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Everything posted by tres-b

  1. Actually, we dont think we are super citizens, we know we are. And you are correct, no one love this country the way that we do. Saddam W
  2. So will the next thread be about Putin actually funding the terrorists who killed 335 people last week in order to advance his anti-Chechnian policies? I love the "dont trust anyone" crowd. You guys really crack me up.
  3. The truth is that we are safer with President Bush in the White House. He has the stomach to deal with issues head on. Kerry is nothing more than a poll watcher. Whatever seems popular is what he will do. That isnt the way leaders work. Kerry is nothing more than an insignificant figure in American politics who has fallen into the nomination. His meaningless career will continue after the November elections shows him what America thinks of him and that parasite lawyer running mate of his. How can you people get behind this ticket? I can understand supporting Clinton, and even Gore(he had yet to expose himself as the total whackjob he is prior to that elections) but Kerry??? Are you voting for him or just against President Bush?
  4. It was a war worth fighting and as your boy Kerry said, knowing what he knows today he would have invaded. Either way, the loss of life is tragic, but it is the nature of war.
  5. Our current President is well on his way to 4 more years. There is hope for our country after all. Once the people started looking at Kerry for what he was-the most liberal senator in 2 decades and basically a throwback to tax and spend Dems of early 80s, it was all over. As the election nears, ask yourself this-Would you feel safer w/ Kerry or President Bush in office? Im with Zell, Rudy and the Governator. God Bless W.
  6. As an alternative to Jager Bomb, try a Martin Luther Dream-Tequila and Red Bull As far as sugar content, I always get Sugar free. 27 grams is a massive amount of sugar for that size drink.
  7. Satoshi Tomiie feat Kelli Ali - 'Love in Traffic' You stole my thoughts. The song off Tiesto's Nyanna, "As the Rush Comes" is pretty solid as well.
  8. If you talk to Dems, you would think that the whole Enron deal started when Bush took office.
  9. your idiotic If you are going to attack someone, at least use correct grammer. "You are" or "you're" would have been ok. "Your" is just incorrect. Andy Rooney will lend you books on the English language if you like
  10. You are a seriously misguided person who has no optimism, no vision and cannot understand the scope of our role in the world.
  11. USS Cole, 1st Trade Center attack, McVeigh, should I go on? Those were all under the watchful eye of Slick Willie. How many terrorist attacks have occurred in the US since 9/11? Freedom is Marching-George W Bush
  12. tres-b


    isrealis consider Shimon Perez and Yitzak rabin as Freedom fighters Arafat is a terrorist as well. Thankfully, he age will soon get the best of him and will no longer iritate those actually attempting to find a peaceful solution that the Isrealis and palestinians(lower case b/c there is no palestine and as a result they do not deserve a captial P) to agree upon. Keep up the wall. Kill any Hamas or PLO leader that shows their face. Eliminate threats b/f they get to you. I love the Israelis.
  13. How can you not believe what he says? The man is one of the most authentic, genuine politicians of our time. Wait, let me guess, you preferred Slick Willie and his band of merry men. President Bush has been consistent, honest, and has shown courage and resolve. He has made the tough decisions that John Kerry is not equipped to tackle. Only a fool would lay our safety in the hands of the UN or anyone else for that matter. Freedom is Marching- George W Bush
  14. I hit post before I could finish my last post. On the other hand, this article is somewhat true. While I do not stand with Bush on every issue, I find the war on terror to be the issue and would not allow John Kerry and his sensitivity warriors to have any say in how we defend the US.
  15. Moore a journalist...please. To post an article by that fat socialist pig is like me posting a piece by Jerry Falwell to illustrate a point. Not too good a choice. By the way, Moore is so far off with this article I can barely believe that USAToday printed it. How can you guys get off on this guys work? He is a joke. Freedom is marching- George W Bush 09.02.04
  16. Dude, you have a shirt that says "Von Bling" No offense, but at no time should you moderate anything.
  17. In this day and time, we as a nation must deal w/ threats before they fully materialize. As a result, we dismantled the Taliban in the Stan and while the mission there is still going on, we moved on to another storm that was brewing. Yes, we could have waited while Saddam got stronger. Yes, we could have watched while he consolidated power in the region and formed alliances. Yes, we could have been more sensitive to his needs a leader. Fortunately, we did none of the above. We dealt with the threat before it materialized and liberated millions of Iraqis.
  18. But the sand on the beach moves rather easily. Dont be surprised if there is a lot of beach lost to this storm. God bless all of you guys down there. As a Florida Native, I feel your pain. My parents are still down there and are getting ready to hunker down as I type this.
  19. Zell threw some fire and brimstone into the mix. He is more for Bush than McCain. By the way, for those of you who havent seen the latest swift boat ad, it is brutal. The guy is an extremist, plain and simple. He is a throwback to the 80s liberals who would have let Russia invade our country before they began building up our military. John Kerry is the most dangerous man in America b/c he doesnt understand what it takes to defend our land. We are one generation away from losing our freedom. Lets not let our generation be the one that watches from the sidelines while terrorists and John Kerry give our freedom away.
  20. Keyes is so far right I cant even see him.
  21. Terrorists are monsters. They are weak and could never actually rise up against the forces they are fighting. As a result, they deal in lives of innocent Russian school children, Israelis who just want to take a bus to work, and Americans/citizens of the world who died on 9/11. These monsters behead civilians and shoot contractors dead for trying to help out. There is nothing that these men in the Russian school dont deserve. I hope that they all die slow, painful deaths. Imagine if your child was there. How would you be feeling? Terrorists must be dealt with harshly. The time to negotiate is over. This is a prime example of why terrorists must be exterminated before situations materialize.
  22. Is it really an issue that he did steroids back then or smoked a little pot? Bill Clinton smoked---but he didnt inhale. Uhhh right...... Anyway, the steroid thing was an acceptable practice among professional bodybuilders back then and it is today as well. That doesnt make it right, but it isnt like he was shootin up heroin. I have friends that cycle all the time. To hear them talk, you would think they were poppin multi-vitamins not shooting steroids. Point is, I dont really think of past steroid use as an issue. I also dont think The Governator has any more responsibility to attack the drugs in sports issue. Again, that is a problem for the NCAA, NFL, and MLB to tackle.
  23. Dont be economic girlie men. We are here to terminate terrorists. Arnold was killing me last night. Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, the speech was great. How many times did he reference his immigrant status or movie career? I love it. Arnold in '08.
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