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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. mikdork, or dorksbro, before i went out i couldn't tell you what the scene was all about. after a year i can tell you quite a bit. if you're going to try to be "bitchy" have valid points to bitch about - i was saying how can someone who hasn't gone out in a long time know what the scene is now? you're lame and since you're sooo lame i kinda think mikdork and dorksbro are one in the same...
  2. this is coming from YODA??? get real dude - i take you're speaking from the force, luke? grow the fuck up man and stop being such a nerd with your yoda crap
  3. for starters - abrooksbro - he somehow posts on here EVERY time i come on here which isn't that much - he's been signed on this board almost as long as i have but i didn't even post one posting for about 8 months. then he wants to point out he posts less then i do. it made me think of how that could be possible... then it dawned on me when he started feeding lines like "i'm a lawyer", "i have a model girlfriend"... he's full of shite.
  4. actually i saw him last week but it was for a split second - i think it was at SOL for michael t's bday party but i dunno
  5. no dude - i'm calling you out on being full of shit - i hardly have a problem with someone being on the net - only when he feels the need to be a complete asshole on it and then bullshit and lie while hiding behind his monitor
  6. btw, i'm very good at math, as in VERY good, and math proves you to be full of shite - you just "happen" to be on here every time i come on here and "happen" to post just as much as i do and i just "happen"ed not to have come on here for 8 out of the 12 months i was posting.... i'm sorry but you "happen" to be full of shit
  7. OH - yeah - i forgot - you're a "lawyer" who obviously has all the time in the world during the day to keep posting (as you've done so EVERY time i come on here no matter what time of day it is). let us not forget you also post with your laptop and the computer at home (you said so yourself mr) - you're a HUGE idiot if you can't see the holes in your argument here
  8. YEA! i'm 50 & immature - i knew doing all those drugs in highschool and college would help someday - now hopefully my kid can use that 3rd arm he'll have...
  9. dude are you either playing "dumb" or just plain dumb - there are tons of ways of getting around that i'm sure - i'm pretty sure if i registerd with a different email then club planet couldn't tell... besides you're at work, right? you have more then one computer, right??? there's always more then one way to skin a cat but only one way to spot a fool
  10. who says i can't reproduce??? i want nothing more then to have a kid - go ask me ex-girlfriend - she'll tell you - or go ask 1/2 the people i know from the NYC nightlife scene - this is why i think i turned "bi" - my bio clock kicked in and all of a sudden girls started looking a hell of a lot better (i mean what better way to have a kid then have sex w/a girl) - besides girls, as of 3 months ago, are looking just as good as guys....
  11. no, as far as i can tell he goes to the "2big4their own good" clubs like pacha and crap - i stay as far away as possible from those clubs - i actually like having that "family" feel where you feel it's, well, a family - you lose that in clubs like crobar and shit
  12. again dude - law of averages fully explain you have more then one ID - it's hardly mere chance that you're on here everytime i come on here and are posting out the ass...
  13. i posted them - unless abrooksbro is a cute 18yo w/a nice chest then i didn't notice him - imagine that - not noticing a wall flower....
  14. no i'm just saying a wall flower who's life only consist of spending all day bitching about bullshit on a bulletin board is pathetic - if you had AIDS it means at least at some point in your life you were getting laid
  15. broke "handouts" tho??? i don't really consider having a club give you free booze a hand-out - i would have NO problem paying for liquer if i actually had $$$ tho
  16. here's the collage from last nite - the ones from cain SUCK however that's justin bond putting on the lipstick - some of you may know him from the "kiki and herb" routine he did - he's doing joe pub and has a radio show now - i think they did an article on him in "New York Magazine" this past issue...
  17. dude - that would be such an "upgrade" for you seeing that means you'd have to get laid in order to catch it
  18. yeah dude - tell yourself that... and where do you go? crobar maybe? btw, who's anthony lamont????
  19. well these are the clubs i go to (pick one if you want): monday - nothing really tuesday - room service (kinda fun - they have a titty bar next to it so when we all head over there it's a lot of fun) - however they're kinda tight with the free booze wed - cain (90% str8, cool peeps, lots of free grey goose if you're at the right table) - however i went to ultra last night - some girls, mostly guys but a lot a lot fun thur - nothing fri - area - newest and bestest party - mostly gay but a LOT of cool people - it's been producing the best pics of any club so far (getthing drunk for cheap/free isn't too hard) sat - bank w/larry tee - the hardest place in the word to get a free drink (don't blame larry tho....) - it's SUPER gay which, IMO, ruins a club - it's way too chelsea boy (good music usually tho) sun - hiro at maritime - mainly gay but lot's of girls - you have to know someone from the trinity (drew, macky or aimee) to get a drink ticket or manage urself at the 'table' to get free drinks cool thing is sunday the waiter, who is str8, was finally chilling up to me - at the end i had some flowers keoki gave amanda and i was at the bar asking the waiter if he'd trade an old drink ticket for a drink (i collect 'em and had two that were about 2 months old) - he told me he'd give me a drink for a flower - super nice guy and it was cool having a str8 guy tell me he'd give me a free drink IF i gave him a rose... cool!!!
  20. go back and re-read please - there are many "lists" and life and i said "A-list nightlife celebrity".... keyword: NIGHTLIFE and NYC has the biggest one in the world (and NO(!!!!) i didn't say 'best')
  21. name the friends peeps - kinda like those in the village voice in michael musto's column - weird thing is i hung out with him last night at ultra - you see he's a "friend" and is considered to be a "A-list nightlife celebrity" - something i dont' think you could even conjure if you had to
  22. last nite was the worst at cain EVER - i ended up taking 4 pics altogether and seeing i can easily take over 200 then that spells SHIT NIGHT
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