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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. i'd be pissed if my parents named me HYPNOTIC
  2. Hmmmmm...shoudl I answer that?! ;D get your mind out of the gutter! goodness.
  3. I was never EuroTrash. what were you then, AfroTrash???
  4. hahahahahahahaha and proud of it, from what i can tell. and you'll be taking the metrorail?
  5. Exactly Apotheosis.....your on the ball man......now hand me a drink dam it!! I am sober gotta wait till 8:00, when they unlock the shackles from my ankles.
  6. i'm sure everyone loves their livers equally. i consider it "giving my liver a good workout"
  7. ryan2772

    POD regarding CP

    Damn, you're right again! Those really weren't three 7's I just put down. You're good at this game. hahahahahaha ;D
  8. will there be punch and cookies served? i'm only coming if punch and cookies are served.
  9. I don't think I'll make it till then. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  10. : : : Why don't we just leave everything the way it is??? That's my vote. ;D
  11. I love it when I get the squiggles.
  12. Have you ever heard this track? Or do you just like to say Sweet Pussy Pauline BOTH! ;D I believe the first time I heard Lyrik was at MrMiami's 1st BBQ and he played the track. (I think) LOL! BTW...Im STILL not sure if I will even be at the BBQ...still waiting to talk to the parental units...my family is soooo dysfunctional. : parents are such a draaaaaaag
  13. hahahahahahahahahah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah.....good luck with that!!
  14. carisa, you're just ASKING for trouble. post the pic post the pic post the pic post the pic
  15. yes you would, liar! a personal invitation would be a little different, wouldn't it???
  16. goddammit i can't believe i'm leaving town this weekend > > > otherwise, i'd be at your house, listening to house music, that you play in your house. and i'd be seeing you about that shot, mr. cowan. i'll take a rain check... ;D good luck, sounds like an awesome show
  17. But only if they spin like they spun at Renaissance. gawd...i'm dying to see them together
  18. as soon as you cross the border into alabama, everything is "different". b-ham is a very large city, industrial-based, so it's quite dirty. nightlife was ok, considering. i saw dj icey there once, that was my highlight. lived there for 9 months. then cried and pouted until daddy put me on a plane back to miami.
  19. well....i'm talking about something COMPLETELY different
  20. i moved to birmingham once....to work in a coal-processing & chemical production plant. good times.... EDIT: sorry, should've quoted int junk on that one! oh, and i think i caught the black lung...cough, cough
  21. i got no gripes with cingular, been w/ 'em for a year
  22. "my name is ryan, and i have a friend who uses nextel." "HI, RYAN!"
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