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What the fuck is going on with all these sudden alcoholics??

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I thought i was the only board alcoholic :(

But actually for the past 3 weeks i have been partying 100% pure sober and you know what? i kinda like it....but shit i don't know whats happened to me...ever since this girl came along..i dont even think about heineken or hard liquor or nothing to pre-game and shit..yet i go to Vinyl...see more than half of CP drunk off their ass...yet im the one holding sober conversations lol...wtf is going on? why this sudden switch in roles? i am the one and only drunken fuckin Mc of the board now all you wannabe's wanna take my spot...eh actually...you can take my heinekens and guinesss cause i got me some pussy. :D

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Ahhhh quoth, you're jsut wussing out cause of some chick that doesn't want you to drink. Go ahead, try to tell yourself that you don't like the booze and that you don't need it, but we all know the truth.

Btw.....I am not an alcoholic, I'm a drinker.....alcoholics go to meetings so don't call me an alchi.

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Originally posted by quoth

I thought i was the only board alcoholic :(

But actually for the past 3 weeks i have been partying 100% pure sober and you know what? i kinda like it....but shit i don't know whats happened to me...ever since this girl came along..i dont even think about heineken or hard liquor or nothing to pre-game and shit..yet i go to Vinyl...see more than half of CP drunk off their ass...yet im the one holding sober conversations lol...wtf is going on? why this sudden switch in roles? i am the one and only drunken fuckin Mc of the board now all you wannabe's wanna take my spot...eh actually...you can take my heinekens and guinesss cause i got me some pussy. :D



We can make exceptions, even for a girl :cool:

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Originally posted by dub16

Imitation is tbe best form of flattery. :laugh:


I just say he's already whipped........:tongue:

Whatever, you know he'll be back to gettin drunk and posting offbeat shit real soon.

You could take the alcohol out of quoth, but you can't the quoth out of the alcohol.

.......wait, that makes no sense. Ah well, I need a Corona on a day like this.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

YEAH, dude!

Had some yesterday on the stoop with smurfette.... they taste great fresh outta the fridge w/ a lime ;)

Yeah, perfect for a warm day like this.

Reminds me of Cancun........except there were no limes and the beer was piss warm.

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<~~ alcoholic

Corona in the morning, Corona at night, Corona b4 class, Corona b4 work, Corona after work, Corona after class, Corona b4 bed, Corona WHENEVER!! (Corona can be replaced with Cap'n & coke as well, my favorite beer and my favorite liquor)

Duh Quoth, remember we had a conversation about drinking once b4 online?? I told you I couldn't drink like you could but I could hold my own.. then you told me you'd give me lessons and stuff but then there were complications.. LOL.

:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

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coronas with lime! MMMmmmmmmmmm! but damn i cant drink coronas like that. i cant hold beer but give me some JDnCOKE and im all :D . but dude you can have your pussy and drink it too...if that makes any sense! but i mean why not have both!? im seeing this girl who was kinda like whoa when she knew i drank alot on fridays and sometimes saturday but i told her i am a calm drinker ( she was like whoa because of her EX<---alki). if you can hold your shit when you drink then there shouldnt be any problem! but if youre the drinker that starts trouble when you drink then quit b4 she quits u!



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Originally posted by codica3

<~~ alcoholic

Corona in the morning, Corona at night, Corona b4 class, Corona b4 work, Corona after work, Corona after class, Corona b4 bed, Corona WHENEVER!! (Corona can be replaced with Cap'n & coke as well, my favorite beer and my favorite liquor)

Duh Quoth, remember we had a conversation about drinking once b4 online?? I told you I couldn't drink like you could but I could hold my own.. then you told me you'd give me lessons and stuff but then there were complications.. LOL.

:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

Note to self...buy my hottie date a Corona or 20 Friday night! :D

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Originally posted by gmccookny



We can make exceptions, even for a girl :cool:

Bro, there is NOOOOOOOO DOUBT about that...i actually just planned on more or less taking a break from drinkin until then.

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