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Everything posted by rollrgrll222

  1. they're just homophobes....don't take it personal. That's their shit
  2. I'm just tryin to plan my relapse for when I'm done with parole....need to celebrate. I usually go straight for opiates but I know I'll OD cause I always do. Gotta start slow
  3. how bout in my first year of college, I walked in on two girls sitting in a vat of Cherry Jello....cool shit but they weren't too nice to look at...ewwww
  4. fetishes rock.....I need a few more
  5. nice......I loveit....I like toys
  6. goiters are large pussy growth that turns really red
  7. True....I love some pure mdma...but gotta mix deisel in with it...but that's just for me. I find myself always going back to opiates...total addict here. Can't give me anything...I abuse the hell out of it
  8. ok..I tried it a few times like snow cap...fucked me up BIG....kinda like crack but with hallucinations. I just stick to H....I like the warmth...and crazy euphoria. But the detox sucks...and rehab...and jail...hmmm...bad idea
  9. now that's hot....mmmm..hunchback...any goiters??
  10. OK...let's say you hadn't used drugs in a long time, and you wanted to have a good time and get totally fucked up....what would YOU use???? (it's all personal opinions..I know my answer...what's yours???)
  11. it's not that deep...they just don't understand...ignorance is bliss
  12. ok...I've heard of 2C-b...haven't heard anyone talk about in awhile...then again, I know about a few drugs that not too many people have heard of...like DMT..u know what that is?
  13. it sounds cool..how long has it been out...I've been out of the drug loop since I got caught up with real heavy shit that turned my world up-side down....but I still have a soft spot for hallucinogens
  14. yo..what is this shit...I'm curious...would it come up in a piss test?
  15. I think he's hiding the fact that his face looks like Michael Jacksons....HA
  16. yo...what's with the mask shit....what r u hiding?
  17. I used to cop in Paterson....where u go...I ususally stuck to Fifth Ave projects....sometimes Rosa Prks...down by warren st.....summer st...spring....
  18. nice...I got some brownie points today too...but now my mom's getting on my nerves. She goes and gets a massage and then comes home after I've been working all day and starts bossing me around....She makes me wanna get high
  19. P town???? where....I know a few P-towns
  20. wow....nice nap huh...I just shoveled the front walkway. I need a nap now...how r u today ???
  21. I guess so...is this shit like E...or closer to acid/shrooms...I stopped using drugs over a year ago so I'm totally out of touch
  22. YO..Anyone heard of Red Light....It's an energy drink that GNC sells...that shit is total liquid Crack!!! It's like 90% caffeine....I didn't need anything else the whole night at Sasha....just water. The best part about it was, unlike E, I was able to fall right to sleep...It rocked
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