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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. You act like 55million people are bitter and angry. That isnt the case. The majority(large majority for that matter) of the 55mil are moderates who are voted for Kerry but see a lot of good in President Bush as well. Do you think they are packing up? The left wing extremists are fringe. They are the ones thinking about leaving and let me say again, they wont be missed. Im still waiting for Barbara Streisand and Alec Baldwin to pack up. They said they would leave when President Bush won the first election. Via con Dios bitches!
  2. Tina That is the only substance that scares me.
  3. but you are comparing him to Mandela, who has actually accomplished a lot in S. Africa. Yasser was nothing more than a corrupt figurehead who has stood in the way of peace. I understand that Mandela's group was violent but that evolved over time. Yasser was a terrorist until the end(which will be here shortly if it hasnt arrived already)
  4. For all those who dont want to be here, you wont be missed. Heres my goodbye to you--- Trust me when I say, we wont even know you are gone.
  5. BMW is the only reason it is worth a shit. Lets just say while the brits may be good as some things, engineering automobiles is not one of those things.
  6. You know this stuff goes on all the time, but the comedy of the police, decked out in camo no less, sneaking up to raid the course is classic.
  7. Please dont start defending Yasser the terrorist... Stop now while I still have some faith in you. The man has stood in the way of peace for nearly 4 decades. He has never wanted peace or even a homeland. His only goals are killing Jews and keeping power.
  8. That is exactly right. The Dems need to understand that the US is not extremely liberal or conservative. In fact the further you get from the center the less people you have on your side. The efforts by Moore, Springsteen, Dixie Chicks, etc seemed like a good idea but really alienated a lot of people. The Dems are embracing the wrong people if they want to get back on track. Where was Joe Liberman during the campaign? Wait, he is to moderate and doesnt have that "star" quality needed.
  9. NORCO, Calif. — Two golf course managers and a tournament organizer were sentenced to house arrest for hosting two competitions featuring prostitutes and strippers stationed along the putting greens. Superior Court Judge Christian F. Thierbach (search) chided the three for their "immoral and illegal actions" at the so-called girlie tournaments in spring 2002. More than a dozen prostitutes and strippers, including a 16-year-old girl, set up tents and advertised their services on boards, officials said. About 160 golfers paid $200 apiece to play, though some showed up without their clubs, officials said. Sheriff's deputies wearing camouflage raided the second tournament, detaining 90 golfers and 17 strippers and alleged prostitutes, along with golf course workers. Event organizer Sandy Juarez, 39, was accused of providing the prostitutes. In a deal with prosecutors, she pleaded guilty to felony conspiracy to corrupt public morals and testified against Hidden Valley Golf Club (search) general manager Jason Wood, 38, and his former assistant, Darren James Bollinger, 30. The pair pleaded guilty in July to the same charge. All three were sentenced to 125 days of house arrest. Two golfers have been convicted of engaging in prostitution, and the mother of the 16-year-old prostitute is charged with child endangerment and prostitution.
  10. Us Bush folks are just a bunch of cross burning 'necks, snake handlin' bible beaters, and uneducated losers whose heads are filled w/ fearmonger misinformation spread by Republicans desperate for power. And if you believe this one, did I mention the bridge that I have for sale?
  11. Thats because liberals are smarter than conservatives...and if you believe that, I have some nice property in Arizona, right on the ocean.
  12. Wrong about what? Moderates make up the majority of voters. Moderates who voted for Kerry arent crushed that the President was reelected. Moderates are just that, moderates. They fall in the middle and identify with both parties of some issues. The fringe left is a non-factor at this point and will get zero attention from President Bush. I anticipate the President reaching out to Democrats who want to work with him over the coming weeks and months. I dont anticipate any effort to reach out to those who stand on the far left. Whats the point? They dont want to work with the rest of us anyway. Now about your point on Evangelicals. The Evangelicals helped President Bush, but I will wait until the in-depth statistics come out to make a judgement. At this point, it is too early to tell. My guess is that they won him Ohio but overall, what % of the President's nearly 4 million vote margin did the Evangelicals account for this time around? At this point it is too early to say.
  13. The ones sitting around watching MTV shouldnt vote. They dont know their ass from their hand. Of the 55mill not voting for the President, a large majority of them are moderates. These folks could have gone either way and probably arent crushed and bitter about the results. The Michael Moore's of the world(the left wing extremists) who are socialists and consider Gay Marriage to be the #1 issue of the election are a fringe minority with a loud voice. I dont think it really matters what they think and neither does the President, the Republican Party, or 99.5% of America.
  14. I live my life a quarter mile at a time----kidding of course. That was one of the cheesiest lines ever. Hey at 10 on Friday I start looking forward to lunch. After lunch, it is a downhill cruise to the weekend, although I am actually have some stuff to finish up here for a Monday meeting. Plus, a couple of us have to work this Sunday so no big plans Saturday night.
  15. Now Im Easy E, I got bitches galore You may have a lotta bitches, I gots much more.
  16. Almost time for lunch and then....
  17. Further evidence that Club Paris in Otown will die a quick death.
  18. Everytime a terrorist dies without killing anyone else it is good. In all seriousness, Yasser has been unable to work w/ anyone on a consistent basis. The process of healing and peace has a better chance with him out of the picture.
  19. Is that the same Haliburton that President Clinton awarded a no bid contract to during his eight years in the White House? Just wondering.... I think Moore's effort to undermine the process of healing that this country needs is further evidence that he is nothing more than a hater of our country and our values. Thankfully, men far better than him are laying it on the line to keep his right to hate safe.
  20. I didnt read your plan until this morning or I would have warned you. I had a similiar result in the past.
  21. Yeah, w/ a confederate flag, camo hat and a blue tick hound...all in the back of my RX-8.
  22. Your view of my statement is too narrow. It is nice to sit in a room and say "man, lets set up a society where everyone gets the same $$, a job, food, and no one will go hungry". Now you and I both know that this utopian society would fall under the definition of socialism. Socialism was embraced by intellectuals around the world when Marx put pen to paper to immortalize his view of what society should be. Now how did that work out? Pretty poorly. Everchanging and dynamics has nothing to do w/ liberal or conservative. Conservative does not mean inflexible. The redneck idiot comment is below you Mursa. Im writing it off to post-election anxiety. BTW, how did the oven thing work?
  23. But this is always the % of young voters who turn out. It is the way it has always been. Neither party is able to really harness that block and get them mobilized. I would love to get more out there voting but it is the responsibility of parents to show kids how important voting is to the US. My mom took me to vote with her in 1984 when President Reagan ran for reelection. I have never missed a vote for president since I was eligible.
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