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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. http://holidayinsights.com/other/lefthand.htm Left Handers Day When: Always on August 13th If you are a Leftie, Then Left Handers Day is just for you! Left Handers, also commonly referred to as Southpaws, are the brunt of more than their share of jokes all year long. How do I know? Yup, you guessed it! It ain't easy being a leftie. But those of us who are, would have it no other way. Lefties are proud of it. The world is built for right handers. Examples are everywhere. For example: In school, have you ever seen a left handed desk? They don't exist. Many left handed items cost more. Novelty coffee mugs are made with the picture or text for a right handed pick-up. Scissors for for right handers. Only a lefty would understand this. The computer mouse you are using as you read this is designed for right handers. Did you Know? Right handed people operate in the left side of the brain. Left handed people use the right side. Therefore, only left handed people are in their right mind. Left Hander's certainly earned the right to have a day dedicated to them. And, August 13th is that day. So take a minute to appreciate your left handed friends and loved ones. Don't forget to send them a Left Handed Day Ecard to show your respect. Remember today and every day: "Lefties have rights!" Left Handed Facts and Trivia: Sinistrophobia is the fear of left-handedness. While many people are left handed, very few are 100% left handed. For example, many Left handers golf and bat right handed. On the other hand, there is a high percentage of righties who are 100% right-handed. Lefties are also called "southpaws". The term was coined in baseball to describe a left handed pitcher. Tuesdays are Lefties luck day. Only about 10% of the population is left handed. During the 1600's people, thought left handers were witches and warlocks. International Left Hander's Day was first celebrated on August 13, 1976. It was started by Lefthander's International. They say everyone was born right handed, and only the greatest overcome it. (he,he,he) It is believed that all polar bears are left handed. Also see Polar Bear Day. There is a rumor that octopuses have but one right hand. Scientists are diligently studying this issue. Think about it: Everyone is a Left Hander in Left Hand, West Virginia. Lefthander's Slogan: "Everyone is born right-handed. Only the greatest overcome it". ...Brilliant Author unknown
  2. ryan2772

    FAO Swank

    Uh, guys, this is what my question was about. Buck and Apotheosis are just hopeless. Especially that Apotheosis guy. What kind of name is that, even? it's Swahili
  3. ryan2772

    FAO Swank

  4. ryan2772

    FAO Swank

    nobody likes you. really.
  5. last post on san juan forum was in april???? jeez, take an axe to it, pod....
  6. 1. Lie 2. That was hardly a tangent 3. I'd hardly call that an attack 4. I never said anyone was ganging up on me and never once felt that way. You're referring to a hypothetical. But that's o.k....you didnt know. 5. I can read between lines. Especially yours because one line is about all your posts ever consist of. That and copious amounts of doo doo jokes 6. My synapses are firing fine. man, you're like the annoying little brother i never had
  7. buck you need to be straightened out here. ok let's start from scratch... i asked pod if he wrote this. i was joking. pod knew i was joking. you didn't know, but that's ok. then you go off on your tangent about a pair of something or another, attacking me personally. now you're back on the original topic but saying everyone is ganging up on you because you are being honest about miami. this is incorrect. you need to read carefully, and (if possible) between the lines. i don't think your synapses are firing correctly.
  8. the original intention of union establishment was a good one...100 years ago.
  9. really??? i heard the food was utter shit. service too. valet too! smoke & mirrors...
  10. Grow a pair before you started assuming who's a moron and who isnt. i only make educated assumptions, trust me.
  11. i knew pod didn't write that, you moron.
  12. karu & y the hell would i go there??? haha
  13. yeah man exactly. i've been here my whole life. it's not perfect, but nowhere is. everywhere has its ghettos. and there are SO many nice, amazing even, parts of miami. people just love to bitch. this guy was probably literally crying as he wrote it. i think he should leave and not look back.
  14. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! what a complete douchebag! hahahahahaha
  15. i'm assuming you wrote this, pod?
  16. there's this great website that could probably help you... www.google.com it really works! :-*
  17. you're not allowed to post in music junkies.
  18. I doubt there would have been the same reaction if she was killed. In this case she wasnt so I see no problem with them making a joke of it. i agree...we don't live in a hypothetical world. but whoever did shoot her was a douchebag...who does that???
  19. my office is in the port of miami, they used our building as the staging ground for that whole week. it was freaking crazy, thousands of cops in battle gear...they were training in our parking lot. i had to go to work every day through that mess. the ends justify the means in this case. previous situations like what happened in seattle months before this caused our city's law enforcement to have no choice but to take complete control of the situation. what would've happened if these psychos destroyed our city? sucks for her, but she shouldn't have been there, she knew she was taking a stupid risk. it was really tense around here that whole time. no sane people were out and about, just cops and "protestors". she was hoping to get inflicted somehow.
  20. is that a white person in that picture??? there's no white people in downtown miami
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