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Fear on MTV

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I finally saw the second group of people investigating those mines with the Nuawal (sp?) last nite at midnite. Let me tell you I slept with the lights on and all and still only managed to get only 4 hours of sleep. I don't know why I watch that shit, I've got too vivid an imagination.

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It is pretty funny when they start whimpering.I would probably be a little leary going into some of those places.But in the back of my mind i would be thinking that they are not going to show anybody getting decapitated or anything else on MTV.I would also be thinking of the party I will be having after I get that 5 grand.

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Originally posted by synderella420

I love that show..me and my sister were laughing at the guy who was crying and saying he wanted his mommy..lol:laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: Thats too funny...Plus I love it when people start talking to the ghosts....:blown:

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Originally posted by joeg

I really hate that show... Am I the only one?

everyone else loves it...

it's all right...but I don't like it as much anymore since they complained to their neighboor about the "raver music" (I think it was house that they listened to...)

fear it's funny, especially that one episode with the guy crying HAHA it's all set up so it's not really scary...

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Originally posted by magilicuti

stop hating...

the thread's name was "Fear on MTV," I bet you just clicked on it to say you hate mtv

haha... I think i'm allowed to hate tv shows/networks... I didn't say "it sucks" or "its bad" I just said "I hate it"


And actually I thought he was going to say something like "i'm going to be on fear on mtv"

totallytrance: lol. yeah, I caught a few episodes and they're always like "man... i can't take this... oh my god, oh my god..."

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