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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. Straight from the dictionary--- ji·had also je·had n. A Muslim holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels. A crusade or struggle: “The war against smoking is turning into a jihad against people who smoke†(Fortune). jihad \Ji*had"\, Jehad \Je*had"\, n. [Ar. jih[=a]d.] (Moham.) A religious war against infidels or Mohammedan heretics; also, any bitter war or crusade for a principle or belief. jihad n 1: a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels [syn: jehad, international jihad] 2: a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal [syn: jehad] Israel was formed by politics. I am not ignoring that. However, I will say that the land of Israel and the Jewish people living there date back to the days before Jesus. The acquisition of the occupied territories was a result of an Arab offensive that was crushed by Israel. No offensive, no occupation. On another note, I blame some of the ramblings on election day stress. I need a
  2. I didnt care about Clinton although I would have respected him much more if he just said "I tried it". As for the coke thing, I dont care about that either.
  3. Perot was the reason for 92. Kerry is just as weak as Dole. Unfortunately, people didnt hate Clinton the way they hate President Bush. As a result, Kerry has people voting against the President instead of for him. Do you consider Kerry a good candidate? I really dont think you do. No one ever tells me how great Kerry is or how they really believe that his policies will be better for America. They all tell me what a bad job Bush is doing. As for more recruits, those Muslim animals can say what they want but 9.11 brought the fight to our door. We then took the fight to them. Islam has a dark side and jihad is an evil principle. Convert or conquer. Well let me say this, either they are with us or against us. If they arent speaking out against the terrorists they are terrorists. It is on the shoulders of Muslims to prove they are on the right side of the war at this point.
  4. That was one of the many questions that I came up with. Incredible.
  5. Is this scary to you b/c it scared the hell out of me.
  6. Great site. The guy who runs it is in Europe. He updated it EVERY time a new poll was released. Pay attention to the "within margin" states. It is a total toss up at this point.
  7. This is scary stuff, no matter who you are voting for.... MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian atomic scientist surrendered eight containers filled with arms-grade nuclear material to police Tuesday after keeping it in his garage for eight years, Russian media reported. Leonid Grigorov found the 14 ounces of plutonium-238 in a heap of rubbish at his laboratory near Russia's border with Kazakhstan, Itar-Tass news agency said. Interfax news agency said the lab, looted after the Soviet collapse in 1991, was eventually closed and deserted. Grigorov decided to hide the material, which could theoretically be used to make a "dirty bomb," in a box and only handed it in to local police after a newspaper offered a reward to anyone who surrendered weapons. "As an expert, I knew that I had to (hide it) to avoid tragic consequences," Grigorov was quoted as saying. Russia, with its huge nuclear arsenal, is under pressure to prevent dangerous atomic material from falling into the hands of extremists after the Soviet collapse left many nuclear facilities under-protected. There is also speculation that individual nuclear scientists, underpaid since the Soviet collapse, may be secretly transferring sensitive technology to what Washington calls "rogue" states for cash. Russia denies such activity. In a separate incident, 97 pounds of radioactive scrap metal was discovered in Chelaybinsk, Tass reported Tuesday. The region is heavily polluted with radioactive material from its nuclear reactor and plants producing plutonium for atomic bombs. The local Mayak nuclear complex dumped 2.68 billion cubic feet of highly radioactive waste into a river between 1949 and 1956 and suffered an explosion in 1957, showering radiation over the southern Urals mountain region. Tass said the discovery was the second such find in a week, although it did not say how big the earlier find was. Experts said Grigorov's plutonium-238 is normally used to generate heat but, if mixed with other materials, could be used in a nuclear explosive device. It is much more radioactive than plutonium-239, a radio-isotope normally used in atomic bombs. Security at hundreds of Russian nuclear sites became a big issue for the West after this year's discovery of a global nuclear black market run by Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan that supplied technology to Iran, Libya and North Korea.
  8. We didnt steer the planes into the buildings. Muslims did. As a result, Afghanistan and Iraq are free. Israel didnt go on the offensive in the 7 days war. Muslims did. As a result, Israel added the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights. Muslims are the agressors. The US is answering that aggression w/ the only language these people understand. Convert or Conquer--the mantra of jihad.
  9. As I admitted earlier, I have placed a premium on the issue of national security and who I trust. Additionally, I am a fiscal conservative and believe that Kerry's views about economics are borderline socialist. Having said that, I agree 100% that HIV is an important piece of the global puzzle. Under normal conditions, I would place this issue very high on my list of priorities.
  10. Are we talkin House music? If so, Im in. Posted this in another thread but.... On the other board, Sebastian C has a nice set that is a "start the night" type thing. here is the link to the download--- http://www.musicv2.com/artist/sebastianc Scroll down and check it out. Nice stuff.
  11. Actually, I live downtown in Atlanta so I have a better idea of what goes on than the suburb dwellers who live in Alpharetta and Vinings.
  12. As I have stated MANY times, I am not w/ W on every issue. However, all the other "stuff" takes a back seat to the war on terror. I dont think Kerry can do the job. However, if Kerry is elected I hope that he pushes forward on the issues I find important-- pro-choice, stem cell research, equal rights for everyone, etc. I am more of a Rudy G of Arnold type Republican but am w/ President Bush.
  13. Exactly. House music On the other board, Sebastian C has a nice set that is a "start the night" type thing. here is the link to the download--- http://www.musicv2.com/artist/sebastianc Scroll down and check it out. Nice stuff.
  14. NY is never in play for Republican presidential candidates. Rudy G is a different thing. See above post--- no more politics from me.
  15. I would like this as well but Big fuckin deal. How will his election change our national security?
  16. My Republican ideals have been overrun by all you liberals here at clubplanet. Lets have a talk about house music.
  17. Way to quote F9/11. Moore made a real solid propaganda piece. Obviously you bought into the lies.
  18. Im not an angry conservative. Just had to throw a jab back at ya.
  19. So should I post the "Give Kerry Some Balls" game? Or maybe the "Give Kerry a Backbone" game? Or maybe "Put Left Wing Extremist Kerry in a Moderate Costume"? Would any of those work for you???
  20. So Clinton was rewarded w/ 4 more years for doing absolutely nothing. Inaction may be your best action. And if screwing up involves killing thousands of Islamic extremists and liberating 2 countries, I hope we continue screwing up.
  21. You act as if President Bush is out there looking for bin Laden and screwing up. That isnt the way that this works. The man is being protected b/c he is a hero to millions of Muslims around the world(further evidence of Islam as an evil religion)and this aids him every day as he runs from justice. bin Laden will be caught and killed. It is just a matter of time.
  22. AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - A Dutch filmmaker who had received death threats after releasing a movie criticizing the treatment of women under Islam was slain in Amsterdam on Tuesday, police said. A suspect, a 26-year-old man with dual Dutch-Moroccan nationality, was arrested after a shootout with officers that left him wounded, police said. Filmmaker Theo van Gogh had been threatened after the August airing of the movie "Submission," which he made with a right-wing Dutch politician who had renounced the Islamic faith of her birth. Van Gogh had received police protection after its release. Dutch national broadcaster NOS and other media reported that Van Gogh's killer shot and stabbed his victim and left a note on his body. NOS said witnesses described the attacker as having an "Arab appearance." A witness who lives in the neighborhood heard six shots, and saw the man concealing a gun. She said he walked away slowly, spoke to someone at the edge of the park, and then ran. "He was walking slowly, like he was trying to be cool," she said, describing him as wearing a long beard and Islamic garb. "He was either an Arabic man or someone disguised as a Muslim," she said. Another witness told Dutch Radio 1 the killer arrived by bicycle and shot Van Gogh as he got out of a car. "He fell backward on the bicycle path and just laid there. The shooter stayed next to him and waited. Waited to make sure he was dead." The slain filmmaker was the great grandson of the brother of famous Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, who was also named Theo. In a recent radio interview, Van Gogh dismissed the threats and called the movie "the best protection I could have. It's not something I worry about." Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende called on the Dutch people to remain calm. "Nothing is known about the motive," he said in a written statement. "I want to call on everyone not to jump to far-reaching conclusions. The facts must first be carefully weighed so let's allow the investigators to do their jobs." Balkenende praised Van Gogh as a proponent of free speech who had "outspoken opinions." "It would be unacceptable if a difference of opinion led to this brutal murder," he said. Police spokesman Eric Vermeulen said the attacker fled to the nearby East Park, and was arrested after exchanging gunfire with police. Both the suspect and a policeman suffered minor injuries. "They were conscious" when taken to hospital, Vermeulen said. Van Gogh's killing immediately rekindled memories of the 2002 assassination of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn who polarized the nation with his anti-immigration views and was shot to death days before national elections. In addition to his film, van Gogh also wrote columns about Islam that were published on his Web site, www.theovangogh.nl, and Dutch newspaper Metro. The short television film "Submission" aired on Dutch television in August, enraged the Muslim community in the Netherlands. It told the fictional story of a Muslim woman forced into a violent marriage, raped by a relative and brutally punished for adultery. The English-language film was scripted by a right-wing politician who years ago renounced the Islamic faith of her birth and now refers to herself as an "ex-Muslim." Somali-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a member of the Dutch parliament, has repeatedly outraged fellow Muslims by criticizing Islamic customs and the failure of Muslim families to adopt Dutch ways. The place of Muslim immigrants in Dutch society has long been a contentious issue in the Netherlands, where many right-wing politicians have pushed for tougher immigration laws and say Muslims already settled in the country must make a greater effort to assimilate. Theo van Gogh, 47, has often come under criticism for his controversial movies. In December, his next movie "06-05," about the May 6, 2002 assassination of Pim Fortuyn, is scheduled to debut on the Internet.
  23. I wouldnt trust the TSA to take out my garbage. Hell, you should have seen what we carried down to Miami from Atlanta last time we flew In all seriousness, I think we need to improve the airports, ports, and focus more energy on Homeland security. Having said that, I am talking about taking the fight to the terrorists as part of that plan. We cant sit back and wait til the next threat materializes. The US has to be proactive. We have to go after them where they live/train/etc. I dont trust Kerry to do this. Based on his past record, Kerry is way far to the left. Way far to the left folks arent known for their hard nosed dealings w/ enemies(see the 80's, thank goodness President Reagan was in the White House). I thought that either Bush or Gore would have been OK(at the time). Once 9.11 happened I was thankful that President Bush was the man in charge. I just dont think you can trust the country to Kerry. You may think you can. It doesnt make you ignorant(wrong, but not ignorant ) Anyway, we will all be Americans tomorrow but I am worried about where we could be headed as a nation w/ Kerry in the White House.
  24. Whatever... Im not an ignorant SOB. However, I am tired of people letting Kerry off the hook for things that they hold President Bush over the fire about. Do I think we screwed up on WMD? Yes. Do I think both Kerry and President Bush had the same intel and came to the same conclusion? Yes. Do I think President Bush is the best ever? No. Do I think John Kerry is spineless and weak? Yes. Look, I dont agree w/ W on abortion, stem cell research, many social issues, etc. However, national security is #1 right now and I dont trust Kerry to take care of our nation. He is weak and doesnt have the resolve to go after these Muslim terrorists and kill them, regardless of what France and the UN want.
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