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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. dude that's a weird-ass picture
  2. hahaha i don't think you're kidding... dirty pig
  3. Well, still, it's a very cool feature. I mean, I usually know generally where I am and can figure my specific intersection by looking out my car window. Since Google maps allows you to easily zoom and scroll, you can locate yourself and search from there.I am quite surprised that the iPhone does not track itself via tower triangulation (or whatever) like a regular cellphone does. That would sure be a sweet combo with the Google maps. you can get google maps on any blackberry...i got it....it really is the best "tool" i've ever had, i use it whenever i'm out of town (which is happening a lot recently!). and finding out where you are isn't that difficult...try looking at the little number on a building, then the sreet sign at the corner....not rocket science.
  4. where the frick are our cooljunkie t-shirts?
  5. broward is full of misfits.
  6. i went to opa last night, the one in hollywood. excellent experience all around...they really do have good food there. hot as hell, though...
  7. Ppl once in blue its fun 2 just go out!!! jesus! yea its super fun to get treated like shit at 80 bucks a pop at the worst venue i can think of rammed with fucking idiots....listen to horrible music, and watch every asshole in miami try to look gayer and richer than the next guy.....not my cup of tea, or my impression of what fun would be.... this party is just another reason to finally re arrange my cd collection and back up my hard drive over a few beers.... something tells me it won't be every asshole. hahahaha i see what you did there! and Rzo, unfortunately i could only get you general admission, you will have to weasel your way into vip yourself, shouldn't be difficult for you, i know you have your "methods" (hand jobs) with the bouncers.
  8. i like pressing buttons
  9. you know, there are times when this statement is true, really sucks when it happens, cause no one will believe you
  10. i'm home, thank God. i did paak maa caa in front of the paaty
  11. been here three days and already got a WICKED accent. and i love the sox! yeah! go sox!
  12. ryan2772

    Club Legend

    i miss cubby
  13. going to boston for a few days to work a trade show, wish me luck! late, r.
  14. haha ;D you people are nasty.
  15. i saw that relaxation one too... i've been to coconut grove many times through many years and "relaxing" is one of the last adjectives i'd describe the grove as.
  16. i wish bill maher ran for president.
  17. from the previews i've seen, she seems like a pretty weird chick. she was a freaking spice girl.
  18. ryan2772

    Attn Alki

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