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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. shouldn't you be posting this en español?
  2. well...you know...i thought that she really deserved it. she refilled my sprite 4 times, and gave me a free order of cheesy garlic bread! i'm such a nice guy, huh?
  3. i think you owe some $$$ to your real estate agent
  4. fuck it! i quit too! i'm so jaded! you all are assholes! ;D
  5. You don't have to fight at all! Even though it is "included" on your check, the money is not owed to the establishment, or to anyone. If paying with cash, simply leave what you consider to be appropriate. If paying credit, tell the server you prefer to leave the amount of gratuity that you feel accurately reflects the service received. You can ask them to take it off, your check or more simply, write over the "recommended" tip amount with what you want to leave, or cross it out and sign. They can't do shit about it. Keep your receipt; your cc company will defend you, esp if you use amex yep, i have to do this EVERY TIME i go to nikki beach!
  6. maaaaaaaaan....i KNOW they didn't teach you grammar like that at FSU. it's "there"
  7. ryan2772


    i don't get it.
  8. ryan2772


    that's exactly what i was thinking!
  9. ryan2772


  10. the d is dead to me. BTW is Lust still doing first Friday's? what about Lush???
  11. ummmmmm work this pussy work this pussy work this pussy work this pussy work this pussy
  12. his wikipedia....fascinating! he's quite the philanthropist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_Grylls
  13. i totally thought you were talking about something else.
  14. wolf blitzer is a punani.
  15. check out the slideshow, on how hip hop feuds are (poorly) waged these days through youtube, very interesting... http://www.slate.com/id/2169611/nav/tap3/
  16. the dinobots? haha, i remember how they were real dumb. it takes one to know one.
  17. what are you looking for?
  18. it's a family in a brown paper bag. Don't you wanna know how they got in there?
  19. must've been the wrong religion... http://cbs4.com/local/local_story_189151333.html Jul 9, 2007 12:44 pm US/Eastern Religious Book Seller Struck By Lightning Click Here for tips on how to stay safe during a lightning storm. (CBS4) HIALEAH A man making a trip from Puerto Rico to South Florida to raise money for his religious education remains hospitalized Monday after he was struck down by a bolt of lightning which flew from clear blue sky on Sunday. He was selling religious materials when he was hit. Hailu Kidane Marian was working with members of his religious group, selling religious materials door-to-door in a Northwest Miami-Dade neighborhood, when the bolt from the blue struck him down. "I heard a boom, and I looked and the guy jumped back, and he just laid there, stiff," said witness Maria Martinez. Paramedics say Marian was not breathing and his heart was not beating when they arrived, but they were able to revive him and rushed him to Jackson Memorial hospital, where he was in critical condition Sunday night. Members of his religious group waited outside the hospital throughout the night for word of his condition. "He's unconscious, he's in a coma," said Francisco Perez, leader of the Puerto Rico-based group. "It's difficult what happened, you know, but what can we do? Things happen in life, but we still believe in God." This is the second incident in as many months of someone being struck down by lightning from a clear sky in South Florida. Last month David Canales, a gardener who worked in the Pinecrest area, was killed when lightning apparently struck him from a rainless sky. Two co-workers standing nearby were unhurt. CBS4 Meteorologist Jeff Berardelli said 'dry lightning', which can strike even when the sky is clear, can be very dangerous because victims are not expecting it and don't prepare as they might with a storm threatening. Measurement of lightning strikes in the area Sunday showed only a few bolts compared to the last few days, making Marian especially unlucky to be struck by one of them. Nobody else was injured when the bolt flew from the sky.
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