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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. The RX-8 handles great. Balance is perfect and you can throw it around in the corner. If you were expecting a rotary to roar, it doesnt. It also doesnt throw you back in your seat when you take off like the 350Z, BUT it will outhandle a Z any day of the week. On another note, you can wind the engine up to 8500 b/f it redlines at 9000. Now that is when the rotary sounds cool.
  2. Pink is awesome but you can get the same look from Charles Tyrwhitt as mentioned earlier. www.ctshirts.com Same look, less price=bang for your buck!
  3. I grew up surfing Sebastian Inlet, Spanish House, etc and those are some of the best East Coast waves I have ever seen. Very nice!
  4. In the press, yes. In reality, Saudi Arabia is a country w/ zero religious freedom, no democratic system, and very little true support is given to the US. With friends like the Saudis, who needs enemies?
  5. Until bin Laden bombs Mursa's family into oblivion, he will continue to ignore the necessity of our action and the reforms that must be made around to world.
  6. I have seen the video of the stinking Muslims dancing after 9/11. It was not propaganda and it was on CNN(communist news network) so no Fox News comments. Saudi Arabia??? Ha ha ha. If you consider them one of our allies, we are in real trouble. Dont reach back into history to implicate Christianity. The KKK is such a small sectional group who do not factor into the rest world. They are a non-factor. Isamic extremists are killiing innocent people around the world. As a result, we along w/ Israel, Great Britain, Russia and the coalition of the willing must strike and eliminate any Muslim terrorists that we can find. Period.
  7. France will be there when THEY need us. Until then, expect nothing and they French will meet all your expectations.
  8. Why do you continue to pretend that bin Laden is not supported by much of the Muslim world? Have you forgotten those disgusting animals who were dancing in the streets after 9/11? Im tired of everyone pretending that Islam isnt part of the problem. Wake up! Jihad is real. The Muslim terrorists who threaten our way of life are real. Are there good Muslims out there. Of course, but dont discount what role Islam plays in these horrible acts against us and our allies.
  9. While I do feel bad about what went on there, lets put the whole thing into perspective. No one got beheaded. Period.
  10. Tommy Vercetti is an innocent man!
  11. I side w/ the pro-choice camp on this one. Regardless of how I would handle the situation, I dont feel that govt has the right to make the decision. Simple as that.
  12. tres-b

    Attn: Mursa

    How about the cut out in the O on the Arsenal jersey? Who says soccer is boring?
  13. I was really shocked when I saw that reported last night. Almost as surprised as I was when Jacko got arrested on child molestation charges.
  14. So you are comparing anti-war demonstrators yelling "Bush lies" to a daughter on the shoulders of her dad w/ a sign in her hand? Interesting.... Regardless, let me ask one more time, since in typical Democrat fashion it is easier to deflect than take a position-- When is it appropriate for a hooligan to take a sign from a little girl and rip it up? Maybe at an LSU or FSU game, but in the civilized world, that is not ok.
  15. Let me restate the question you avoided--- When is it appropriate to grab a sign from a little girl on her dad'd shoulders when there are not doing anything violent or wrong?
  16. I would vote for President Bush over Kerry. If you take homeland security out of the equation, I still feel that Bush is the right choice and Kerry is a poor choice. Why? Kerry has been the most liberal senator of the last 20 yrs. He has never seen a tax increas that he didnt like, he believes in big govt, he is a borderline socialist, and I dont view him as a leader. FYI--I voted for Bob Dole against Bill Clinton, but would have voted for Clinton against George Bush if I had been old enough. I voted for President Bush against Gore b/c frankly I think Algore is a whack job. I am a moderate to slightly liberal on some issues and totally conservative on others.
  17. Kerry supporters may not be treated like kings, but I havent heard about any Republican hooligans assaulting a little girl and her father for holding a Kerry sign. When is it ever appropriate for someone to grab a sign from a little girl and rip it up?
  18. But is it an issue that would change your vote? As I stated b/f I do not agree w/ President Bush on this issue, but it does not swing my vote. It goes in the catagory of pro-choice and the environment. Both important to me, but secondary when we are fighting a war.
  19. So by that arguement, b/c Castro has been in control of Cuba for longer that any of us have been alive, his ideas/govt is better for Cuba than a young leader pushing for democracy. I didnt respond b/c the questions were not really questions but if you would like the answers, here they are--- No, I dont bless the killing of civilians, but I am smart enough to understand the concept of collateral damage. Sometimes, you cant be perfect. Sometimes, there is a price to be paid for waging war against enemies who hide behind families and in mosques. Additionally, my loyalty has and always will be with the United States. Even at our worst, we are better than any other nation on the block. As far as Israel spying on us, are you surprised? Everyone spies on everyone. There is no business dirtier than intel. Period I only use silly icons when comments are so worthless that words arent needed.
  20. That is nice. W wears his sunglasses at night. SO he can So he can...
  21. Scarface is all-time #1 The Salton Sea is excellent. Highly recommended.
  22. I happen to agree with you about stem cell research. However, national security and the war on terror are the issues that drive me. I do not trust Kerry to act decisively and do what is right.
  23. Raver Mania, Since you decided to lash out at me, in one of you earlier posts and now you continue with more of the same childish crap...its my turn. You have exposed yourself to be a worthless poster whose opinions carry no value. Why? Not because you are wrong or right, but b/c you spend time attacking fellow posters. Why dont you take a roll, inhale some Vicks and rave on. Leave the current event section to those of us who, regardless of being right or left, actually have a clue.
  24. Actually we are known as infidels. Islam is such a peaceful tolerant faith dont you think? Convert or Conquer. Praise to Allah. As for you sheep comment,
  25. Al Jazeera----The network terrorists trust!
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