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Ever want to start over?

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Just pick all your shit up and move to San Fransisco or someplace nice and warm where you don't know anyone...

New job, new people, new you, new life...not to mention... new music (they have quite the breaks scene out there, so I'm told)

no, i'm not leaving (I don't think anyway, :tongue: )

Just wondering if this thought has ever passed through anyone's head... or if anyone has ever done this...

hell, theres nothing else on here worth reading/replying to today...

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Originally posted by nycchic24

yeah i've thought about it.

actually, wait :idea: i did it last year (except i moved here, to new york) BUZZ4.GIF

from where?

how'd it go?

do you regret it?

(elaborate or something, cp is SUCKING today, content-wise)

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . what do you think I, in effect, did? . . . And where do we stand? . . .

. . I'm not saying a change is bad . . but think hard before you do . . . Lately I've been thinking about the very same thing . . it's hard, but it can be done . .

heh... but when you think about it mike... the scenery changed, but nothing else did... ;)

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refer to cheesecake factory conversation *lil grin*

man oh man, today i have felt like just leaving. i've felt angry and sad and joyous and angry again... no, i am not PMSing. i just have very undirected passions and it's driving me nuts.

Originally posted by joeg

Just pick all your shit up and move to San Fransisco or someplace nice and warm where you don't know anyone...

New job, new people, new you, new life...not to mention... new music (they have quite the breaks scene out there, so I'm told)

no, i'm not leaving (I don't think anyway, :tongue: )

Just wondering if this thought has ever passed through anyone's head... or if anyone has ever done this...

hell, theres nothing else on here worth reading/replying to today...

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I did it for college, just moved to AZ from NYC.. never been to see it or the campus. It was the best thing i ever did, but moved back to NY and now I think about it again every morning.. there are so many beautiful warm places in this world to live. but we choose this urban jungle. i use to say i stay here for the clubs and music but even thats fading

My friend a yr ago picked up and moved to hawaii.. everytime i get an email from him he says another day in paradise

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Originally posted by chris817

I did it for college, just moved to AZ from NYC.. never been to see it or the campus. It was the best thing i ever did, but moved back to NY and now I think about it again every morning.. there are so many beautiful warm places in this world to live. but we choose this urban jungle. i use to say i stay here for the clubs and music but even thats fading

My friend a yr ago picked up and moved to hawaii.. everytime i get an email from him he says another day in paradise

mmmm paradise indeed...

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Originally posted by joeg

from where?

how'd it go?

do you regret it?

(elaborate or something, cp is SUCKING today, content-wise)

kinda told the story a couple times on here before, dindt want to bore ya. but here goes....

where from? i moved from boston. and besides going to school in florida (haha go gators) ihave lived there all my life. all my friends and family live there and i evn bought a condo a coupel years ago. but i lost my job right after xmas (company filed chapter 7) and there was just no jobs in my market ( work in merchandising) and most ocmpanies in new york wouldnt even look at my resume bc i didnt live in the tri state area! (even though i stated i woul dbe relocating myself) after much thought, i decided to take a gamble -- ditch my comfy life, and pakc up my stuff and move to new york. i calculated i should be able to live $$ wise between picking up a waitressing job and my unemployment checks.... i didnt have to wait long.

also, i knew NO ONE when i moved here! the first month i was climibing walls bc i was used to going out like 2 or 3 times a week back in boston, and here i knew shit! unlike a lot of ppl who move here, i did not already have a circle of friends here

how'd it go--- well i moved here on a sunday, had an interview on wednesday and they offered me the job the next day! not bad for your first week in the city. :D

do i regret it? hell no. all my friends ask me (both here and in boston) what city i like better and if i will ever go back to boston. i am def happy wiht my choice and believe it was the best decisoin for me. otherwise it wouuld not have worked out the way it has. do i wanna go back? i miss my friends terribly, but i dont see myself moving back to bosotn for quite some time. anyways i see them often enough and now i have met some great new ppl here this past year!

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Originally posted by chris817

I did it for college, just moved to AZ from NYC.. never been to see it or the campus. It was the best thing i ever did, but moved back to NY and now I think about it again every morning.. there are so many beautiful warm places in this world to live. but we choose this urban jungle. i use to say i stay here for the clubs and music but even thats fading

My friend a yr ago picked up and moved to hawaii.. everytime i get an email from him he says another day in paradise

oh yeah, so maybe i've done this twice... i guess i didnt count that either. again i moved from Massachusetts to Florida for school. only saw the school once and knew no one. i went to a small hs and i just watned to get out of my town and into a new place where i knew no one. end the monotony (sp?)

i loved it, and made some great friendships during this short "abbreviated" time (although i did not walk away with a diploma) haha i met this one girl at Camp UF orientation, she later became my roommate... and she is still my best friend to this day!


muah jenny (aka suthrnbelle) when we first met, i was scared shitless but she thought i was some "cool girl from boston" haha

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picked up and just lefted twice in life grew up in cali then just picked up and went to college in georgia then after that just picked up and moved to north nj now i wonder wuts gonna be the next move

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I did that twice too technically...........

First time to school in the middle of PA without ever visiting the campus or area before. You talk about a culture shock, there is NOTHING to do out there.

Then my real move was here in the city. I just could not stand living in Rhode Island anymore. The summers are good but the other 9 months are terrible, plus the scene there is dead if not deader. I would have to do all sorts of traveling to the city and Boston just to chill where I wanted to with my peeps.

I knew a handful of people out here and I had next to no money, so I had to literally start from scratch.

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Originally posted by joeg

so what conclusion DID you come to on that? or are you still thinking it over?

ive been finding a few work study programs that will give me the expereince of working in london, with the option of staying after the progams end. i need to see program specifics first (housing, stipend/salary amounts), but this looks like the way i want to go. however, if i land a good enough job here (i'm still gonna look) i may stick around for a while longer

so basically i have no clue


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

ive been finding a few work study programs that will give me the expereince of working in london, with the option of staying after the progams end. i need to see program specifics first (housing, stipend/salary amounts), but this looks like the way i want to go. however, if i land a good enough job here (i'm still gonna look) i may stick around for a while longer

so basically i have no clue


hahaha... sounds about right...

well... either way, you'll find your place i'm sure...

if you DO go back, you have to post and let me know how its workin out for ya... (not to mention bragging about all the talent over there that will never come to nyc)...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I did that twice too technically...........

First time to school in the middle of PA without ever visiting the campus or area before. You talk about a culture shock, there is NOTHING to do out there.

Then my real move was here in the city. I just could not stand living in Rhode Island anymore. The summers are good but the other 9 months are terrible, plus the scene there is dead if not deader. I would have to do all sorts of traveling to the city and Boston just to chill where I wanted to with my peeps.

I knew a handful of people out here and I had next to no money, so I had to literally start from scratch.

PA has a really crappy gyro scene... :tongue:

no, but seriously... how'd you manage moving out here with no money?

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Originally posted by joeg

PA has a really crappy gyro scene... :tongue:

no, but seriously... how'd you manage moving out here with no money?

I had like $500. One of my boys that I knew in RI that lives in Forrest Hills let me stay at his crib for a month and hooked me up with a job.

Couldn't go back to doing what I was doing in the past. I had to finally grow up.

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I did it for school too... lived on LI for my whole life and headed down to New Orleans without ever having been there before (lol, this seems to be a trend).

Every now and then I think how great it would be to just vanish and start anew... but I'm not the kind of person who can just pick up and leave with a suitcase and start all over again... I've got too much tying me down here, for better or worse...

Besides- running away doesn't solve anything... your problems have a tendency to follow you...

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