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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. Seriously, you dont have a clue. Woo woo
  2. So, as I said before, you are voting against President Bush and not for Kerry who has demonstrated through his voting record and statements made that he is a borderline socialist when it comes to economics. From your statement, it appears you have bought into the Democratic platform hook, line and sinker. France, England, Russia and US intel believed that WMDs existed. Your candidate of choice believed Iraq had WMDs. Are you letting him off the hook for coming to the same conclusion as President Bush. And if the intel is all f--ed up as Kerry has stated, why didnt he take it upon himself, a member of the Intel. Comm., to try and make changes? Ill tell you why--He never attended the meetings of the committee. Our nation is in the balance today. God help us is that Kerry wins. It shows how far we have fallen. At least you can say you cast your lot w/ Cher, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, PDiddy, every terrorist supporter here in America, the French, etc... You must be so proud.
  3. By no means is President Bush the "best" ever. Having said that, are you voting for Kerry or against President Bush? I can understand voting for Clinton. He had a way of selling himself that was tough to see past. Kerry on the other hand has no business being president. He is a fringe guy who has done next to nothing in Washington for 20yrs. President Bush has led us through one of the most difficult periods in our history. Unfortunately, those of you with pre-9/11 attitudes are going to support Kerry. Why dont we appoint Chirac as Secretary of Defense. He can take every decision to the UN and make sure no one will be angry if we need to defend ourselves from Muslim terrorists who are attacking us b/c no one killed them while they were planning their attack.
  4. Why dont you concentrate on issues that are important and not what Hollywood is telling you is cool?
  5. As a guy who walks 10 minutes to see the Falcons play, let me say that I want to be sold on Vick the way Steve Young seems to be. I think he has a tremendous amount of potential but he may never be a great qb. It isnt a black/white thing, it is an accurate passer thing. He will always be dynamic but will he be consistent? I hope we get more games like yesterday in Denver than we do games like KC.
  6. Cant see the pics in your first post but the second is hilarious.
  7. Typical Kerry supporter response... bin Laden said it and I want to know what you think about that Muslim animal threatening states who vote Republican. Obviously he wants a weak liberal like Kerry. So you are in fact supporting bin Ladens choice for president by voting for him. Again, this isnt some Canadian wanna-be analyst, this is bin Laden. For a change respond to the point made and dont deflect the question. Are you proud to support the same candidate as bin Laden?
  8. I notice none of you Kerry people want to respond to this endorsement by bin Laden. Stand up and be proud.
  9. Time to fire it up and start working kids!!!
  10. Until I hear more outcry fromm Muslims around the world about the negative effects terrorism, bin Laden, etc have on the world, I will continue to view the religion as evil. Convert or conquer---nice mantra.
  11. My g/f has to vote here in Ga. I told her to either go in the early am or she is screwed. I voted absentee in Fl since I maintain 2 residences so no line for me.
  12. Putin, for all his faults, knows that a weak president means a weak US and Kerry is a weak man who would be a weak president.
  13. This is from the NY Post----no shock that these Islamic animals want Kerry to win. November 1, 2004 -- WASHINGTON - Osama bin Laden warned in his October Surprise video that he will be closely monitoring the state-by-state election returns in tomorrow's presidential race — and will spare any state that votes against President Bush from being attacked, according to a new analysis of his statement. The respected Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors and translates Arabic media and Internet sites, said initial translations of a key portion of bin Laden's video rant to the American people Friday night missed an ostentatious bid by the Saudi-born terror master to divide American voters and tilt the election towards Democratic challenger John Kerry. MEMRI said radical Islamist commentators monitored over the Internet this past weekend also interpreted the key passage of bin Laden's diatribe to mean that any U.S. state that votes to elect Bush on Tuesday will be considered an "enemy" and any state that votes for Kerry has "chosen to make peace with us." The statement in question is when bin Laden said on the tape: "Your security is up to you, and any state that does not toy with our security automatically guarantees its own security." That sentence followed a lengthy passage in the video in which bin Laden launches personal attacks on the president. Yigal Carmon, president of MEMRI, said bin Laden used the Arabic term "ay-wilaya" to refer to a "state" in that sentence. That term "specifically refers to an American state, like Tennessee," Carmon said, adding that if bin Laden were referring to a "country" he would have used the Arabic word "dawla." MEMRI also translated an analysis of bin Laden's statement from the Islamist Web site al-Qal'a, well known for posting al-Qaeda messages, which agreed that bin Laden's use of the word "ay-wilaya" was meant as a "warning to every U.S state separately." "It means that any U.S. state that will choose to vote for the white thug Bush as president, it means that it chose to fight us and we will consider it an enemy to us, and any state that will vote against Bush, it means that it chose to make peace with us and we will not characterize it as an enemy," the Web site said, according to MEMRI's translation.
  14. Based on your previous posts, I am confident that you got this in an email. At least you know how to use the cut and paste feature. I would take this thing apart point by point but obby took care of it.
  15. The biggest plus is you didnt spend half of the text on -errrr shoutouts. On another note, "voting for Kerry, as I am a registered Democrat" but President Bush is right??? What the hell is that about? Other than that, not bad stuff. Now get back to work.
  16. I alternate during the day. For example: Morning--Lean Dessert(Banana Bread or Cinnamon Roll) Mid-Morning--Muscle Milk Afternoon--Muscle Milk Post Workout CytoGainer PreBed--Evopro Muscle Milk has some great flavors and Lean Dessert is pretty strong as well. Evopro is good in the Fuji Apple flavor.
  17. I would say I make church 3 out of 5 Sundays so Im not being pissy. Having said that, I think people will bitch no matter what the dates are so they have to pick something. Its too early, Its too late, Too many Spring Breakers, etc...
  18. Never tried it. Would never try it.
  19. Not for nothin, but is Dj Bobbypic really ranking his own song at 10??? and George Acosta has the #1 EDM show(in its Sunday 12-1am timeslot...)
  20. tres-b

    Top 100 DJ list

    If Danny T is at #40 then Baby Anne might as well be #1. The dj list is always a joke.
  21. Blow is the only thing I use. All the synthetic stuff screws me up for extended periods. When I take more than 1 roll I get vertigo for a week. Tina and I have an even worse relationship and in the harshest physically. Besides weed, blow is the least harmful of all. Ask your doctor the next time you are there. I did and this is essentially what he told me: Just like anything else moderation is the key but when it comes down to it, Blow is bad for your wallet and thats about it. Now let me restate that MODERATION is the key. If you are hitting it 4 or 5 nights a week, that isnt moderation. As bumpdaddy said, if you dont have the ability to walk away at any time---dont do it at all.
  22. Yeah, except they have Dante Culpepper and Randy Moss who exemplify bitchy head cases with shitty attitudes. Throw a relatively inexperienced head coach and an awful D and it isnt shocking that the collapsed. The Pats are a team built to win. They know how to take care of business and are used to tight games coming down to the wire. Pats have great coaching, talent and will have home field throughout the playoffs. I would plan on seeing them in the Super Bowl.
  23. Now you know how nearly every other fan of baseball feels year after year... Exciting isnt it? Plus, you know the Boss is going to do "whatever it takes" to get the Yanks back on top.
  24. STFU!!!! Your team is now associated with the biggest choke in playoff baseball. Period. I respect the Yanks as an organization and all that they have done over the years but for you to talk shit after the way the Yanks got rolled is unreal.
  25. In all honesty, this is a Muslim terrorist who is going to die of old age. Why doesnt he strap on some explosives and contribute to his cause???
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