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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. Most people here believe that Palastinians deserve a country but have zero chance of getting it while terrorism, corruption, and violence define their people. The actions of few cast shadows over the whole cause and hinder the progression toward a Palestinian state.
  2. Fair enough. It is what it is.
  3. Heres how it works--- A Muslim terrorist orders an attack on a country that kills thousands of civilians. He then supports the efforts of another Muslim terrorist who is beheading innocent contracters, truck drivers, etc. The Muslim terrorist who ordered the attacks has earned the right to be eliminated. The other Muslim terrorist who is responsible for the beheadings has earned the same right. Congrats, we have 2 winners.
  4. Bingo. No conviction. No moral absolutes. No sack. You know what else the libs lack----the White House, both Houses of Congress and a Majority of our population.
  5. President Bush will be judged by history as a man who liberated millions and broke the back of the Muslim terrorists who hate our nation and care nothing about life or peace. They will all be meeting their maker and burning in Hell with Arafat soon enough.
  6. The death of anyone is tragic and not a good thing. I dont know what deep meaning you want me to pull out of this other than taking it for what it is--a statement of your opinion. I disagree. The death of anyone is not tragic. As far as the "eliminated" thing, the elimination of certain individuals makes the world a better place. Had we eliminated the Muslim terrorists who flew the planes into the Twin Towers on 9/11, I would say that the world would have been in much better shape on 9/12. Had Clinton eliminated bin Laden when he had the chance, the world would be a better place.
  7. He wasnt being simplistic. It is just that simple.
  8. So by that arguement, the death of Hitler was tragic. Im sure the millions of Jews around the world as well as anyone in the living outside of Germany, Italy, and Japan would disagree. It will be a sad day when bin Laden meets his maker and spends eternity in Hell as well. Im sure most of Russia cried when Lenin passed and the tears that were shed after Stalin died nearly flooded the country. Women around the South are still upset that Ted Bundy got fried and a gasp of sadness could be heard around the nation when it was reported that Jeffery Dahmer was killed in prison. Do you know how ridiculous the statement you just made sounds to most people? No, the death of everyone isnt tragic. Sometimes the world is better off without a person. This is the case w/ all mentioned above as well as that corrupt terrorist that they threw in the ground today.
  9. Well guess what, they did and the terrorist who got the NPP was buried earlier today.
  10. You got me. Im a cross burning redneck w/ nothing but fire and brimstone gettin preached to me every Sunday... There is a difference between honesty and racism. You need to understand that distinction. Regardless, Arafat went from a roadblock on the path to peace in life to a speedbump getting buried in death. Once again, a corrupt dead terrorist is a good thing. If all of Hammas was eliminated, that would be a good thing. Palestinians have to see that these extremists are incapable of getting them the state that the deserve.
  11. They should be celebrating the death of a man who has stolen billions of dollars from the PLO and stood in the way of a Palestinian state for years. He is nothing more than a corrupt terrorist and the fact he is viewed as a hero reflects poorly on those who actually seek a solution for the Palestinian Israeli conflict. His death can only help the cause of Palestinians.
  12. Im not ordering men and women to strap explosives to their bodies and kill innocent people. Arafat was a corrupt terrorist who surrounded himself with other terrorists. Palestine will not exist until better men(not too difficult) are leading the cause.
  13. I went to UF. Im not from Gville. And who asked you? By the way, there is a difference between honesty and racism.
  14. The chaos that you mention was out of control. It did not show the followers of Arafat in a good light. The Palestinians who cherish life and peace deserve better than the corrupt terrorist they have been stuck w/ for nearly 4 decades. Hopefully his death will allow better men than Arafat(not difficult to imagine considering what a scumbag he was) to step to the front and lead the Palestinians in their quest for a country.
  15. The Palestinians who gathered at Arafats compound to see the casket acted like animals. They were nothing more than an angry mob of violent simple minded people and they showed this to the entire world. There were teenagers chanting "whoever poisened arafat we will drink his blood". Are you kidding me? Watching that scene gave further evidence that the only way to deal with these "people" is by eliminating them. I couldnt help but think how a well placed bomb in the middle of the crowd would improve the world and give the good Palestinians who value life and peace a chance to have a country. As long as the world sees demonstrations like this will be the duration of their exitstance w/o a country. Regardless, a corrupt terrorist is now gone and hopefully some good can come of his death because he life contributed only darkness and hate to the world.
  16. Kinda like finding out Vanilla Ice wasnt really from Miami... It wasnt his town that created all the bass sounds.
  17. Puma Speed Cats are my current favs in this genre.
  18. 1-51% had the facts and voted for President Bush 2-America does love Hollywood but not for what they stand for politically. Citing Republican examples is nice but President Reagan and The Governator are mainstream. Socialists like Moore are not. 3-I wouldnt even think about voting for Tom Hanks, or Tim Robbins, or Susan Sarandon, etc b/c they are so far left that it scares me. The point is that the fat on Moores body must be interfering w/ brain activity. Moderates win elections in America. Socialists(extreme left) and Dictators(extreme right) do not. Having said all of this, if they think running down the same path is going to win elections, more power to them. James Carvelle got it right the other night when he said it is time to rebuild the Democratic Party--but what does he know. Go with the fat Hollywooder Moore. It served the Dems well in 04. GOOD MORNING: Michael Moore met with Harvey Weinstein and Moore says they plan to start working -- now -- on "Fahrenheit 9/11½." "We want to get cameras rolling now and have it ready in two-three years," Moore says. "We want to document and commercialize it. Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them. They weren't told the truth. We're communicators and it's up to us to start doing it now. The official mourning period is over today and there is a silver lining -- George W. Bush is prohibited by law from running again." And as for those who claim that Hollywood was an albatross on the Democrats' neck, Moore says, "America loves Hollywood. When given a chance to vote for someone from Hollywood, they jump in." He cited the history of successful Republican actor-politicians from George Murphy to Ronnie Reagan to Arnold. "Who is the Democrats' Arnold? We have a number of them. What American wouldn't vote for Tom Hanks (news)? Hollywood is full of people like that." When I asked what actor would trade a $20 million salary and a percentage of the gross, he countered with "Let's pay the actor-politicians a presidential salary of $20 million -- plus a percentage of the GNP." He says "Hollywood gets a chance for one more vote this year": Moore and Harvey are going ahead on the Oscar campaign for "Fahrenheit 9/11" in best picture and other applicable categories. Harvey told him, "Let's do it. And I said 'whatever Harvey wants, I'm ready.'" He isn't bothered by the absence of suitable category for a Golden Globe nomination --" We're not a musical, comedy or dramatic feature." He laughingly admits, "I don't know if people want to see me on the stage of the Kodak again. However, since my wife (Kathleen) was the producer, if I win -- she speaks!". Thousands of the "Fahrenheit" DVDs have been donated to libraries and schools. He gave them away on his trek through 63 cities in the past month -- they included stops in Ohio and Florida. The issues (for the next film) have not changed because of the election. "They are Iraq (news - web sites) and terrorism." He says he continues to get mail from the armed forces telling of their disappointments." I asked about his hate mail? "There's very little. It's dropped down to a few drive-by gloaters." And yes, he'll continue preparing his other film, "Sicko," on the national health care industry.
  19. Hell of an actor though... Im not sure he is cut out for the daily work of series shooting--too much stress on his mind. I imagine movies are more his "thing". If you havent seen Salton Sea, it is worth checking out just to see him as Pooh Bear--a meth dealer who has done so much crank that he has lost his nose.
  20. And just so you know, I believe that Palestinians should have a state.
  21. Whatever.... Im so tired of the comments about the shell that we live in around here. The man is a terrorist who has stood in the way of peace more than once. As I mentioned before, President Clinton considered him a huge obstacle in the path to peace. Do you know what kind of terrorist dies at an old age like Arafat? A terrorist who doesnt have the sack to do his own dirty work. As for celebrating someones death, that isnt the case. Im just sayin that the world is better off everytime a terrorist like Arafat dies--especially when they dont take innocent civilians with them.
  22. It is the same feeling you get when you realize that Syria is on the Human Rights Council for the UN.
  23. There is one less corrupt terrorist leader in the world. It is a good day. As for the Middle East, the chance of peace is greatly improved w/ the death of Arafat. Even President Clinton hated working with the guy.
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