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Everything posted by tafolaimages

  1. report away... i've already been in contact with CP... fact is the NEW RULES about images are on the way and YOU DON'T OWN THIS FREE PUBLIC FORUM. got it? anyone in the FREE society we live in can post here and after having my images stolen and abused by the idiots here i am in my rights. get ready posters... you started it and i am finishing it. ban me... all you want i will come back EVERY time and i will continue to REPORT all copyright violations of image bandwidth theft... i am justice.
  2. I AM FIRE. when you people steal my images... use them and send complaints to my company as well as CP... then whine about banning people and censoring people you either don't like, don't want on the board or don't agree with... so you censor or ban the people you want? is that AMERICAN or is that how democrats do things? CENSORSHIP IS UN-AMERICAN cp is going to be having a lot of problems now that I SEE all the THEFT of images going on on this site... you idiots opened a can of whoop-ass on yourselves...
  3. hey asshole... the image you're using http://www.auntdellascookies.com/about_us/WallyAmos_web_photo.jpg is NOT YOUR PROPERTY. the company responsible has been notified of your illegal use of the image you highjacked... cp has also been notified. kiss that image goodbye stoopid. laugh it up. the fun has just begun.
  4. thanx to iamsamurai he/she understands what this forum is all about... everyone GETS the RIGHT to POST unless you whiney bitches want's to ban him/her because he posts stuff you don't like... that's called CENSORSHIP. the only reason to BAN someone is for BANDWIDTH THEFT and/or POSTING IMAGES YOU DO NOT OWN... bunch of HYPOCRITS... STEALING BANDWIDTH IS ILLEGAL KIDS...
  5. no dicklick someone posted a picture of your depth date... pull your pants back up and take that dick out of your ass...
  6. STOLEN BANDWIDTH http://espn.starwave.com/i/magazine/new/041124_artest.jpg
  7. http://wehate.org/img/sigs/industri.jpg STOLEN BANDWIDTH...
  8. hey asshole i've contacted www.auntdellascookies.com and they say YOU CANNOT USE WALLY'S picture to spread your racist messages... purchasing@auntdellas.com you've been reported. thief.
  9. ...listen here racist piece of garbage. you've been reported. grow up and get a job already. -d-
  10. ...what part of that don't you understand? linking pictures from other sites costs the site money... you cannot use LINKS without permission. since YOU people STARTED this nonsense by reporting the idiot that stole images from my site... (thanks) i will be on this FORUM from now on... if i see violations they will be REPORTED. and spragga25 using your vulgar message might cause this board more trouble then they know... see it's ok for you to STEAL or defend THEIVES who steal images but when someone else does it... you bunch of childish cretins SCREAM about it. the blade is sharp on both sides... every single violation i find will be reported. ...have a nice day...
  11. 2 pictures above? yeah, you wish you had the nerve to be like that guy...
  12. this is called "STEALING BANDWIDTH" (above)... stealing bandwidth without permission of the 'linking' url is illegal. i will be reporting this thread. -d-
  13. Attention CP posters... The individual responsible for stealing and using images that do not belong to them... xxxpornstarxxx you are on notice to stop. CP has already been informed and you will be banned from posting here if you do not comply. Hacking into porn websites and using images you have no right to use is illegal. This 'hacking' happened a month ago... All of a sudden I see our images popping up on the web... Stop. Or face prosecution. Stop pretending to be the person in those pictures. Get yourself a real life. that's all... Owner, Tafola Images Deno Tafola
  14. Attention CP posters... The individual responsible for stealing and using images that do not belong to them... xxxpornstarxxx you are on notice to stop. CP has already been informed and you will be banned from posting here if you do not comply. Hacking into porn websites and using images you have no right to use is illegal. This 'hacking' happened a month ago... All of a sudden I see our images popping up on the web... Stop. Or face prosecution. Stop pretending to be the person in those pictures. Get yourself a real life. that's all... Owner, Tafola Images Deno Tafola
  15. nice...imagine the possibilities...
  16. Attention CP posters... The individual responsible for stealing and using images that do not belong to them... xxxpornstarxxx you are on notice to stop. CP has already been informed and you will be banned from posting here if you do not comply. Hacking into porn websites and using images you have no right to use is illegal. This 'hacking' happened a month ago... All of a sudden I see our images popping up on the web... Stop. Or face prosecution. Stop pretending to be the person in those pictures. Get yourself a real life. that's all... Owner, Tafola Images Deno Tafola
  17. W4!Attention CP posters... The individual responsible for stealing and using images that do not belong to them... xxxpornstarxxx you are on notice to stop. CP has already been informed and you will be banned from posting here if you do not comply. Hacking into porn websites and using images you have no right to use is illegal. This 'hacking' happened a month ago... All of a sudden I see our images popping up on the web... Stop. Or face prosecution. Stop pretending to be the person in those pictures. Get yourself a real life. that's all... Owner, Tafola Images Deno Tafola
  18. tafolaimages


    once i post enough today following him... i'm done. this is my LAST post. please include my message. thanks- d ====================================================== Attention CP posters... The individual responsible for stealing and using images that do not belong to them... xxxpornstarxxx you are on notice to stop. CP has already been informed and you will be banned from posting here if you do not comply. Hacking into porn websites and using images you have no right to use is illegal. This 'hacking' happened a month ago... All of a sudden I see our images popping up on the web... Stop. Or face prosecution. Stop pretending to be the person in those pictures. Get yourself a real life. that's all... Owner, Tafola Images Deno Tafola
  19. tafolaimages


    Attention CP posters... The individual responsible for stealing and using images that do not belong to them... xxxpornstarxxx you are on notice to stop. CP has already been informed and you will be banned from posting here if you do not comply. Hacking into porn websites and using images you have no right to use is illegal. This 'hacking' happened a month ago... All of a sudden I see our images popping up on the web... Stop. Or face prosecution. Stop pretending to be the person in those pictures. Get yourself a real life. that's all... Owner, Tafola Images Deno Tafola
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