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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. ryan2772

    Hotels in FTL....

    i highly recommend the doubletree. a friend of mine got married there a couple of months ago...we got pretty rowdy.
  2. Grungy nasty over-the-hill live rock bands draw the biggest crowds in LA. Relevance to the rest of the world: zero. If DT does classics night in NYC, and lives in Miami, then why would classics night up there, not be relavant to classics night down here? Trust me, Nocturnal is 100% doing classics night, and the saleen will be vindicated. i'll check out a classics night. but it better not suck.
  3. that's possibly the funniest thing i've ever seen
  4. hahahaha i get it now too. but why the rolling eyes? sometimes i think people on here don't know what that means.
  5. ryan2772

    rumor control

    My info is fake. Do not believe me. I was only kidding... ??? Labor day weekend will be crazy to get in to anything....tons of people, lots of cash, and lots of door attitude. Just expect long lines and annoying people. The 3 chicks with your party doesn't help either. It has to be at least 50-50. Try and find some more or gather some here to help you get in. haha...i'm slow to the electronic sarcasm... I guess my plans of partying and lascivousness will have to include hours of waiting, annoying people, and door people who will probably turn away my traveling hotdog stand... thanks anyway... doesn't anyone work...oh wait, I should be working... nobody on cooljunkie works. the sarcasm...you'll get used to it. don't have any huge expectations one way or another, you never know what the hell you'll get into here.
  6. Once upon a time in the kingdom of Heaven, God was missing for six days. > Eventually, Michael the archangel found him, resting on the seventh > day. He inquired of God. "Where have you been?" > > God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards > through the clouds, 'Look, Michael. Look what I've made." > > Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?" > > "It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put Life on it. I'm going to > call it Earth and it's going to be a great place of balance." > > "Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused. > > God explained, pointing to different parts of earth. "For example, > northern Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth but > cold and harsh while southern Europe is going to be poor but sunny and > pleasant. I have made some lands abundant in water and other lands > parched deserts. This one will be extremely hot and while this one > will be very cold and covered in ice." > > The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a land mass > and said, "What's that one?" > > "Ah," said God. "That's Tallahassee -- the most glorious place on earth. > There are streams, hills, forests -- and the Florida State University. > The people who attend this school in Tallahassee are going to be > handsome, modest, intelligent and humorous and they are going to be > found traveling the world. They will be extremely sociable, > hardworking and high achieving, and they will be known throughout the > world as diplomats and carriers of peace." > > Michael gasped in wonder and admiration but then proclaimed, "What > about balance, God? You said there would be balance!" > > God replied wisely, "Wait until you see the idiots I put in Gainesville."
  7. thanks for the warning. finally, some responsibility!
  8. to each his own, i guess. my 5 1/2 years in college was the best time of my life. i think the point you're missing is that the entire 30,000+ student population comes from elsewhere. they're not locals in the college. state school populations are about 90% in-state, so the diversity is representative of the state as a whole. the florida state university system is pretty diverse, everyone that goes to these schools are from miami, orlando, tampa, etc. what you say might hold true for other states, but we're pretty diverse. and i didn't come out with a rather vague and distorted idea of the world, quite the opposite. my view of the world is a combination of things, not just where i went to school. i've experienced small town america, and big city america, so at least i can say i've seen them both, and understand what makes each tick. i think that's a better view of the world than most have.
  9. ryan2772

    techno mix

  10. funny that you put it that way....my buddy's got one and the other day he was in the bathroom and the damn thing started beeping, and i didn't know what to do with it. he yelled "pick it up" and i said "how?" and he gave a brief explanation so i said "come in breaker breaker" and it was a friend of ours and bottom line is i totally felt like an 8 year old again. i ended the call with a "10-4" and put the stupid thing back on the table, and i don't think i'll ever pick another one up again.
  11. you should've just called in sick. again.
  12. http://www.holylemon.com/funny-video-clips/iraqiolympics.html
  13. ;DYeah, but you can't get absolutely trashed for $20 in Miami either. There is a different hot spot in college towns every night of the week as well not to mention all the greek functions. I'd relive the years I spent in college in a nanosecond. Hot chicks, partying, great football team...how can one go wrong??? ;D you were in a frat? oh jeez. there were tons of things to do there at fsu, house parties every day of the week, but there were some great clubs varying in size/type of music. and the hole-in-the-wall bars, plenty of those. 70% of fsu is from miami.
  14. i ask ed if you seen it not what you think no
  15. pre-season is laaaaaaaaaaaame
  16. ryan2772

    New to the board

    hahahaha that's pretty much the worst insult you can give a city!
  17. you say all that like it's a bad thing ;D
  18. Summer Sessions 2004 - Andrew Parsons` Session in the Mix --right now on trancesphere.com :o
  19. duuuuuuude......start fucking!
  20. i'm reading the book right now. it's a bit long-winded
  21. it was funny i caught adagio for strings there's a tracklisting on tiesto.com good for him, it must have been quite an honor
  22. i grew up here, miami was no fun for me being 18. went to fsu......had a little bit of fun.
  23. your days are numbered eat drink and be merry......
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