liberal Democrat trying to act neutral. Isnt this correct Mr. Rather?
  6. Our deficit would rise just keeping Theresa supplied w/ gin and Liz Edwards fed.... Seriously, does this group look Presidential to you???
  7. Thats because the Muslim Terrorists we are dealing with in Iraq are far different that the forces in Serbia. Besides, how would we know is there were bombings? None of our troops were on the ground. The Serbian issue was far more localized than the Iraq issue. As a result, Europe was more inclined to get involved. Out of curiosity, what constitutes a Coalition? How many more nations do we need? If France, Germany, and Russia didnt have dirty hands from stroking the Saddam they would have been with us as well.
  8. The reason we didnt suffer losses is simple--we didnt risk any troops. Our planes flew missions from so high up that they could not be hit by surface to air weapons. Our efforts in Serbia were minimal. We hardly contributed to the cause. And no, I wouldnt be going ape shit b/c unlike Democrats, I base my decisions on reason and logic not political gain.
  9. Finally we are free from the Zookers clutches. He was in over his head from the start. Maybe Foley will actually conduct a real search to get a real head coach. Where would we be if he had done that 3 yrs ago????? As far as Coach Spurrier coming back, Im not sure that is what we need. He was lazy toward the end of his tenure. He didnt recruit hard and the level of talent dropped quickly. Not to say Grossman wasnt great, but Im talking about talent on the team as a whole---especially defense. If he wants to go at it 110% and bust ass a bit harder on the recruiting trail than I could be convinced. Otherwise, I say we look at all our options and go with the top guy after interviewing several candidates. What most people dont know is that Gruden wanted the job but Foley didnt want to wait until after the NFL playoffs were over for the Raiders. Foley was worried about losing a recruiting season. I would say that would have been better than losing 3 years that we will never get back. Coach Gruden is my #1 choice. He has an attitude that is infectious. Players love him and no one could out recruit him.
  10. Im not defending anyone. I am simply saying that personal attacks and comments about peoples moms are lame. You want my opinion on this, well here it is.... I think that the US has a long way to go before Iraq is under control. Until we reach the point where Muslim Terrorists arent beheading people, setting off car bombs, and executing 50 unarmed men who wanted to serve a new democratic Iraq things like this are going to happen. Do I think it is a huge deal...No. When you think about the amount of explosives in the hands of Muslim Terrorists worldwide and compare this to that, it is a small amount in the overall scheme of things. Do I think we need to look at why it happened and try to prevent it from happening again...Absolutely. No war is perfect. This one is no different and the normal problems are compounded by savages who believe that a Muslim Theocracy is the only way to govern b/c it allows them to exploit the fears of the uninformed public and stir up hate againts the US, Israel, Christians, Jews, Buddhists and everything else that is good in the world.
  11. Liberals live in a universe that reasonable people will never understand.
  12. When you have nothing to say, just attack whoever doesnt agree... Seriously Raver, your credibility just went way down.
  13. What a shock. Next thing you know, Rush will endorse W.
  14. You were the one that brought life sucess into this picture, not me. I just had to clarify the fact that underlying jealousy does not cloud my view. I am over the "hope you get it" stuff. What I get is irritated whe Hollywood flunkies, who cant get past 9th grade in some cases, and live in a completely UN-Real world tell me in arrogant tones who should be president. Are they entitled to their views? Of course but when you listen to them speak it becomes very clear that Michael Moore is their source of info and truth and moveon.org is feeding them lines through the teleprompter. I dont respect these people because they are so far left and so out of touch. I am equally wary of people like Alan Keyes who is so far right that he scares me.
  15. Hilarious. You and Nikki Sixx od'ing and being brought back and hitting it with Donna Dericho and Pamela Anderson sounds like a good Behind the Music.
  16. If you watched Oreilly on a consistent basis, you would see that he does not always go Right. He criticized the Bush Administration for no WMD in Iraq. Just one example but I will be happy to site some others if you would like. Having said that, he does typically lean to the Right.
  17. I wouldnt consider their life better than mine. In fact, I wouldnt trade the life I have for anything. I have an beautiful girlfriend who is as cool as she is hot. I live in a great loft overlooking Atlanta. I have a nice car with lots of bangin house tunes pumpin out of the Bose system. I have great friends and am about as happy as I can be. Do I make $15 million per movie? No, but I dont have to worry about where my next meal is coming from either and compared to most I am very sucessful financially. Maybe you perceive their life as better than yours, however dont presume I do the same because I dont.
  18. Two words---Low Rent move. Hope they get 1000 hrs of community service. And for the record, Coulter is a Republican. O'Reilly is not.
  19. The point is that my opinion on Nuclear Physics would be worthless. I wasnt educated on the subject and have no real world experience. Within my rights---yes. Responsible---no. If I ever talk about nuclear physics, please choose not to listen. As for equating higher education to intelligence, I am not making that mistake. Plenty of dregs graduate from college. However, these people have skated through life in the unreal world of Hollywood. They have no perspective. In other words, they dont get it.
  20. Agreed, but an educational background combined with real world experience make an opinion more valuable. These people lack both. Now give me someone who finished HS got a real job and has been in Reality and I will listen to everything they say. If you ever get a chance to listen to an interview with Alec Baldwin I think you will be impressed. I dont agree w/ his politics, but I respect him. He is a smart guy, no doubt about it.
  21. Take an uneducated person, put them in the unreal world of Hollywood and you have someone with no educational background who is out of touch with reality. History and world politics are things you pick up when you dont drop out in 9th grade or skip college for Sunset Blvd. Im not saying these people cant have an opinion, but would it be responsible of me to go speak about Nuclear Physics when I majored in Political Science and work in Commercial Real Estate???? No. Should these Hollywooders be as vocal as they are? No. By the way the Fat Dixie Chick flunked out of Jenny Craig Univ twice.
  22. Old School, but do you think it works???
  23. Why do Hollywooders talk politics? I dont know. With credentials like these i would STFU!! Barbra Streisand: Completed high school Career: Singing and acting Cher: Dropped out of school in 9th grade. Career: Singing and acting Martin Sheen: Flunked exam to enter University of Dayton. Career: Acting Jessica Lange: Dropped out college mid-freshman year. Career: Acting Alec Baldwin: Dropped out of George Washington U. Career: Acting Julia Roberts: Completed high school Career: Acting Sean Penn: Completed High school Career: Acting Susan Sarandon: Degree in Drama from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Career: Acting Ed Asner: Completed High school Career: Acting George Clooney: Dropped out of University of Kentucky Career: Acting Michael Moore: Dropped out first year University of Michigan. Career: Movie Director Sarah Jessica Parker: Completed High School Career: Acting Jennifer Anniston: Completed High School Career: Acting Mike Farrell: Completed High school Career: Acting Janeane Garofelo: Dropped out of College. Career: Stand up comedienne Larry Hagman: Attended Bard College for one year. Career: Acting
  24. Just like nearly every team in the majors.
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