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Everything posted by silver05

  1. Well her mother and Howard dont seem fit..so thats why I say he seems like the best person...
  2. I bought the Hollywood Tans self tanner stuff..and it works pretty well...not so orangy like other self tanners
  3. Finally..best thing for the baby..from what we see about him..seems like a decent guy.
  4. Agreed...nappy is probably what pushed it right past that fine line...
  5. Al Sharpton needs a hobby..he lives for this shit..loves the negative bullshit... I dont think Imus should be fired or suspended.
  6. Absolutely....Angelina can adopt an entire school..and these children will still be better off then living in these starved countries..she has the power and the money to do it..and her heart is in the right place... What I meant was..Angelina specifically seems like she's filling a void of some sort....after adopting this little one..she's already searching for another little girl..its a bit unusual..but she has the money to do it..so why not..
  7. I do think its great that Angelina is adopting these kids, but I also see where Bella's coming from. I read somewhere, the adoption agency is upset that Angelina had told them she would take a year off to help the boy adjust and help him feel at home..but she's starting a movie and will be leaving soon.. the little boy doesnt know any English to communicate if he needs to.. and is brought into a world he knows nothing about.. Come on now..this boy hasnt adjusted.. and reports say she's even considering another one?? I think there should be some law you have to wait at least 6 months or something..at least enough time to make sure this kid is comfortable.. I guess..anything is better than the orphan home he lived in, but..whats the rush??
  8. I agree...Mariah doesnt seem like the mommy type..she's definitely just jumping on the bandwagon.
  9. I saw this one!!..Unreal what a little bitch she turned out to be...
  10. I disagree, these children are born innocent and put in fucked up foster homes. Raised in horrible conditions. They dont appreciate because they have nothing to appreciate. These children from other countries will be raised in the US anyway, so there's not much difference in my opinion.
  11. I also commend Angelina and Brad for wanting to give less fortunate children better lives, but I dont get why they have to be from 3rd world countries.. There are plenty of American children all over the country living in shitty foster homes and orphanages.. Why doesnt she want one of them??
  12. I hear you loud and clear!! ..
  13. No, stopped over a year ago...
  14. 4.5 hours more to go!!.UGH!
  15. lol Just proves how insincere the apology really was.. Once again..JP has let the fans down.. WHats next.
  16. I'm just recently starting to appreciate wine more.. I really wish I had a perc right now..
  17. Happy Friday!! I'm not doing anything outrageous, just glad to be off..
  18. Nope, not with cleaning.. this happens to me after I brush my teeth at night..cant eat anything because I dont want to have to go brush again.. not sure if thats the same..but thats the only time feel this way
  19. I got to the terrace a little before noon..and all I can say is wow..Best party I have been to in a long time!
  20. I definitely miss Miami...sun, beach, drinks..and pool parties.. I didnt let the rain bother me much... I got lucky this year... I had some appt's in Miami and they fell on the week of WMC...so, I didnt get to party as much as most, but for the few I went to..I have to say Boris parties were the best!..Just fun... people having a great time..and the energy was amazing..
  21. I wasnt at either party, but standing near some shops waiting for the rain to clear. Believe I saw you, or someone who looked very much like your pic with another guy. I heard a lot of people complainng JP's parties sucked..but again.. I wasnt at his parties so cant say for sure..
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