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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. those motherfuckers can break it down. i think i saw satan in the background.
  2. that is fucking genius. all your base are belong to us made me realize exactly what the internet was, and what it is capable of. great post!!! "will work for snakes" ;D
  3. excellent threadjack. yeah, bling, so what's up with xbox live???
  4. ryan2772


    hahahaha that is hilarious! ;D
  5. ryan2772

    The Bitch reads CJ...

    reflexively negative??? who on here is negative?
  6. gum is so hot right now. www.stridegum.com
  7. you have a lot of reading to do, talmage
  8. ryan2772


    you gotta watch out for the gypsies, too....all over south florida! they steal clubs like no one else can....
  9. ryan2772


    i'll shine clubs for $1
  10. those guys are weird.
  11. parking lot of lush????? ;) ;D ;D come home, homo.
  12. parking lot of lush????? ;) ;D
  13. great game, i def think germany deserved the win. pk's suck ass, it's so stupid that they let games be determined that way...maybe in the round robin, but not in elimination games. germany's goalkeeper is the shit, by the way, that guy has been incredible the entire tournament. i took a 3 hour lunch to watch this match....shhh!! ;D
  14. why is this so accurate as opposed to the other evil, lying news outlets?
  15. happy birthday buddy ;D
  16. hahahaha those touchdown animations were freakin state of the art! i felt like i was in the stadium!
  17. google is going to try to take over the world
  18. http://www.statesman.com/news/content/news/photos/062706dustart/index.html nice work
  19. ryan2772

    For Bling

    i'd say 5:03, maybe 5:04
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