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Everything posted by guestofaguest

  1. This quote of the day, made by my favorite Uncle Steve Lewis in his Blackbook post on the Paper Magazine nightlife awards in regards to Frank Owen, author of Clubland and notorious Heineken lover.* Frank was apparently desperate enough for press that he decided to threaten to sue Steve over this comment and wound up on in today’s Post.* The funniest thing about Frank’s silly threat to Steve isn’t that Frank is double Steve’s size and half his age, it’s the awesome debate that is going on live between the two right now over at Blackbook. Click below for Frank’s silly threat:* TEAM STEVE!! “Hello, this is Frank Owen, author of Clubland, who Steve Lewis threatened in his blog yesterday. I just want you to know I just filed a complaint with the local police department. You know, I don’t blame him, because he’s not a journalist, and he doesn’t know any better, and he’s an idiot. But I blame you, especially since you put that ‘popping’ [unintelligible] in the headline. Look, I don’t want to see Lewis arrested, he may still be on probation, he’s a convicted felon, right? But if this happens again, right, I will sue you. Do your job, for Christ’s sake!†[Posts on Steve Lewis] More...
  2. [All photos by Nicky Digital] At Paper Magazine’s best of NYC Nightlife awards last Sunday, the GofG’s table was directly next to Nicholas Rhodes table (of Nicky Digital).* It was an honor to meet the popular photographer who took home the award later that night.* Nicholas had just returned from, what looked to be, an incredibly adventurous trip to Iceland.* With album names like “Casual Reykjavik @ Kitty Von-Sometime’s” and “Supper at Vid Tjornina” we were in for a treat. More photos below: More...
  3. [All photos by Rob Rich] Last Thursday, Jayma Cardosa, business partner of Jamie Mulholland, celebrated her birthday party with all of her friends at their newly reopened Cain LUXE.* The coolest part is seeing all of our summer friends from the Surf Lodge team there!* Sam Talbot was there with his girl Paolo Guerrero.* The Steves (Steve Kasuba and Steven Kamali) were there along with Robert McKinley and of course, Jamie Mulholland. Jayma looked beautiful as usual, and the celebration looked to be the best one yet at the newly reopened club. [Inside The New Cain Luxe] More photos by Rob Rich below: More...
  4. ["BAR" in New Haven, Connecticut] This weekend I had quite an adventure.* Not only was it the Princeton/Yale game in New Haven (which we found out the hard way when trying to find a hotel room that night), it was a friend’s “Flight of the Conchords” themed house party.* It’s not easy to get me off the couch on a rainy friday night, but my love of theme parties prevailed and I found myself helping make foiled boxes on the drive.* We were more than prepared for the party, what we weren’t prepared for: the New Haven nightlife.* We were taken to “BAR” a huge complex that was half pizza restaurant/half bar/half club.* The club scene was pretty hysterical. More story and photos below: The bars and clubs all close at 1:00 but, let me assure you from first hand experience, the streets weren’t ready to shut down until 3.* I think I have had a misperception of New Haven. I need to do some more research but am I missing something that all of my Yalie friends got? Alas we had a great time.* It’s always nice to visit club land outside of NYC and compare.* Also, we met this guy below (the one with the comb in his hair) who made our night. - More...
  5. Go HERE for photos by Gina Cody and Mark Byron. Go HERE for more photos from our GofG camera. Go HERE by Julian Mackler. [GofG's Writeup] [Steve Lewis' Writeup] More...
  6. [Paper Magazine Nightlife Awards] Losing never felt so good.* We congratulate DBTH and all of the winners at last night’s Paper Magazine Nightlife awards.* Mansion was hopping last night as everyone involved in NYC nightlife came to celebrate.* I think my friend Julie (in finance) said it best at Blue Ribbon later that night: “I have never been to an event where there were that many nice people.* EVERYONE was coming up and introducing themselves, everyone was happy, everyone was just so nice.* You never think that about nightlife people.”* She had just had a life changing conversation with the one, the only Steve Lewis. At our table were Scott and Naeem of course, Leven Rambin, Liam McMullan, Olympic fencers Tim Moorehouse and Jason Rogers, and our entire GofG staff.* We had several photographers there including the amazingly talented Mark Byron.* I chatted it up with DBTH and met his beautiful fiance as well as Tia Walker, Ally Hilfiger, Patrick McMullan, Richie Rich, Peter Davis and Nicky Rhodes. More story and photos below: There was absinthe at the bar and dancers from above.* And we had more fun than a barrel of monkeys.* I love you all and was so happy that we got to share in this experience together! More...
  7. [1Oak's Richie Akiva with his girls. Photo by PMc] Ted Bailey, of Mapcity.com left the following comment on our Media Meshing post from Friday: “No place like NYC to withstand a depression! — Parties everywhere. — great post and great advice….â€when the going get’s tough, all you need to do is party!†And party we did: We played at Playhouse with Cain LUXE and checked out the Wednesday night party at Ella. We caughted up with some real life underage Gossip Girls who were partying away on Shirly Temples (?) They were set out to prove that you can still have drunk makeout sessions without actually being drunk at a mixer hosted by Z100. Citrine hosted a party for Gradient Magazine and we got another look at the new space. Olympians Tim and Jason were all over town.* They met the likes of Julianne Moore and Chris Austad at the Hugo Boss awards, and hung out with their old pal Richie Rich at the Cool Vs. Cruel Fashion Competition at the Bowery Hotel. The most powerful father/son nightlife team in the city got together to help Jeff Goldstein celebrate the one year anniversary of his Blue & Cream store on the Bowery.* The Big Picture featured Patrick’s iconic images from over the year and was curated by son Liam.* These two are a hot duo! Another new club was set to open this week with a little spin, it is supposedly the first eco-friendly club to hit the world and it’s creator, Jon B may have gotten in over his head.* Greenhouse needed another night or so to prepare but we’ll give him another week before we go and give it a look-see. The Box hosted the “most interesting show in the world” and gave us some of our more exciting photos to date. GofG is starting to offer New Years Eve Party tickets to people!* Make this year’s New Year Party the “best $2k you ever spent!” Pink Elephant’s Rocco Ancarola threw his birthday party on the same night that Jayma Cardosa of Cain LUXE did, making 27th street even more populated than usual. Scott and Naeem were up to their usually partying ways.* They did Waverly, Blue and Cream, and Aspen nights with Ally Hilfilger one night, and Wintuk, concerts and loads of parites another with Leven Rambin. They tried to check out Greenhouse, but decided to give it another week.* All while somehow managing to host THE party to be at on Thursday night for Leven as a “welcome home” to the rising star.* She will sadly be leaving us again at the end of the week which means we will need another going away party right? Finally, the week culminated with one big party last night at the Paper Magazine Nightlife awards at Mansion. We were nominated for best Nightlife website and had fun partying with all of our friends.* Stay tuned for more on this party later today. More...
  8. What unscrupulous club proprietor said this last night?* Find out after jump… It was none other than Anthony Martignetti.* We’ve long been the proponents of Martignetti’s and the old Bella’s, which was a relatively inexpensive dive bar.* Bella’s latest iteration, Southside, is an expensive dive bar.* One which Martignetti is desperately trying to turn into a bottle service type atmosphere where they hawk bottles down patrons throats.* It’s highway robbery, and quite frankly, in this economy it’s an insult.* More to come as we chronicle this fledgling bar as it tries to pretend it’s something it’s not… More...
  9. Go HERE for more photos by Gina Sachi Cody and TAG YOURSELF and YOUR FRIENDS!!! No, this wasn’t a party for a new underwear line….It was to celebrate the awesomeness that is Nick Cohen and his Upper Echelon Shoes. “SHOEWLERY”, the exclusive event that took place at 100 Forsyth Street gave some lucky guests a chance to preview the line’s Holiday ‘08 and Spring/Summer ‘09 Collection.* The after party took place at Southside of course, which was convenient for Nick, as he had his weekly gig to play. [The UES Boys Open Their LES Store And They Want Your Soles] [Bringing UES To The LES] [Introducing Southside: Reincarnation Never Looked This Good] [Southside is HERE!] More photos below: More...
  10. http://www.vimeo.com/2040312 We are ecstatic to be included in Paper Mag’s Best Nightlife Site/Blog. Please go HERE and vote for us! And tell your friends to do the same! Today’s the LAST DAY!!!!!!! The awards are Sunday night, stay tuned (fingers crossed). More...
  11. [scott Buccheit, Leven Rambin, Kristian Laliberte and Liam McMullan at the Eldridge. Photos by JT WHITE] Go HERE for more photos by JT WHITE and Scott and Naeem and TAG YOURSELF and your friends!! Last night, after watching the incredible Kate Beckinsale up on the big screen at the “Nothing But The Truth” premiere uptown, (the movie opens on Dec 19th in NY and LA and Kate, who was there last night, looked STUNNING),* I went back downtown to Leven Rambin’s Welcome Back party at The Eldridge.* Between this place and Southside, I’m beginning to think it is going to be impossible for me to grow up.* It’s like highschool, college, and summer camp all rolled into one.* It is so efficient that there are places where EVERYONE you know go to.* WELCOME HOME LEVEN!* We are so happy that you are back! More story and photos below: Naeem was doing a great job manning the door as always…looking hot with his mustache for MOvember which is really starting to grow in!* All of the usual suspects strolled past Scott’s table including Paul Johnson Calderon, Ally Hilfiger, Devorah Rose, Krisitan Laliberte, Constantine, Eric Spear, Kim Bates, Robert Fowler, Tara Church, Shawn McDonald, Liam McMullan, Leah Bourne, David Chines, Brianna Swanson, Micheal Dunne, and of course Leven’s sister Mary Rambin who was looking fabulous!* I know, I know, I missed a ton more, just tell me who!* Also, Go TAG YOURSELVES!!!! More...
  12. http://www.vimeo.com/2040312 We are ecstatic to be included in Paper Mag’s Best Nightlife Site/Blog. Please go HERE and vote for us! And tell your friends to do the same! Today’s the LAST DAY!!!!!!! The awards are Sunday night, stay tuned (fingers crossed). More...
  13. [Rocco Ancarola with the ladies] The Champagne, the Confetti, the Spray Machine, it’s a mystery to me how this place gets cleaned up every night! We are sorry we missed Rocco Ancarola’s Big Birthday bash at Pink Elephant last night.* The theme was “Flower Power” and the DJ’s included Marco Peruzzi and Todd Mallis?* Anyway, we also totally neglected Pink Elephant in our Halloween Party roundup last week so, better late than never, here are photos from Pink Elephant, October 31st, 2009. More photos including Rocco’s Invitation below: More...
  14. Go HERE for more pictures of this event by MARK BYRON, and TAG YOURSELF and your friends! On Tuesday night, the Box hosted “The Most Interesting Show in the World“, a touring variety show sponsored by Dos Equis. Guests enjoyed a raft of performers from around the world, including aerial performers, Japanese robotic dancers, acrobats, breakdancers,fire jugglers, Russian dancers and French burlesque singers, all of it overseen by Jim Rose, famed emcee of the “The Jim Rose Circus†sideshow. The crowd went wild for performances from Johnny Fayva, Melody Sweet, Kenichi, Lilia Stepanova, Mark Faje, The Rock’n'Roll Strip Show, and others. More photos below: More...
  15. http://www.vimeo.com/2040312 We are ecstatic to be included in Paper Mag’s Best Nightlife Site/Blog. Please go HERE and vote for us! And tell your friends to do the same! More...
  16. [Photo via Urbandaddy] Only the truly brave venture to a restaurant on its opening night…however, you have to be a downright die hard nightlife fan to show up to a CLUB on its opening.* Scott and Naeem went by to check it out but, upon seeing the windows still being installed around 11pm they decided to call it a night. Which is why, we left the pioneering to Brittany over at ChiChi212 in regards to Jon B’s newest venture, Greenhouse, the newest club on 150 Varick street that is more eco friendly than your local Whole Foods.* Here’s the scoop: Live posting from Greenhouse Part One: How do you put 10pm on your invite and then not let people in until midnight? Our spy Delta Dawn, walked right in, because she knows everyone, and said the bar is still being drilled in, tape is being pulled off, and people are MOPPING. Mind you it’s after 11pm. “The bar looks like a cutaway of the earth with rolling green hills, minature trees and the layers of the earth. But right now you can’t put a drink on it because they’re still drilling on the glass top.†Sounds cool but only if people can see it. And Jon B is flipping out. We shall see. In the meantime I am looking for somewhere to hang out. SOB-closed. Some Steak Frites-closed. Uuugh. Off to Ditch Plains we go. [ChiChi] Live posting from Greenhouse Part Two: I’m sitting next to Kevin Spacey, who has on a baseball cap like people will come up to him.Someone had to point him out, I didn’t even notice. Really Kevin? Really? P.S. The music at Greenhouse is way too loud. I am deaf in both ears. Live posting from Greenhouse Part Three: And the fire alarm has gone off. How long do you think it will take until the FDNY shows up? P.S. Why has the DJ started replaying songs? I wasn’t aware people still had only 50 songs on their iPods… And, because we love Steve Lewis, here’s his recent interview with Jon B where he asks him the question we have all been wondering (is this a gimmick) we love you Steve: And tell me what the idea of Greenhouse is. Why eco-friendly? Why’d you go that route? Well, I think the whole world is going to be revolving toward the eco-friendly, energy conserving, using recyclable materials status, and I wanted to be the first one to raise awareness of it through nightlife. Is it because you really care about the environment, or is it a gimmick? No, I think it’s very important. More...
  17. [All photos by Nicky Digital] Nicholas Rhodes aka Nicky Digital is partying it up in Reykjavik Iceland.* Besides hanging out in these rad sunglasses at Kitty Von-Sometime’s apartment, he’s been in bed with some “twinsies” in Snowmen sweaters at the Hotel Arnarhvoll and hanging out at “Q Bar” (yes there’s another one).* Anyway, this is turning out to be the best money he’s spent on a plane ticket ever.* Check out the pics: More photos below: More...
  18. http://www.vimeo.com/2040312 We are ecstatic to be included in Paper Mag’s Best Nightlife Site/Blog. Please go HERE and vote for us! And tell your friends to do the same! More...
  19. GO HERE for more photos from this event from Scott and Naeem and TAG YOURSELF and your friends! As it starts to get chilly, we start to hibernate for the winter.* We usually do a lot less and try to stick close to home and familiar places.* When it was time to see an old friend we couldn’t think of a better or cozier spot then Waverly Inn.* Our dinner companion for the evening was Ally Hilfiger. Ally recently returned to the city and has jumped right back into the swing of things.* She’s painting every day, collaborating with Page 6 on a column and is getting ready to start on her own clothing line.* She may also have a new man in her life but is definitely not what you read on Page 6!* She’s always a joy to be around and last night was no exception.* Others bold face names at Waverly last night included Michael Kors, Laura Dern and Martin Scorcese. More story and photos below: After dinner, we headed to the Patrick McMullan’s The Big Picture at Blue&Cream.* It was the opening reception and featured images from Patrick’s archive that were curated by, boy about town and Patrick’s son, Liam.* There was also a preview of the Richie Rich Collaboration with Yellow Fever. We were happily surprised to see Sherry Cosovic in attendance.* Most of you know Sherri as the door at Butter and 1OAK but she is also an actress and a clothing designer, currently collaborating with Blue&Cream on a collection.* Sherry has been on the scene for a while and knows everybody and always has the greatest stories.* She had us in stitches all night.* Other revelers included:* Paul Johnson Calderone, Nick Hunt, Chance Yeh, David X. Pruting, and Anna Shaheen. Our final stop was the William Bennet Gallery for the Quintissentially Aspen Nights Reception. The party featured a fashion show by J. Mendel and Bogosse.* We hit the tail end of the party and caught up with friends there including: Aisling Foley, Sean Glass, Sarah Basille, Jamie Korey, Jules Kirby, Timo Weiland and Martin Dawson. After a cocktail we hightailed it home and were snug in our beds by 10pm. More...
  20. Go HERE for more photos from this event and TAG YOURSELF and your friends!!! Robert Fowler, of John Varvatos fame, is one stand up guy.* Recently, he celebrated his 25th birthday with a 25 on 25 in Black and White.* (It was held on October 25th at Socialista). The weather that night was nasty (POURING), yet upwards of 150 socials came to help him celebrate.* And it was well earned.* This guy is always one of my favorite faces to see out in the nyc social jungle, always with a bright smile on his face and positive spirit.* John Varvatos on Bowery is lucky to have him. More photos below: More...
  21. The gals over at NonSociety have really been hard at work.* Today is their PUBLIC lip dub at Dylan’s Candy shop uptown. And, as if the announcement on all three of their blogs wasn’t enough, we got at least three emails from outsiders “tipping” us to the event one leading with “Because all we need is Julia and Mary sugared up on Lauren’s candy.” Also, they are hosting a party this Saturday. What’s great is Mary’s sister Leven Rambin is having her own little party tonight too, at an invite only event at the Eldridge (no mass emails and blog posts were produced).* Both invites (with details removed) are above. Will be interesting to see who gets the better turnout. On the NonSociety site: NonSociety presents …Our first official public lip dub: “I WANT CANDY!†Where: Dylan’s Candy Bar, 1011 Third Avenue (& 60th Street) When: Wednesday, November 12th —> noon Why: Seriously? You even bother to ask at this point? Stop by to say hi, watch us get high on sugar and make fools of ourselves (our favorite activity) and get a FREE scoop of ICE CREAM!* Yay! Click below for Leven’s invite (with rsvp address removed): [Dylan Lauren Sends NY Socials On Candy Highs] More...
  22. [Photos via Nicky Digital] We’ve been hearing a lot of rukus from Ella, the newest piano bar/lounge on the LES.* Last Wednesday, Nicholas Rhodes of Nicky Digital caught up with the kids hanging out at Ella for a night featuring Josh Link, Lucas Walters, Nicholas Kratochvil and more. [Ella's Soft Opening Gathers Rave Reviews] [Ella, Hollywood Glamour In The LES] More photos from Ella’s below: More...
  23. http://www.vimeo.com/2040312 We are ecstatic to be included in Paper Mag’s Best Nightlife Site/Blog. Please go HERE and vote for us! And tell your friends to do the same! More...
  24. [Photos by Rob Rich] I just don’t get it.* Didn’t this trend of low riding pants end a couple of years ago? Lately, it seems that we’ve been seeing more and more cracks poking their way out into the world.* Though this young gentleman above surely has nothing to hide, doesn’t he feel a draft up his behind? Isn’t he concerned about it getting snapped by Rob?* Have you been seeing cracks around town lately too? Click below to find out more about this event and more photos: This was at Cain Luxe’s newest party called “Play House” that is set to happen every Wednesday night and includes music from DJ Pase Rock.* Last week DJ Nina Sky made a guest appearance as well as Amanda Lepore and her crew. More...
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