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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. There is a huge difference. The names you mentioned are political commentators, not news anchors. Rather, Jennings and Brokaw are supposed to be non-biased reporters. They are not even close to non-biased. Dan Rather and Peter Jennings are extremely left while Brokaw is the most moderate of the three.
  2. Where have you been for the last 3 days, rollin around in a club? The documents are fake. Barnes has been exposed as a liar. The wife of the President's commanding officer has expressed that her late husband thought President Bush served his term in the Air NG with honor.
  3. Besides that, if there is anything that might help Kerry, Rather, Jennings, and even Brokaw will be sure to report it.
  4. The crap in Moore's movie has been exposed as lies and propaganda by that fat communist. Where have you been for the last 3 months? Members of bin Ladens family have said that the movie is full of lies about what really went down. I cant even believe you posted this joke of an article.
  5. That is a reach. A huge reach. 1-The Jews never flew planes into German buildings 2-The Jew didnt earn the right to be called "Public Enemy #1" If you dont have anything to hide, you shouldnt worry about the Patriot Act. No one is going to be kicking down your door for no reason. The act is designed to better equip our law enforcement groups to deal with the Muslim Terrorists who declared war on the US on 09.11.2001
  6. All this builds on the theory that the Dems are just going through the motions waiting on Hillary in 2008. I hear every Dem on TV saying this isnt the case, but I have trouble buying into the fact that they are going all out on this campaign. I am the last person on this board to buy into conspiracy theories, but the Kerry candidacy has been weird from the start. What is more telling is that Howard Dean, a total fruitcake from Vermont of all places, was the party choice pre-Kerry. Now who would consider Howard Dean a viable candidate for the presidency?
  7. Some Republicans are so far right that I cant even see them-Alan Keyes for instance. However, I would make the case that Moore, moveon, and other communist thinkers in the Democratic party are even further away from mainstream America than the religious right.
  8. That is true. There is more emphasis on the see the world part of things. You cant fault salesmen for pushing the good points, but you can blame them for not showing the whole picture.
  9. I was driving down the road having this very conversation with myself. Scary huh? When will I stop going out? I think the answer is never but the way I go out has changed and continues to change. It used to be about rollin around to deep trance and as I grew out of that, the places I went changed. I dont know what the last stop will be, but I will never be tired of cool places, cool vibes and good people. I wont be clubbin when Im 50, but I also wont be at home watching NYPD Blue reruns and watching my wife knit sweaters.
  10. Kerry is on the committee that ultimately oversees all intelligence ops in the nation which gave Bush the info that Kerry now attacks Bush about. Even more evidence that his career has been meaningless and he will be remembered as an also-ran.
  11. Typical response by you. I am a wuss. I dont know what it means to serve. blah blah blah blah blah. When you stop telling me about this stuff, I will stop reminding you that one of my fraternity brothers is over there laying it on the line which you at this time are not doing. Deal? Let me explain something to you. I dont view our guys as a body count. I dont view losses as acceptable. I look at what we need to do as a nation and I understand that we, yes we, will pay a price to accomplish what we need to accomplish. You underestimate my compassion. You have zero concept of who I am and what I believe in based on your responses. You are exposing yourself as someone who gets caught up in emotion. You dont analyze the situation. You get angry and react. Again, I dont like war any more than you like war. However, I understand what it takes to defend our nation and our way of life. I would not hesitate to report if I was drafted to fight. Just because I did not choose to join the military does not mean I am some sort of coward or bad American. Choosing to serve and avoiding duty are 2 seperate things. I did not choose to join, but I would never avoid my duty if I was called.
  12. Im so sick and tired of freshnia's worthless posts about challenging anyone who supports Bush to join the Army. If you werent in the military, your opinion is worthless to freshnia. Enough. It is a waste of time and it is the only thing that you ever address. The "I served and you didnt" is a tired line from you. I respect you for taking it on yourself to join the armed forces. Service in the armed forces is not the only thing that constitutes a good American. One of my best friends is currently in Afghanistan serving our nation. He and I are in contact so save your "boyz" time b/c I dont need to hear about the nature of war again. Finally, I am going to address the subject of military service one last time. For those of you who dont get it, which seems to be most of you, joining the military is not the ticket to see the world and get out after a few years. Signing up means you may see active duty. It means you may be called on to risk your life. You may even pay the ultimate price. If this is not something you are willing to do, you should not sign up. Period. End of story. Do I hate the fact the people are dying? Yes. Do I think we are serving the greater good by liberating Afghanistan and Iraq? Yes. Would I fight if I was drafted? Absolutely. I believe what we are doing is right. I believe in our President. I believe that God has blessed our nation and will continue to look out for us as we march forward.
  13. I concur with that assessment. It is well written and hits the nail on the head. This is a war that we must have the stomach to win.
  14. I think a nicely worded letter to bin Laden, Arafat and the rest of the Muslim worlds terrorist heros will clear everything up. Im going to start one as soon as I finish my sensitivity training course so I dont offend any of the cowardly Muslim terrorist scum----errr I mean friendly Arabs that I will be dealing with in my letters. After I write the letters, I will first allow the UN to review them b/c their approval is paramount to any sucess that I might have in this venture. They have our best interests in mind so I can trust them. I believe that should solve everything since Jihad isnt all that important and the terrorists will have a HUGE change of heart after seeing that we just want to get along with them. Dont you get it? This is a kill or be killed deal. No negotiations. No compromise. No more talk. That all ended when the tower fell. This war will never be over until every terrorist is either 1-Dead(preffered) or 2-Captured.
  15. Unfortunately for Tampa, they are in trouble...
  16. No, we are liberators. The Muslim terrorists from other nations are the fighters. Get it straight.
  17. Dan Rather may finally hang for his left wing extremism and constant attempts to derail Republicans. This is just too perfect.
  18. That broker comment cuts deep--really. I am assuming that you are speaking of residential brokers, not us commercial guys. Consumers should be responsible for their own finances. If you pay 25% on your cc, tough luck for you. Pay your bills on time and you will get a better rate.
  19. This is a joke right? As far as allies go, do we need the whole world on board? We had a coalition of nations. You can add Russia in there at this point. And lets be honest, the Russians are going to fight a brutal, unrelenting war against muslim terrorists. As for opposition France, Germany, Mexico, oh well. Not everone is going to be with us and that is fine. To even mention the UN exposes you as someone with no real working knowledge of how the world works. The UN is a joke. It will never be relavent body again. You cant work with countries who hate us. France hates us. Germany feels the same. France hates us b/c we are a surperior nation that has bailed them out time after time. Fortunately, we can count on the French to be there when THEY need us. As for Germany, we have twice defeated them and they arent big fans of ours either.
  20. And now it turns out that the doccuments were fake. CBS is currently conducting a huge investigation into the matter. Dan Rather, who is a communist, may finally hang for his left wing extremism.
  21. Hilarious. But for the most part, I think you got it right.
  22. I hope you know that I was kidding---at least somewhat--with that last post.
  23. Open and tolerant have nothing to do with the safety of our nation. Liberal is not a bad word. In fact, I would say that many of my views are liberal next to President Bush. I am pro-choice, dont care to "protect the sanctity of marriage" by amending the Constitution, but, I am willing to sacrifice these views b/c I put the safety of our nation above all else.
  24. What is sweet about the destabilization of Iraq? Is it sweet b/c we are struggling to establish a democracy that will work for all Iraqis? Is it sweet b/c you would like to see the county remain in the state it is in? Or do you just hate President Bush that much that you would rather see us fail in Iraq than rebuild the country? I didnt see anything sweet about this article. Were the events in Mogadishu sweet b/c they made the Clinton Administration look bad? Please enlighten me as to how our trials and tribulations are sweet.
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