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Everything posted by rollrgrll222

  1. nice.....sometimes I wish I had one so I could aim when I piss.....
  2. nice...I should try that...I'd shock the hell out of whoever had to watch me pee!!!!
  3. Ok...I'll give you that....it is a sensitive subject....I'm sorry...I'll show some love now
  4. ok..listen to this shit. I had to go give urine today at my out-patient(for parole). There were four of us in there at the same time and this new girl was the last to go. She comes out after like 10 minutes, puts the cup on the counter and starts fillin out paper work . The counselor grabs it to put it in the bag and it was COLD. The girls starts rambling...came up with the crazy shit trying to cover her ass. Finally, she said that she really couldn't go, so she just took what was in the toilet!!!! Yo, I thought I'd heard and seen it all...idiots never seem to amaze me. The crazy shit is that she told the counselor that she used ....so it was gonna be dirty anyway!!!!
  5. now I can put a face to it........thanks...I'll do one soon
  6. yo....got a funny story....think I might do a seperate thread.....
  7. I know someone who fucked that up....and she turned left on red during her driving test...now that's dumb
  8. LOL...nice....at least you got your name right..what is that 400points?
  9. listen crowina....I've been using for multiple years and have had many people that were close to me die. I know how serious this is so please don't misinterpret what I'm trying to say. If you don't think I'm being for real...that's on you
  10. podes...love you baby.....at elast I know you understand
  11. your preaching to someone who knows the ropes...honey...I've been clean for 13 months. I saught help and got it. 12 step meetings...outpatient...all that. The desire to use is always going to be there, it's just a matter of whether I choose to use or not. Today, I choose not to use. So, I'm selfish...it's the nature of addiction. I have hurt many people along the way, but eventually, if I stay clean, there will be a time and a place to make ammends....but for now....I'm just expressing my honesty about my use.
  12. LOL....yep..I'm an addict...it's easy to become addicted. I like getting addicted to sex....that's thebest...especially if it's good...
  13. ok....there's so many of them now i get confused which days r which. I watch repeats all day on usa and tnt...I'm hooked
  14. NIce..I heard that NYPD was good. Tonight's Criminal Intent?? or regular?
  15. nice...I wanna get high too...I just took my piss test today...but my paranoia tells me that they're gonna give me another one on friday...ugh... did u watch L & O last night. SVU I think it was.....with Matthew Modine. It' rocked.
  16. nothin like cherry flavored anything....pussy...dick....both...lovesit
  17. I tell people exactly how I feel. If I wanna use, I talk about it. That's part of the program. Don't ask...I don't know why it works but it does....the more I talk about getting high, the better i feel. I don't go to the detox to preach; I go to tell them about my experience with drugs and where they took.
  18. I stopped using cause I didn't want to die...I was very clos to it. But I'm an addict so I think about using all the time. It's part of my disease....what can I say?
  19. ok...very cool. That would explain alot...I have a certified street degree in pharmacueticals, business, and sales....
  20. hey...the one's I was with did...seem odd to you? Maybe it's just my own experience or maybe I just taste good..
  21. you should be a scientist....you r so precise with your descriptions
  22. I've always gotten the best head from black guys...don't know what it is but they just love eatin that pussy
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