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Will there ever be peace in the middle east?

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . when religion comes into play . . never . . .

I agree. Although my blind optimism wishes for "peace on earth" it will never happen as long as people remain ignorant, stubborn, close minded, and religious. It's just human nature at its worst.

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Peace will come to the world, eventually. By force or by choice.

The Globalist are creating all these problems so we may hate religion and accept their laws. Who do you think funds the fundamentalist organizations. Not the legitimate religious bodies, that's for sure.

There is an evil force that wants to create a one world government that will be peaceful by appearences, but will be evil by nature. We will be slaves to that system if we don't wake up and realize what is going on.

9/11 was fake terrorism. It got us yearning for their peace via some kind of war. There will be more fake terror attacks that will try to soften our Bill or Rights and our Consitution.

read about it


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Originally posted by Nestor

Peace will come to the world, eventually. By force or by choice.

The Globalist are creating all these problems so we may hate religion and accept their laws. Who do you think funds the fundamentalist organizations. Not the legitimate religious bodies, that's for sure.

There is an evil force that wants to create a one world government that will be peaceful by appearences, but will be evil by nature. We will be slaves to that system if we don't wake up and realize what is going on.

9/11 was fake terrorism. It got us yearning for their peace via some kind of war. There will be more fake terror attacks that will try to soften our Bill or Rights and our Consitution.

read about it


Maybe you should check on who's funding the fundamentalist organizations before you so openly announce you know who it is and who it isn't.

And as for evil globalists and their plans to create a global government...that would be the UN, wouldn't it? Oh sure, it's not working all that great and whatnot, but the last time I checked, we're not slaves to it by any means.

And next time, comes terror attacks aimed at destroying our bill of rights and our constitution, why not go protest the religious fundamentalists (read: ASHCROFT) that's trying to undo them in the first place?

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Hummm... Money, is money, is money.

This whole system is funded by the money powers. Central banks, the IMF and other loan sharks.

WE ARE SLAVES! What was that interesting tid bit, we need to work to May 1st to pay our taxes? That sounds like slavery to me. Expect that date to be pushed further into the years as our 'war on terror' needs to be paid for. The Federal reserve, is not Federal, nor is it a reserve. It is a multinational corporation that is privately owned, mostly by foreigners.

That green paper that you carry around with you is issued by people you cannot see. The reason for Fed (central bank of USA) is so we may pay our taxes into that system and keep those international bankers in control. Our National debt is ? You see, we are paying millions in interest by the HOUR! That means, me, you and your future kids have this large debt over our heads.

The terror organization? Osama, was, is and will always be a CIA operative. The WTC attacks where a collusion of him and the Mossad. Resistance fighters in Palestine spend what little money they have on guns, rifles and small tactical weapons. If there was this big pool of money going to them, don't you think they would have gotten a few F-15's like the Israelis?

There is rampant speculation, that has some basis in fact, that it may have well been the Israelis that had a hand in the 9/11 attacks. Us dumb Americans usually don't, or don't want to put 2 and 2 together.

Read on:

Was 911 A Mossad

'False Flag' Operation?


From Dick Eastman



Note - As with all commentaries on this site, the views of Mr. Eastman are his own and do not necessarily represent those of this site or its sponsors. -ed

I am convinced the Paul Wolfowitz is a key man in the 911 frame-up. I certainly agree with the first writer below, and worry about how reasonable may be the worries of the second. But remember this, your Jewsih Doctor is not one of the Wall Street or City of London investment banker who put Bush and Wolfowitz. Some of the best minds working against Sharon and the 911 conspiracy frame-up are Jewish men and women in the U.S. and Israel (and, I have not doubt, in the U.K. too.) In fact Senator Lieberman has just called for a full-scale Senate investigation of 911 (along with McCain, Torricelli and other Senators, Republican and Democrat.) In this espionage false-flag business, you never know how your real friends or enemies are -- you are some times disappointed -- and much better -- you are sometimes pleasantly surprised.

Dick Eastman

Yakima, Washington

911 Was a Mossad False Flag Operation

By Sean McBride

(McBride is a discussant in newsgroups

investigating CIA drug-trade



I've been strongly resisting coming to the best guess that 911 was a classic Mossad false flag operation, conducted with the full complicity of a Zionist political network loyal to Israel at the highest levels of the U.S. government, but some recent events have made it almost impossible to ignore the obvious.

This is the theory that best fits the known facts. It's not enough that the U.S. has failed to capture a single planner behind or perpetrator of the 911 WTC and anthrax attacks. It's not enough that the U.S. is even failing to show any interest in capturing these "evildoers." But now we have George W. Bush urging Americans to pay no attention to Osama bin Laden and to forget he exists. What's that again? Forget about OBL? And forget about the anthrax attacks?

OBL has conveniently been demoted from Lord Satan to a pesky "parasite," someone beneath our notice. You can't afford to capture "evildoers" when knowledge of the real identity and purposes of said evildoers would turn the popular understanding of 911 upside down and create the biggest crisis in American politics since the Civil War.

Then we have the frantic efforts to shift the focus of attention regarding 911 to Iraq, even though there is not a shred of solid evidence that Iraq was involved in the attacks, and that the campaign to attack Iraq is being masterminded and promoted by Israel and Israeli loyalists in the American government like Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle.

The question then arises: was the purpose of the 911 attacks to justify precisely this kind of military campaign, against the Palestinians, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and on down the line?

Then there are reports about John Ashcroft, a militant Christian Zionist, demanding that the investigation into the 911 Israeli art student and movers spy rings be buried. Both spy rings appear to be closely-connected to the 911 WTC attacks in sinister ways about which Ashcroft would prefer to keep Americans in the dark.

Here's the best guest so far of what happened on 9/11/2001...

Osama bin Laden is a high level agent operated by the Israeli Mossad in cooperation with the CIA. OBL and his inner circle recruited the hijackers for 911, with the naive recruitees having little idea of what they were really getting into or about whom was pulling their strings (this was the false flag component of the operation). The hijacked planes were taken over on 9/11 by remote control -- the hijackers lacked the piloting skills to execute the maneuvers that were performed. Well-established procedures for handling situations of this kind were deliberately overridden by orders from on high within the Bush administration. The planes were allowed to hit their targets.

Now the government is engaged in a massive propaganda campaign to suppress any reasonable questions about 911. If the cover-up starts to fall apart, it is likely that more and worse terrorist incidents will be engineered, martial law will be declared, and any skeptics and dissidents will be imprisoned or murdered.

Now, if none of this true, why is the government doing its level best to make it appear to be true by its bungling and provocative behavior? Doesn't this entire operation -- both 911 and post-911 -- have a keystone cops quality about it that is highly redolent of Iran-Contra?

Anyone who thinks Israel is incapable of this kind of behavior should thoroughly research the Lavon Affair. Start by doing a simple Google search on "lavon affair".

Anyone who thinks Christian Zionists aren't capable of supporting Israel in this kind of behavior should take a close look at the attitudes expressed on Free Republic, a hotbed of Christian Zionist opinionating. Christian Zionists regularly express the conviction that Americans owe absolute loyalty and submission to the Israeli government, and that Israel and the United States should launch a campaign of genocide against Arabs and Muslims. Literally thousands of messages in this vein have been posted on Free Republic in the last few years, with the approval of Jim Robinson.

The most difficult thing to wrap one's mind around in this scenario is the idea that some Americans would participate in such a radical betrayal of their country and fellow citizens. But then you have to take into account the bizarre effects of ethnic and religious cultism on the human mind, particularly cultism animated by apocalyptic fervor.

If this scenario comes close to describing what happened on 911, George W. Bush and many other high-level government officials are probably as much out of the loop as the average American. They are no doubt asking the same questions in private that have been asked on the Internet. I hope this scenario is proven wrong in the near future.

I hope we catch the real culprits behind 911 and the anthrax attacks, and discover they really are whom the media have claimed they are. But if the weeks drag on and on with more government evasions on these issues, and not a single significant arrest or conviction, suspicions are going to grow and harden.

At this point, the only thing I am certain about is that we have NOT been told the truth. That the Israeli's were notified about the attack on the internet two hours before it occurred, that only ONE Israeli died in the attack, that the Israeli spy ring was discovered and then sent back to Israel without getting any answers, that the CELEBRATION of the Israeli group on the roof top in NYC took place....all these things point to Israel.

The media is run by about 50 American and Non-American Jews. Sharon said that America is run by Israel. I believe it. Look at the Marc Rich (Expatriot Jewish American) pardon. We are going to war against Iraq and others to satisfy them, not for our own nation's security. It could lead to Nuclear war. That may be the idea. Over 2/3's of our population could be destroyed. Preparations to protect and sustain the "important people" underground are in place here, in Russia, in China and they WERE in place in Afganistan until we destroyed their caves.


Israeli Spy ring story:


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nestor, are you a cartoon character? why are you trying to insult people's intelligence?? an evil global organization that wants to take over the world? muhahaha muhahaha muhaha! the jews control the media?? mossad flew those planes into the TWC?? you know, i would compare your shrewd analysis and intelligence to that of a pickle, but unfortunately, i like pickles, so i wouldnt want to insult them.

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You are in denial. Wake up and realize what's really going on. eMpTyVee has got your brain fried.


Originally posted by tribal

nestor, are you a cartoon character? why are you trying to insult people's intelligence?? an evil global organization that wants to take over the world? muhahaha muhahaha muhaha! the jews control the media?? mossad flew those planes into the TWC?? you know, i would compare your shrewd analysis and intelligence to that of a pickle, but unfortunately, i like pickles, so i wouldnt want to insult them.

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Originally posted by Nestor

Moore proof, this past Sunday, April 20, 2002; more than 200,000 marched on Washington to protest the apartheid state of Israel. No major news outlet thought this was even news worthy:


Apparently the one that took that picture did.

Anyways... i'm sorry but i'm a househead. i have no political manifestos or affiliations. I don't believe in twisted corrupt government schemes of world domination, black hidden plots and power struggles.

I'm perfectly happy going dancing every other night and enjoying my life in my space bubble... because i believe in one thing:

The people who have trouble are the people who believed in it and went looking to prove it was there.

sorry kid. Life is too short to waste it arguing over foolish shit like this. More people need to believe in Jack and Jack's Groove :)

And maybe then we'll bring nations and nations of Jackers together under one roof.

You may be black, you may be white; you may be Jew or Gentile, it don't make a difference... In Our House


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Yeah, that's all good cintron. But the innocent people in the WTC were also minding their business and look what happened to them. You can be into the music and be aware of dirty world politics. In fact, early House music was all about that. Have you ever heard the song "Mother Land" or "Sweat" by Jay Williams, both talk about the now defunct Apartheid system of south Africa.

Do you dancing, but stay aware of what's coming down. The more of us are aware of this, the better chance we have of preventing it.

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it's only been about 100 or so years in Palestine @ least, not 3 millenia. That's one of the great myths about the conflict.

Btw it's funny how Israel seems to be financing it's war of aggression by taxing the poor, some of whom are part of the bedrock of its support. It's also undermining its own economic prospects.


Sharon agrees plan to avoid fiscal crisis

By Avi Machlis in Jerusalem

Published: April 23 2002 17:44 | Last Updated: April 24 2002 01:00

Ariel Sharon, Israel's prime minister, on Tuesday night agreed an emergency economic programme to prevent a fiscal crisis with costs rising because of Israel's military campaign in the West Bank.

The Shk13bn ($2.7bn) austerity plan, which is scheduled to be put to a cabinet vote on Sunday and then to the Knesset [parliament], includes a Shk6bn cut in spending from the Shk248bn budget.

But the deficit would widen from a planned 3 per cent of gross domestic product to between 3.5 and 3.9 per cent of GDP. The rest will be financed by a series of new taxes, including an increase in value added tax from 17 to 18 per cent and a rise in excise taxes on cigarettes and petrol and a "war levy" on salaries amounting to 1 per cent of gross wages.

In spite of broad Israeli political support for Mr Sharon's military policies, the economic package sparked political controversy - particularly over plans to reduce child allowances that would affect mostly ultra-Orthodox Jews and Arabs.

Parties representing the two sectors have pledged to use parliament to fight the package which they say is discriminatory and designed specifically to hit communities that do not serve in the Israeli army.

This month's military offensive is estimated to have cost up to Shk300m, and defence spending had already been much higher than planned. Israel's stretched budget has been suffering from a sharp slowdown in tax receipts because of a collapse in economic growth.

Furthermore, the budget had been based on gross domestic growth projections of 2 per cent, which economists said was absurd, since most expect growth to be flat this year after a 0.6 per cent contraction in 2001.

Silvan Shalom, the finance minister, said the "broad, comprehensive plan" was designed to head off an economic crisis and help revive growth.

David Klein, governor of the Bank of Israel, warned on Tuesday that new taxes would undermine attempts to boost growth, and widening the deficit would be counterproductive since it would force the central bank to raise interest rates.

"The package must be focused on reducing government expenditures which compared to the world are high by any measure," said Mr Klein.

Some analysts have criticised the programme for failing to include any structural reform. Ohad Marani, director general of the finance ministry, on Tuesday said that a capital gains tax might be a component of the final package.

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Originally posted by Nestor

Yeah, that's all good cintron. But the innocent people in the WTC were also minding their business and look what happened to them. You can be into the music and be aware of dirty world politics. In fact, early House music was all about that. Have you ever heard the song "Mother Land" or "Sweat" by Jay Williams, both talk about the now defunct Apartheid system of south Africa.

Do you dancing, but stay aware of what's coming down. The more of us are aware of this, the better chance we have of preventing it.

Yeah i've heard those tracks but early house music wasn't ALL about that ;)

besides even if i was "aware" somehow of what's going down, what would that make me? I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. If a building blew up and i was in it, maybe i'd know who did it at the time i was getting killed but that's about it.

To have real knowledge about this stuff you'd either need a security clearance or spend a lot of time doing research.

I don't know man... honestly i think people are making this into a way larger conspiracy than it really may be. Too many people have been watching movies and reading Tom Clancy novels ;)

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