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Everything posted by SlickSlider

  1. So you're Googling me, are ya? I'm honored.
  2. I fell out of my chair too after seeing that. I thought my user name was unique but that shlemp stole it. It's ironic, seeing all the things he listed about himself, that some apply to me as well. I almost thought I was looking at my own profile for a minute.
  3. OMG, lolahotass, the cat's outta the bag now! LMAO! x 14,003! BTW, I liked the cyber message you sent me on Plenty of Fish. That was hot, your describing your festishes...I know most of that already, but that one thing you like to do, whoa! The next time you're up in Calgary I'll show you some luvin' Canuck style.
  4. I sure hope so. 2006 sucked nuts. Good riddance 2006.
  5. I didn't fail at all at making my point. My point was solid, but you simply don't get it. So let me ask you, why do you feel I should not care, or that Americans do not care? Is it because you don't believe that Americans are capable of caring, or because you yourself don't care and you are projecting from yourself what you think others don't feel or shouldn't feel? Forget about the kid being in the next town. Say he's in the next state, or across the country. Better yet, I'll give you an example of another kind. During the war, there was a missle fired at a location where they thought Saddam or some other high ranking officials were, and many civilians were blown to pieces. Including one small child's whole family, and his 2 arms. I never met the family, never knew them, never knew the kid; he wasn't my ping-pong partner who I relied on to help me win a match, but seeing the reporting of him in the Iraqi hospital with no arms and burns on his body broke my heart. According to you, why should I care, since he didn't affect me on the other side of the world? I care because I have decency in my heart and I care about others. If that makes me of weak character in your eyes, then I am happy to generate such a negative judgement by you. BTW, I never believed that he was involved he was involved in 9/11. If I was so easily spoonfed as you indicated of others who believe the news, I would not despise Bush as much as I do. But let's not turn this into an igloo/destruction debate, aye?
  6. So you define compassion for others, and caring for the plight of others, a sign of a weak character? By that same token, if somebody cares enough for the plight of others that they contribute money to charity, to supply food for poor people on the other side of the world, then that person is of weak character? Maybe you feel that since your people suffered, and no one came to their aid and showed compassion, that it is the mark of a weak person to care about anyone in pain under a dictator? Say a child from the next town is kidnapped and later found raped, tortured, and murdered. People are outraged. When the police corner the murderer and a shootout breaks out, leading to the death by police gunfire of the childkiller, don't most people say, if even to themselves, "That sick fuck got what he deserved," ??? But they never met the child and the child had no affect on their lives aside from their compassion, so does that make them weak that they were glad that a child murderer died for his heinous crimes? So compassion is weakness, consideration for others is weakness, sensitivity for people who's suffering don't directly affect you is weakness? I see now where your true strengths are.
  7. I almost said the same thing in my post. Maybe Serge despises Americans so much that he assumes Americans are selfish and don't care about anything that doesn't directly affect them. Hell, I even care about the well-being of Serbs who immigrate to America to make the money they couldn't make in their homelands, even while despising America at the same time.
  8. No I'm not Moslem at all. I'm Jewish, but that has absolutely nothing to do with it. My conviction comes from compassion for other people's suffering. You don't have to be Kuwaiti or Kurd or anything to feel sorrow for the deaths of other races or nationalities. And before you ask, in case you might have thought this, yes I supported the war in the beginning. But no, I don't think it was handled well and the people of Iraq are more being hurt than helped. Does Husseign's execution justify the war and the thousands of US and allied soldiers, and 100,000+ Iraqi civilian deaths that occured since the war began? No way. But Hussien was an evil man who deserved to die for the wrongs he did unto his own people and surrounding nations, and that's what is behind my conviction.
  9. That's wierd. I cut and pasted it to another forum as well and the link works there. Oh well, either way, here it is again. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7532034279766935521
  10. Sorry if I've offended you, I forgot you're a big Saddam fan.
  11. Hang 'em high, boys. Saddam, prepare to meet thy maker. It'll be a short visit, because where he is, you won't be going. EDIT: Link fixed... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7532034279766935521 He got off too easy. The way the noose is designed and angled, is to break the neck instantly. Thus he felt no pain and died instantly. Much more than can be said for his countless victims.
  12. I found out he is 60 on the dot.
  13. Why do you take his word for it and not mine, or the other people who have said they liked it? Go see it, you will not be dissappointed.
  14. Yeah. He won by one point. I think the scores were 94-94, 95-95, and 94-95.
  15. It was at least in my top three favorites of the series. Short of Adrian's coma and Mickey's death, this was easily the most dramatic film of the series. Not only was it so dramatic, but it was really funny. Every Rocky film had it's few LOL funny moments, but this film was hilarious. I LOL so many times throughout the film and so did everyone around me in the theater. The end fight? Whoa! People weren't kidding, nor Sly in his interviews, when they said this looked more like a real fight than any other in the series. Utterly fantastic. I truly enjoyed the way the fight ended; I think it ended perfectly. The last line of the film? Perfect. Absolutely perfect way to end the film. Each Rocky film has always had the big training montage, Rocky theme music, and running scene following the big emotional scene. The scene that preceded the training montage brought tears to my eyes tonight. "Little" Marie...Love her. What a sweety, and a cutie. And what a true friend to Rocky. Oh, and Burt Young as Pauli: What a fantastic character, and actor as well. Easily Burt Young's finest, most depth-drawing Rocky performance. I think the film, though powerful, was too short (less than 2 hours). I shouldn't say that because it wasn't lacking in narrative or developement (except for the following critiques). But simply on an enjoyment factor I'd have preferred a longer film. My only critiques of this film were: I didn't think Rocky looked as fit as he could have been, or has been in the past films. He certainly looked packed, but also quite pudgy to be honest, IMO. Not only in the face, but in the gut area and chest as well. And though his biceps were huge, they didn't have much shape. When he stood sidewayes, his biceps didn't appear curved, only large. I know the character, and actor, is in his late 50's (60 even, not sure) and the idea had been that he had to get in shape all over again to fight, but it just seemed to me that he looked to be not fully in shape. He was certainly larger than Antonio Carver, but still... Pauli's pain over his sister at first seemed non-evident, until he spilled his guts to Rocky about his feelings of guilt ("You were always so good to her, and I treated her like dirt"...Rocky: "She always loved you, Pauli."), and it bothered me that the story didn't focus any further on that. We never see Pauli reach any resolution on his feelings. If that scene itself was meant to serve that purpose, I felt that there should have been more narrative involving his love for Adrian, and acceptance.
  16. I find it hard to reply to you like this being that we already talked about it, but for the benefit of everyone else, including Barstar who loves my posts, I'll say it again. I think the idea was that it was supposed to be different from the 2nd to 5th movie endings, and more like the first one. II, III, IV, and V all ended in KOs. It would have been lame to do it again. That Rocky didn't really go there to win, he went there to go the distance and prove himself. That's why he was already walking out of the ring before the judge's scores were read, because it didn't matter to him. He wanted to prove himself, and he did.
  17. No man. Marie was the girl in the first movie that was hanging out with the older guys on the streetside, and he walked her home and lectured her about smoking.
  18. Wow! Did you leave your plane tickets in there or something?
  19. But that's not good. Christmas trees are supposed to smell like pine, not bush.
  20. It's Christmas, people. Jesus came to bring forgiveness and spread love and tolerance among others. He said to love your fellow posters as you love yourself; to forgive and forget past grievances, and to help one another to be happy. So c'mon y'all, spread the love.
  21. A gift for the naughty, by the naughty St. Nick:
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