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Scot Project Last night!

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Hey Everyone - this is Sialater18. I just wanted to say that it was really cool to meet some of you @ Exit last night for Scot Project. I thought that he was great! Too bad that he hasn't come to DC....

I am usually on DC boards since I go to school there, (go Gtwn!)and promote in DC - and it felt like home to listen to him spin last night because of the music I am familiar w/ at Glow, so that was nice!

But I plan on going to NY a lot more and just wanted to say HI! and what did you all think of last night?

I guess it's time to finally go to bed, 1:30 pm and we got back to DC not too long ago. ahhh!

I realize the whole Draper issue is a hotly debated subject and I don't quite know what to say because I have not EVER heard him spin but have heard many things....and I am not going to even delve into the topic...

Nevertheless, it was my 1st time at Exit and I really enjoyed it. (I know! such a novice but I'm only 19) - so I wasn't there back when he was a resident. However, I guess that it will be interesting to see what happens, and what the club will be like, (If the atmosphere will be significantly different and all) when he returns...?!

Besides all of that, I just wanted to say hello, again, and was wondering what your opinions were of last night, and...finally wanted to say that if any of you are ever in DC, let me know!

Thanks and have a great weekend! And a great 4:20, although I know that that is so cliche but, after all, it fell on a Saturday this year! So for all of you aficionados....have a fun one!

Hope to hear from ppl! My screen name is sialater18 by the way...so drop me a line if you want! :laugh: :laugh:

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Last night ws fucking insane.. It was nice meeting o-jay and ghhhhhhhhhost... Ojay hope you got home ok! And it was great chilling with the rest of teh crew like always, hotchickie, legend, roninmess, karch, nychunk, mikebuggout, djjonstephen, codica, bladeny, xtcgspot (if I missed anyone Im sorry =(.. im still realllllllllllly tired!

I had so much fun... at 4am I dont remember who (I think Roninmess) notices that Vicious was in the booth with Project.. it was so funny.. We went down to the booth (they wouldnt let anyone in) said hi to johnny and went back upstairs! Me and Buggout were the last ones to leave.. (thanx for hleping me look for my friends). So I finally found my freinds as me and Mike were walking out.. I wound up staying till 7am... music was still pumpin.. My friends g/f fell off the stage!!!! She was hurt but she found a way to numb the pain.. :laugh:. We were all talking to Scot Project whos name is Frank (does anyone else find that odd :confused: ). He took pictures with us as well. Hes a cool fucking guy..

Ok enough of my babbling.. thats my review!! byeeeeeeeeeeee

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wow, where to begin.

Opener was not bad, took him awhile to get going but he eventually got the place amped for scot. Then around 130ish, scot took over.

On a side not, that whole second floor was message board peeps, mostly experience.com who had practically every member there, some sicktracks, and a nice CP group (nice meeting ghhhhhost, ojay, MUTHAFUCKING HIGHMAY, nice meeting all of you, i met a few others but cant remember).

Now to the man, Opens with the three song combo of--

Punk-Ferry Cortsen

Rank 1- Awakening (benecio mix)


Ignition by DJ Spoke

But...the volume was toooo low, we were all having coversations in front of the speakers....exit really needs to get on this...But then it got a lil louder and he continued..

New track from live set


then the sikkest part of the nite, we're standing over the booth (me, robin, larry, nychunk, bebby390482938, hotchickie, i think ojay was there) and i can see the labels b/c I have the records--i see the 2nd trip...then I called the enxt 3 records as he drops

2nd Trip

Thunder In Paradise

French Kiss

and the Incoming (arome mix) in a row!!:eek:

other things he plaued

trance and acid (derb)

ding a ling

hardcore will never die (derb)

only kick - brain ovulation


Outer Space (his new track)

Exhale -System F

Listen to Me Mama

415am--I look down and see a dude with long hair in the booth--thats not johnny vicious?? But it was!! came to say hello to scot is guess....we're like...so who is @ roxy??

madd other ones Ill think of...walking out I met scot again--madd cool guy--

thats all i can remember...definitely a fun nite..

Mikey BuGouT

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I was not crazy about the opener, he started to heat up around the end....

When project first came on the sound was way too low, as the night went on I think they turned it up a little bit.

I heard every song I wanted to hear, and the highlight being overdrive.

I have heard Overdrive at Exit 100 times, thanks to Tony Draper, but it had so much more energy coming from Scot Project. :bounce: I thought the set was better then his recent sets from Trance Escape and Cosmic Energy.

I had to leave a little early cause I had baseball, so i am on my way out and this kid says "Look its Johnny Vicious!" , It def. was him walking into the club, I was like FUCK, i picked a great time to leave.

New CP peeps I met......

GlowGirlNYC,Mother Fuckin Highmay,Dos, the girl Highmay was with, i forget her name, and I think that is it.

JonStevens and Ojay, nice chillin with you guys, you drunk bastards :tongue:

the club wasn't terribly packed, which was a good thing. The vibe was half way decent. Thats about all i got to say :)

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Last night was the first night I went back to Exit in 4 months. I used to go to that place every single Friday. The vibe was completely different. There was none at all. It didn't feel the same. It wasn't the Exit that I grew to love last year. :( Anyways on a more positive side. Scott Project was great. Nice seeing everyone again. Also finally got to meet glowgrlnyc. Then eventually I went into the white room and HIghmay comes in there later and tells me about the songs I missed on the main floor. So I got pissed I missed all those tracks. :mad: Anyways overall it was an OK night. I just wasn't feelin the crowd. Hopefully next week with Draper's return things will get better.

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Originally posted by karch

Last night was the first night I went back to Exit in 4 months. I used to go to that place every single Friday. The vibe was completely different. There was none at all. It didn't feel the same. It wasn't the Exit that I grew to love last year. :( Anyways on a more positive side. Scott Project was great. Nice seeing everyone again. Also finally got to meet glowgrlnyc. Then eventually I went into the white room and HIghmay comes in there later and tells me about the songs I missed on the main floor. So I got pissed I missed all those tracks. :mad: Anyways overall it was an OK night. I just wasn't feelin the crowd. Hopefully next week with Draper's return things will get better.

I thought the crowd sucked too. It was pretty lifeless, even when SP was on. But the music was bangin.

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Dammit! My DJ had a crisis moment right when the meetup was going on and I missed everyone!!! :( O-Jay - especially YOU, bro! No fair!!! And Codica, omg, I asked Thorin like 6 times where you were but I never found you :( :( Drop me an IM though, I wanna chat with u about a few things!! Scot definitely sounded really good last night, his set was awesome, and he's a really chill guy. Very enjoyable night last night, all things considered. Now, for some much-needed sleep... :D:zzz:

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Originally posted by sialater18

Dammit! My DJ had a crisis moment right when the meetup was going on and I missed everyone!!! :( O-Jay - especially YOU, bro! No fair!!! And Codica, omg, I asked Thorin like 6 times where you were but I never found you :( :( Drop me an IM though, I wanna chat with u about a few things!! Scot definitely sounded really good last night, his set was awesome, and he's a really chill guy. Very enjoyable night last night, all things considered. Now, for some much-needed sleep... :D:zzz:

MY BAD!!! LoL SOMEONE didn't log out of her SN on my computer ::coughcoughsiacough:: but the above reply was actually from me. :tongue:


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Originally posted by sialater18

Dammit! My DJ had a crisis moment right when the meetup was going on and I missed everyone!!! :( O-Jay - especially YOU, bro! No fair!!! And Codica, omg, I asked Thorin like 6 times where you were but I never found you :( :( Drop me an IM though, I wanna chat with u about a few things!! Scot definitely sounded really good last night, his set was awesome, and he's a really chill guy. Very enjoyable night last night, all things considered. Now, for some much-needed sleep... :D:zzz:

vixen, you dumb bitch: look who you're logged on as...

fucking moron...

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Originally posted by doubtness


I was @ the Main Floor. I just wanted to bang my head against the speakers all nite. Actually you walked in front of me once, i tried to trip you, but i couldn't get your attention. :tongue:

really.. aww thanx! :laugh: hm.. i didnt see you

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Exit was hot last night, like the music and all. But I didnt like the fact that there were sooo many Asians. Like 95% of the club were asians. I dont have anything against them at all, just I felt kind of weird Cuz there were so many of them on the main floor.

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welllllllllp! ...ill make this short..since i just officially returned from Boo6(yes..5am baby..hardcore)...scot project didnt really amaze me much. i got a chance to speak to dude as i was leaving..nice guy though. crowd sucked. i think the more we hype up exit the worse the crowd appears. althought it was dope meeting..

glowgrlnyc..if it wasnt for the motorcross shirt id never find u ,o-jay, codica -:D,djjonstephen,roninmess,mikebugout , legend38,bebby , hotchickie(surprised u didnt smack me ahaha)..MOTHAFAWKING highmay..and nychunk .and..well..thats about it i guess


o yeh...i almost got kicked out for tearing a draper poster down eheheh..bouncer told me "USUALLY U GET KICKED OUT FOR SHIT LIKE THAT...BUT SINCE I AGREE WITH U ILL LET IT SLIDE" ahhaahah..hes the fuckin man

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

welllllllllp! ...ill make this short..since i just officially returned from Boo6(yes..5am baby..hardcore)...scot project didnt really amaze me much. i got a chance to speak to dude as i was leaving..nice guy though. crowd sucked. i think the more we hype up exit the worse the crowd appears. althought it was dope meeting..

glowgrlnyc..if it wasnt for the motorcross shirt id never find u ,o-jay, codica -:D,djjonstephen,roninmess,mikebugout , legend38,bebby , hotchickie(surprised u didnt smack me ahaha)..MOTHAFAWKING highmay..and nychunk .and..well..thats about it i guess


o yeh...i almost got kicked out for tearing a draper poster down eheheh..bouncer told me "USUALLY U GET KICKED OUT FOR SHIT LIKE THAT...BUT SINCE I AGREE WITH U ILL LET IT SLIDE" ahhaahah..hes the fuckin man


Dude when I met you, i was like shit that looks like ghhhost, but IO thought you ewre telling me your name was dos!!

Ahh it all makes sense now, I was gonna put an attn ghhosetthread up too and ask where the fuck u were!

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

o yeh...i almost got kicked out for tearing a draper poster down eheheh..bouncer told me "USUALLY U GET KICKED OUT FOR SHIT LIKE THAT...BUT SINCE I AGREE WITH U ILL LET IT SLIDE" ahhaahah..hes the fuckin man

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hahahaha bro, I will pay you for that!! Nice move!! :D

Sia - Way to log off my comp, DUH! (Highmay, I happened to notice who I posted as myself - hence my reply before yours, but thanks for the tip anyway :rolleyes: ) Now wake yo ass up so we can go running.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

o yeh...i almost got kicked out for tearing a draper poster down eheheh..bouncer told me "USUALLY U GET KICKED OUT FOR SHIT LIKE THAT...BUT SINCE I AGREE WITH U ILL LET IT SLIDE" ahhaahah..hes the fuckin man

That was a BRiLLiANT thing you did... I give you a "2 Thumbs UP" for that!!! :D :D :D

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