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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. dude those feet are hideous :-X :'(
  2. ryan2772

    My New Handbag

    if i saw you on the street with that i'd purse snatch that purse
  3. sure beats shovelin shit, doesn't it?
  4. awwwwwwwww poor rich people
  5. you spelled "ladies" wrong.
  6. DAMN, GANGSTA is that the 2005???
  7. bring some suntan lotion! you pasty brits turn into lobsters after one day here!
  8. that game is still better than many of the fps's out there today
  9. ryan2772

    Hey Saleen.....

    that place tempts looked absolutely disgusting. sweaty meatheads spraying beer all over the club isn't my idea of a good time
  10. ryan2772

    Feedback please...

    i used the calendar when i went to l.a., it was very useful. i imagine it is for foreigners. and the featured parties list on the right side is helpful too, with the pretty images and all.
  11. Just spoke with another promoter from Chicago and the official but yet unofficial word is that it is the 2nd through the 6th of March even though its not posted up on the wmc site....this is coming from a couple very well established and respected people in the scene. People that have a long running weekly in both San Fran and Chicago by the same name. from what I hear which is reliable your dates are wrong lyric... the dates they are considering is march 5th (saturday) to march 9th (wed) or the week following but I know they will stick with the format of starting on sat and ending midweek... they did the start midweek thing two yrs ago and it was a nightmare for everyone so they will stick with the usual format... thats all I know for now - hope it helps but remember those dates aren't official yet... they usually announce official dates end of nov. begining of dec.... BUT WHAT ABOUT NICK WARREN????????
  12. ryan2772

    Hey Saleen.....

    saw that one the other day, hilarious
  13. Quoting Bill Maher from Friday 10/8/04: ;D New Rule: Everyone has to stop pretending that George Bush is macho because, plainly, he acts like a girl. Not a woman – a girl. Not a week goes by when John Kerry isn't attacked because he said something that hurt someone's feelings. According to Bush spokes people, Kerry lost the first debate because of his “new insult†to our allies when he said the coalition wasn't genuine. Poland had Lithuania over for a debate party that night, and now they can't look at each other without crying. All of the attacks on Kerry involve his thoughtless words, like when he said the Iraqi prime minister wasn't legitimate – the bitch; he hurt the troops when he said Iraq was the wrong war at the wrong time – men!; he hurt the Vietnam vets when he called that war a mistake – he is so not sitting with us at lunch anymore. Bush is all, “And another thing about John Kerry: he uses Botox, he spends too much time on his hair, and he's two-faced: flip-flopper! And, I bet John Kerry didn't even deserve any of those medals. I woulda gone to stupid old Vietnam , but I wanted to be a stay-at-home soldier.†Excuse me, this president isn't resolute: he's on the rag. He stopped having press conferences, which is basically saying, “I'm not talking to you.†He acted all crampy at the debates: “Its hard work†– I kept waiting for him to say, “If you don't like how I do your shirts, then iron them yourself.†He even ran for President like a girl. Promising to “restore dignity to the Oval office.†What man gives a rat's ass about restoring an office? A real man thinks the Oval Office lost all its integrity the day Monica Lewinsky stopped coming in there to blow the president. And then, in the one area – I'm talking about Iraq – where he could use being a little in touch with his feminine side he acts like the typical stupid male, who gets himself lost when he's driving, won't admit it, and won't stop and ask for directions. Always insisting, “Please, I know what I'm doing.†The only time guys like this learn their lesson is when their wives leave them. So on November second, I suggest we get a divorce.
  14. ryan2772


    eww, don't "quote" it!!!!
  15. ryan2772


    make sure to specify: crobar ny! great review, now i'm really excited ;D
  16. he had a very intelligent conversation with jon stewart. he seemed a lot more genuine and respectful last night than i've ever seen on his own show. i'm sure he learned a lot from the experience.
  17. anyone else see it last night? the other day o'reilly called the viewers of the daily show "stoned slackers." when he came out onto the show, no one applauded. he looked really uncomfortable the whole time, it was funny to see him in an environment that wasn't his show. jon stewart's a great interviewer, though, and the segment went really well. i still hate o'reilly, but not so much anymore.
  18. goodle? is that like google?
  19. ryan2772


    i was there last thanksgiving. i went with a buddy from college who i haven't seen in a while...we pull up and get out of the car and he's limping really bad. i say what's the matter? he says he broke his foot that day. wtf??? dude, you can't go to space with a broken foot. yeah....we stayed like 30 minutes.
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