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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. ryan2772

    Got TOOL?!

    only tix left are in nosebleed i'll get anyway
  2. Americans can be very arrogant; if they've seen something on the 6 o clock news or read about something in the Sunday newspaper then...BY GOD....it has to be true. It's pathetic. I've worked with a lot of people from all over the globe, including many europeans, and have been fortunate enough to have had some fairly in depth discussions with them...and they, imo, tend to be a lot less gullible than the half wit sycophants that occupy space in this "great" country. fah q
  3. thanks! ;D be home soon
  4. umm when was the last time something "disappeared" there??? 1956 or so??? stupidest thing i've ever heard. people have way too much time on their hands to think of these stupid things.
  5. ryan2772

    New CJ T-Shirt Vote.

    i want a pair of sweatpants that say "juicy" on the ass
  6. ryan2772

    End of an era...

    that's where it all started
  7. ryan2772

    Memorial Day Weekend

    i'm gettin the fuck outta here, going to chicago. have fun
  8. rzo will be ecstatic that video is hilarious
  9. He was a true genius :'( http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/books/04/12/obit.vonnegut.ap/index.html Novelist Kurt Vonnegut dies at 84 POSTED: 1:46 a.m. EDT, April 12, 2007 Story Highlights• Author had suffered brain injuries in fall weeks ago • An iconoclast, he exhorted audiences to think for themselves • As POW, he survived WWII firebombing of Dresden, Germany • Dresden experience formed basis of "Slaughterhouse-Five" Adjust font size: NEW YORK (AP) -- Kurt Vonnegut, the satirical novelist who captured the absurdity of war and questioned the advances of science in darkly humorous works such as "Slaughterhouse-Five" and "Cat's Cradle," died Wednesday. He was 84. Vonnegut, who often marveled that he had lived so long despite his lifelong smoking habit, had suffered brain injuries after a fall at his Manhattan home weeks ago, said his wife, photographer Jill Krementz. The author of at least 19 novels, many of them best-sellers, as well as dozens of short stories, essays and plays, Vonnegut relished the role of a social critic. He lectured regularly, exhorting audiences to think for themselves and delighting in barbed commentary against the institutions he felt were dehumanizing people. "I will say anything to be funny, often in the most horrible situations," Vonnegut, whose watery, heavy-lidded eyes and unruly hair made him seem to be in existential pain, once told a gathering of psychiatrists. A self-described religious skeptic and freethinking humanist, Vonnegut used protagonists such as Billy Pilgrim and Eliot Rosewater as transparent vehicles for his points of view. He also filled his novels with satirical commentary and even drawings that were only loosely connected to the plot. In "Slaughterhouse-Five," he drew a headstone with the epitaph: "Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt."
  10. GW = Global Warming GW = George Walker (Bush) Coincidence????? I report, you decide!
  11. i think this barbarino person might be that guy saleen who used to post here a while ago (not sure though)
  12. Lemon8 - 8 Track Mind (FriskyRadio podcast April 5)
  13. u know it, i couldn't pull you away from him that night at the setai, u were saying something about you touching tiesto and never washing ur hand again...or maybe that was me lol ! you're lucky you know me
  14. in addition to being the postmaster, i'm also the general.
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