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for everyone who does not like Tony Draper

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Originally posted by msoprano13

draper puts me to sleep....he plays the same damn songs every time he spins....fucking boring.....he uses cds so at least he should download some new beats from audiogalaxy....

blow the speaker is like 2 yesars old and hes still playing that...

let me guess he played stars, kiss, rythy ready, young frakenstein and his other songs that hes been playing for 2.5 years now

ok the theme of the nite was called "Back to the future" so Draper opened up with a medley mixed with all the oldies but goodies and it was fucken sick and he tore rhythem ready a new asshole after that he than played a bunch of shit than he has never dropped before in exit but it was all insane

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I dont think people that dont like draper are stupid. Thats going a little too far because everyone has different taste. As far as little teeny boppers just like music that is fast and hard, well i am not a little teeny bopper and i have heard plenty of djs and i like music that is hard and progressive like drapers. So for all draper haters, please tell me a dj that plays tracks similiar to draper, and who you think has talent because i have yet to find one. You need to realize that it is possible to like hard and fast music even if you "know about music" and arent a teeny bopper.

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wow. youre getting dumber and dumber with each conescutive post.

Umm yea and where does he spin, because the last time i checked he didnt have a residency at a city club. So how bout you do this, find a dj in the city or around the new york area who plays drapers type of music and who has "talent" and then let me know. Naming a dj i cannot go see is just dumb.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by xhead247x

Umm yea and where does he spin, because the last time i checked he didnt have a residency at a city club. So how bout you do this, find a dj in the city or around the new york area who plays drapers type of music and who has "talent" and then let me know. Naming a dj i cannot go see is just dumb.:rolleyes:

draper is the only one who plays "draper" type music.....and it may be hard and fast but if you wanted to hear quality hard and fast you should have checked out howells at vinyl the other night who gets hard and fast....but its not the same repetive bass line its a combination of elements that makes it soooooo ridiculous......
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Originally posted by xhead247x

Umm yea and where does he spin, because the last time i checked he didnt have a residency at a city club. So how bout you do this, find a dj in the city or around the new york area who plays drapers type of music and who has "talent" and then let me know. Naming a dj i cannot go see is just dumb.:rolleyes:

this is the stupidest thing i have ever heard!!!:laugh: darper has the same beats and yeah he does play "his" own music, which IMO sux big donkey hairy balls!!! but thats my opinion! so you are basically saying that that what makes a good dj is the fact that he has a recidency in a club?!?!?!? you must be a beginer!? its ok youlle learn and when you get a little older you will be arguing and laughing at the new night life kids....the only bad thing is that they might win because the only one that you will probably be able to defend your case with will be :laughing: TONY DRAPER! naming a dj that you cannot see is dumb!?!?!? what type of stupid shit is that!?!? most of the best music comes from dj's you rarely hear about a.k-(fucking)-.a underground shit. oh and you wanna know about people with talent look up Jonathan peters, johnny vicious,anthony nero,danny tenaglia,danny howells,junior vasquez....sorry i have a hang over so my brain cant function right now.



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Originally posted by xhead247x

Umm yea and where does he spin, because the last time i checked he didnt have a residency at a city club. So how bout you do this, find a dj in the city or around the new york area who plays drapers type of music and who has "talent" and then let me know. Naming a dj i cannot go see is just dumb.:rolleyes:

. . . dude . . . do you even know who sven vath is? . . .

. . . you know . . never mind . . I don't even know why I bother sometimes . . .

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Originally posted by xhead247x

Umm yea and where does he spin, because the last time i checked he didnt have a residency at a city club. So how bout you do this, find a dj in the city or around the new york area who plays drapers type of music and who has "talent" and then let me know. Naming a dj i cannot go see is just dumb.:rolleyes:

Fine. he doesnt have a residency here, but he tours all over the world. does draper do that?

didnt think so

so.....danny howells is a good example of a dj that plays "hard and fast" music with a NY residency

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Originally posted by davenaves

This is strictly my opinion, se leave the bashing to someone else. I believe Exit was doing a great job with the International talent, they actually had potential to blow that club up...Not just in NYC but on a worldwide scale.

With the pressure to bring back Draper, the Imagine team has swept into Exit and will inevitably destroy it. No doubt, Draper brings numbers! He plays what people want to hear - when they want to hear it.

With Draper comes heavy drugs and "yay-sluts"...accompanying the "yay-sluts" are the meatheads who are looking for some easy prey.

All their promotions have positioned to showcase Tony Draper. What does Marivisi (Exit Owner) care about his crowd? He's will make a shit load of money, then move on.

People are always moving around in this business, so Exit had a serious dilema. They could work on building the club up with International talent, or say fuck it ~ bring 5,000 heads to the door with one nyc Tony Draper.

In essence, it's all money! For those of you who love Draper, you should have a million dollar grin on. You now got Exit and Draper. Eventually, his crowd will turn on him and he'll have nothing. Most likely when "e" changes from the drug of choice.

For those of you that desire a certain energy, not associated with drugs - but with style, business, and MUSIC - you will find your club. I believe Roxy has the potential, and I've joined the Roxy team as of late.

Feel free to email me if you just wanna talk industry or music:




Very well put.......

It is very obvious what is trying to be accomplished at Exit. I also agree that Roxy has a shit load of potential too for that type of scene. The resident dj is one of the top in NYC and will soon be equipped with an awesome sound system. It definately has the potential to be a progressive trance/hard trance haven.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . dude . . . do you even know who sven vath is? . . .

. . . you know . . never mind . . I don't even know why I bother sometimes . . .

:laugh: :laugh: You know I was trying to think of a "GOOD" reply to this thread and then....I read your post Phuture...and I was enlightened again..."Why Bother?" .....hehehehe

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Originally posted by rfkfreak

I am now fully convinced that it is possible to have 4000 kids who are clueless about music in one place at one time.

At least they are together and not spread out.......that is the only good thing I am making out of all of this.

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Originally posted by xhead247x

I dont think people that dont like draper are stupid. Thats going a little too far because everyone has different taste. As far as little teeny boppers just like music that is fast and hard, well i am not a little teeny bopper and i have heard plenty of djs and i like music that is hard and progressive like drapers. So for all draper haters, please tell me a dj that plays tracks similiar to draper, and who you think has talent because i have yet to find one. You need to realize that it is possible to like hard and fast music even if you "know about music" and arent a teeny bopper.

haha............this coming from someone who calls themself xhead..........enuff said.

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Umm yea and where does he spin, because the last time i checked he didnt have a residency at a city club. So how bout you do this, find a dj in the city or around the new york area who plays drapers type of music and who has "talent" and then let me know. Naming a dj i cannot go see is just dumb.

I think some of you guys are brian dead. I did not say that because a dj doesnt have a residency it means he is not good.All i said is since i cannot see sven vath at a club, then who do you suggest i go see if i like drapers type of music. I wasnet saying that because he deosnt spin in the city he sux. You guys jsut try to hard to make someone feel stupid and in the end you make yourslef feel dumb. Mentioning danny howells was smart since he spins at vinyl so i can go hear him.

All i have to say i am not knew to the club scence and still like draper, and i have heard all those djs that you guys mentioned.

I dont even care anymore you know why???? because Draper is back and none of you people can do shit about it:laugh: :laugh:

So just sit on the board and bash him, but you will never get as much enjoyment doing that as i will listening to draper :D :D :D

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Originally posted by xhead247x

I think some of you guys are brian dead.

braindead your the one who like draper hello i thought exit did such a good thing by getting rid of him but than agian thats typical exit going back and getting him....... I said this b4 i dont think its right if exit keeps getting international talent and then let draper do afta hourz.....

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