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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. only if someone brings more of those delicious blood sausages :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-[ :'( :-X
  2. ryan2772

    Attn Pod

    guavaween's great, went a couple of years ago. yes, lots of boobies
  3. ryan2772


    get back to work
  4. eurotrash. pod, where were you last night? lush was hopping
  5. ryan2772

    TGI Freakin F!

    i'm leavin on a jet plane don't know when i'll be back again
  6. when i read the posts on this thread i think of stepping barefoot into a rotting mango
  7. i saw her the last time she was here, @ nerve. it was a great show, but very thin crowd. i'm leaving town for the weekend, but if i was here, i'd DEFINITELY be going.
  8. it was a great night ;D
  9. i think what this scene is missing is all ages raves.
  10. i'm all ears! at the very heart of my interest is doing justice, doing SOMETHING important. but i am not cool with the fact that orlando has no scene. there are 2 places i know to go to see quality music (electronic). and as i said, my financial goal in this now is to raise money for tragedies abroad, and music education in the states. what other important issues need to be tackled? i don't know! i'm not the one trying to tackle the issues, you are. i'm just giving you feedback on your primary interest. as far as orlando goes, you can promote electronic music there, i just think you're in for a lot of pain and most likely failure if you focus on the non-drug or anti-drug or whatever aspect. just promote. start at small little joints, work your way up. that'll be hard enough for you to do without worrying about the implications of what you've been getting at.
  11. i think that we can all appreciate your effort and enthusiasm. the point is that that era came and went. you have to move on, focus your energy on something else, maybe another social issue that really needs some attention. there's plenty right here in florida that needs help.
  12. like i said, i tried this for a couple of years. we even did road-side cleanups. sure you want to get to the folks with brains, but NEWSFLASH most americans don't have brains.
  13. look, man, i was part of an organization that used to try to accomplish exactly what you're saying while i was in college. it was a valiant effort, many interested people, but the bottom line is you mention the word drug, as in anti-drug, this is how people see it: "DRUGi'm trying to DRUGpromote an anti-DRUG DRUGparty." it doesn't work. you go to a police organization with your idea, this is EXACTLY how they see it. like i said before, figure out what is working well in the industry now, and improve on that. figure out what's next.
  14. yes, but how can you be so sure about the workers at the ketchup packet factory? we can't live our lives in fear, people! oh well, i hate ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise, so i'm good. ;D
  15. every female porn star has this "worked" look on their face. hot as they are, they all look like they got jizzed in the eye one too many times. that's why i like the amatuers.... ;D
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