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Everything posted by rollrgrll222

  1. well...now you know someone who has kicked the habit....never thought I would but it's given me a whole new perspective on things...
  2. We never realize how much our addiction affects those that love us. They go through it just as much as we do...and they watch us destroy our lives and they are powerless over it...that's the hardest part...is accepting that there is nothing they can do
  3. Swear by it.....If you keep a foot in yesterday and a foot in tomorrow, you'll piss all over today...
  4. 13 months isn't shit....I can't promise tomorrow...all I got is today....thanks
  5. They didn't want anything to do with me for a long time. They had me arrested a few times to try and get me to stop. My brother is also an addict so they got a double wammy. Now they want me to move with them down south. I am blessed to have their support cause many people don't. They are proud that I am doing well now...but definately apprehensive that I might relapse. I can't blame them..I put them through hell
  6. she may stop...you never know...everyone said the same shit about me and i got clean. All you can do is pray for her...4 real
  7. she died??? I had similar experience when I first came around. But I was also looking for negativity. I wasn't serious about stopping so I hooked up with more junkies that led back to my relapse...then jail..blah, blah
  8. nothin to brag about....just alot of life experience you could say
  9. I go to 12 step meetings. I always thought that they were a cult until I had no other options left. I had friends that were involved so I tried it and it has worked so far. Nothing else worked like the meetings do...it's really amazing
  10. First time I trained it i mainlined it. I fell in love immediately. I still wish I could use but I'm not willing to give everything up that I have now. The nod I miss the most....just totally oblivious to my surroundings...but the detox is a nightmare
  11. yep...can't ever get into one in the winter unless your court mandated or just plain lucky
  12. funny..I actually went to college...what the fuck was I doin??? drug of choice was anything that would take me outside of myself...took great pride in knowing what every drug would do to you. Garbage head I guess.....but I got hooked on H and base (crack--same shit). I just got tired of killing myself after a while
  13. jail sucks but I learned a hell of alot about what I never want to be like....some girls used jail like a revolving door. When they couldn't stop using or they owed money to dealers they'd get themselves locked up to get away...and the winter time...forget it...jails are packed. 3 hots and a cot...crazy shit....insanity actually.. don't ever go...
  14. and i just proved that I have no edumication by mis-spelling great....I need help
  15. It is the geat Hello Kitty phenomenon that has taken over the world....obsession with a fake cat...lovesit. I actually did some acid when I was in my teens that had Hello Kitty stamped on it...crazy
  16. Union County NJ....then I had to go to Rikers....I love Walmart...it rocks. where else can you shop and eat for free while under the influence
  17. NICE.....hahaha.....lovesit.....I guess I was set up from the getgo cause I was obsessed with Hello Kitty when I was a kid....damn...I'm fucked up
  18. nah....all fucked up trying to get the next one .....stole a computer from walmart...ha...my lookouts bailed...I ended in jail for grand larceny. It saved my life though...I was on the road to nowhere
  19. ouch...wow...anger issues??? it's gonna take more than some words typed through a computer to make me pick up....but yes I do miss getting high..I wouldn't be an addict if I didn't. I'm just being honest and you take it to a whole other level. It's alright though. I can understand if you have some issues.....they got group therapy for that
  20. Honestly, it keeps it real green for me. I took up a speaking commitment at a detox for that reason. I need to keep that shit up front so I don't forget where I came from. Or maybe it's just an unresolved reservation I have...who knows....I'll have to ask my sponsor...haha
  21. I've had them before...but they eventually went away. It's kinda like a paranoid delusion. I stopped using drugs over a year ago and since then they have subsided. I still get anxiety attacks. If they continue, see if you can get some professional advice
  22. I share your opinion but no matter how much people told me the negative effects of drugs, it never stopped me. Thank god I haven't used in 13 months....but before that noone could tell me shit. I had to learn how destructive drugs were to my life on my own...call it stubborn or just plain ignorant...I dunno...but that's just for me personally
  23. actually..my life is awesome now...who the hell are you to tell me that my life sucks...that's your shit...go wallow in it
  24. it's not stupidity...it's called addiction...consequential thinking doesn't exist when you have a habit...i know first hand..I didn't give a shit if I was gonna get locked up..I still used
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