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So my X IM's me today outta no where

talking shit to me, just basicly saying how ive changed, how im not the dee he knew, how i said I was gonna maintain a friendship with him and how I never talk to him. Just basicly we got into a fight which was so unessary and I told him off so bad that I think he will never talk to me again. I told him I regretted going out with him and staying with him for so long, That I never really loved him, that I put up with all his shit for nothing and I wasted 9 months on my life on him etc. So I block him from my buddy list and he calls me crying saying "how can u say those things" and I told him off some more and he hung up on me. JEEZE WTF is wrong with him why can't he jus take a hint. HELLO!! Im with someone else now, who im in love with...YOUR DONE!!! sometimes I just wanna fucking :blown: that kid



sorry i had to vent:hat:

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Thank god someone posted something about ex's because I need to vent...We started talking again after a long time..and everything is goin good...then he gets all weird on me. He starts pushing me away and I confront him on it and he has the nerve to tell me that when we broke up I just left him that he didnt push me away. TOTAL LIE! He told me today "Im pushing you away now but I want you in my life" (If anyone can tell me what that means please let me know. ) I told him that when he decides what he wants to let me know but that doesnt mean that I'm going to wait for him. My abusive ex is getting married in a few months (god help her) and another one got upset about something having to do with me and drank himself into an enormous hangover....This has all been this week, the week of ex's....arg:mad:

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Originally posted by destiny779

This has all been this week, the week of ex's....arg:mad:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Duuuuuuuuude, u had it rough !!!

Well wish me luck; my latest ex wants to meet me this Sunday after not speakin to me for 6 months!!!:confused:

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Originally posted by boreese

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Duuuuuuuuude, u had it rough !!!

Well wish me luck; my latest ex wants to meet me this Sunday after not speakin to me for 6 months!!!:confused:

O boy you're in for one long conversation lol...GOOD LUCK!!!


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~~~thats so weird!!! my ex whom i havent seen for 2 months asked me to chill with him last nite , to tell me the story of his other ex who is a playboy model :eek: i was gonna go but at the last minute i canceled on him and went to SF!!!!

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Just basicly we got into a fight which was so unessary and I told him off so bad that I think he will never talk to me again. I told him I regretted going out with him and staying with him for so long, That I never really loved him, that I put up with all his shit for nothing and I wasted 9 months on my life on him etc. So I block him from my buddy list and he calls me crying saying "how can u say those things"

You really mean all that? Cause if not that is pretty harsh.

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i'm glad for an "ex thread," 'cause i've got stuff to say, too.

'k, i broke up with mine 'cause he was basically using me for sex when i wanted a real relationship - and actually thought that that's what we had. when we had our breakup talk it went really well, and he actually said, "you need someone who can communicate and be there for you emotionally..." which was exactly right. so, we left on good terms, as i knew we'd bump into each other here in l.a., this two-big-club town.

wouldn't ya know it, i ran into him 3 weeks later at the club where we met. and he launches in with - "you look good, i've missed you. yeah, you look hot. i think we should have another talk." and here's where it gets super precious: "do you have to work tomorrow?" and i think you guys know what he meant by that :mad: .

anyway, people, i felt shitty about that mindfuck for a bit, but then i started to think, "eat your heart out." while that doesn't apply to all of our situations, i think what they all have in common is that it's about letting go and how people do it at different speeds. some people just forget about the other person's feelings in the process, and it sure as shit sucks.

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Wow, u really hit the heart in this post Sexxybabyd...

I was with my ex for like 7 years, and for the 1st few years it was good. Then it all started to change. She got all crazy on me. She was like Jekyl & Hyde... I didn't know how to react toward her...

Anyway, to make a long story short, she started playin' mind games with me, tellin' me about what she did in bed with her "New" boyfriend.... Does anyone think this is fucked up, or is it just me? Please lemme know, thanks.....

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

So my X IM's me today outta no where

talking shit to me, just basicly saying how ive changed, how im not the dee he knew, how i said I was gonna maintain a friendship with him and how I never talk to him. Just basicly we got into a fight which was so unessary and I told him off so bad that I think he will never talk to me again. I told him I regretted going out with him and staying with him for so long, That I never really loved him, that I put up with all his shit for nothing and I wasted 9 months on my life on him etc. So I block him from my buddy list and he calls me crying saying "how can u say those things" and I told him off some more and he hung up on me. JEEZE WTF is wrong with him why can't he jus take a hint. HELLO!! Im with someone else now, who im in love with...YOUR DONE!!! sometimes I just wanna fucking :blown: that kid

GRRRR:mad: sorry i had to vent:hat:

Grrrr! i hate ex's and the bullshit that comes with them...

ITS OVER LEAVE BYE, you can go now, youre free to do anything bye...why waste your time with me??? ... why cant they understand that...

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Originally posted by boreese

OH GRRRREEEEAT !!! :rolleyes: I only got 30 mins to waste thou :tongue:

How'd it go???

JackTripper00...what the hell is that that she's tellin you about what she does in bed wit her new bf??? Maybe thats just me but I think thats extremely messed up...

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My experience with the ex right now

Ex's are all about drama....theres no good times with them because theres always the thought about the relationship....eventually the "it used to be different" comment comes up and i get pissed off..

If you put up with the needless arguements then you should be back together...as for me, i fawkin hate the needless arguements right now and each day i talk to her theres always a fight..and now i just dont care bout the fights....ide rather live me life happy, whether that be free or with her.....



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Originally posted by clubininstyle

My experience with the ex right now

Ex's are all about drama....theres no good times with them because theres always the thought about the relationship....eventually the "it used to be different" comment comes up and i get pissed off..

If you put up with the needless arguements then you should be back together...as for me, i fawkin hate the needless arguements right now and each day i talk to her theres always a fight..and now i just dont care bout the fights....ide rather live me life happy, whether that be free or with her.....



U Need to IM please tell me that ur not talking about who I think ur talking about

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Originally posted by weyes

wouldn't ya know it, i ran into him 3 weeks later at the club where we met. and he launches in with - "you look good, i've missed you. yeah, you look hot. i think we should have another talk." and here's where it gets super precious: "do you have to work tomorrow?" and i think you guys know what he meant by that :mad: .

anyway, people, i felt shitty about that mindfuck for a bit, but then i started to think, "eat your heart out." while that doesn't apply to all of our situations, i think what they all have in common is that it's about letting go and how people do it at different speeds. some people just forget about the other person's feelings in the process, and it sure as shit sucks.

~~~i got a different ex update similar to this one

this friday at sf i see a guy who looks like he was checking me out but the more i looked at him the more familiar he looked then he comes closer and goes helen? and i go matt? then at the same time we say exactly the same thing "what are u doing here? i thought u go to exit on fridays!" grrr:mad: he talked to me for a bit and then he puts his arm around me and says wow! u look so great! do u have a boyfriend? grrrr dont start something that is over just get lost........exes suck!:puke:

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my attitude is just fuck em

there's a reason why they're ur x

why should you even get emotional or care what they say/do to you, me i just sit back and enjoy it like a comedy show, let em make an ass out of themselves, the less u care, the less it bothers u and u can move on:cool:

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Originally posted by f0xyminx

my attitude is just fuck em

thats what got me with her to begin with... ;) j/k

seriously though, my ex and i had a horrible break up... in a huge way... we are like sworn enemies now... and we havent spoken or seen each other in about a year in change... but in this past month... my friends, family, and myself... keep bumping into each other and its the most awkward feeling... wtf is going on? how did we manage not to see each other for a year... but now out of nowhere keep bumping heads??? and not only that, ive had like 2 or 3 dreams were some how she pops in... isnt this shit odd???

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