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Land Of Make Believe

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Definitely worth the $40 bucks......music was bangin, decorations were cool, shows were definitely from the land of make believe.

JP was on point for the majority of the night.....of course you know he is gonna get moody and play filler for a while, but you take the good with the bad....everytime you're about to leave and decide to stay for one more song he TOTALLY redeems himself:D

Walked in at six to a shredding of Kylie Minogue.....not too packed which was good.....it got busier around 8 and then thinned out pretty fast, which is just the way i like it

heard a lot of bangin music in the beginning of the night, none of which I have ID's for :( He dropped a new Reina song which is a sweet sweet vocal and a remake of "Dirty Cash"....Alicia Keys was good for the first 20 min, but come on...enough already :rolleyes:

Pill here, jar there....bla bla bla its about 3 and he is playing way too much mellow stuff....brings it up a notch with Work It Out into Hypnotized and BG gets his 8th wind...hit the dance floor...Safe From Harm and some other goodies and JP gets bla again.....5 min from leaving and then it gets NUTS



In Your Eyes

Let The Sunshine

I Wanna Be Free

and then he ripped a half hour set of some tribal/salsa house that I was groovin hard to.......

all in all, my last trip to SF for a while was a blast......good seeing Roninmess NyChix and DJdanfury......just wish i had more IDs:(


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Nice seein you bro. I got there at 5 and left at 11:30. The day was just dragging assssssssss. I was up for 29 hours straight when I finally went to bed today. It was the earliest I've ever left I think. He was good the first hour i was there, then horrrrrible the next hour and a half. Then he brought it back and was playin bangin tunes, but I just couldnt make it any longer. hehe when u asked me what time it was even u were like wtf, its only 11:30!? Day dragged way too much for my tired ass.

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i agree....funny how i can't remember any of it though:idea:

from 3-4:30 was sick...i had sobered up by then and was in that "cracked out i can't stop dancing" mode and i just kept worqiin it and worqin it

top moment of the day was watching some guy walking around talking to his "cell phone" a.k.a. an empty water bottle:laugh:


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Originally posted by sfspikes2envy

whats the song he played after like a prayer?:eek: :eek:

did u go on fri night too?? i didn't make either......

i shoulda went....damnit.....everytime a thread mentions let the sunshine....i get the itch! .....now i will be humming it all day:D

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I wasn't feeling SF at all. I think i got way too drunk at tempts before I got there, so that definitely played a role in it, but I just couldn't really get into it. I was there from 5 - 12, JP was on point most of the night, but he just plays way too much "filler music". I am under the impression he does this, so that when we finally here him drop a bomb, we are even more amped than we would have been if he was dropping good songs all night.

Alicia keys song..... :jawdrop: .....Even though he played it for close to an hour, I was loving every minute of it. The bassline behind the song is ridic....

The show where the guy was playing the flute, was bugging me out hard core. The only 2 IDs I really wanted were the song during this show, and the song played directly afterwards. Anyone?

I don't plan on going to SF for a while .... Sticking to the jersey shore this summer... I feel like all the SF regulars have left.

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my opinion is that since he has already been spinning pretty hard for about 6 hours, he feels like changing the pace up somewhat....since it is his house, he can moreorless so whatever he wants, so he brings it down a notch.....its only filler to us, because we get there late and expect to be treated with energy beats....stick around for a while and he will bring you back up....

maybe its just to thin the crowd out........or maybe he is just an asshole

either way, when i'm chillin with friends, the music kind of fades into the background anyway....but when my songs come on I do get pumped as hell and get nuts

and by the way.....Highmay, you are the biggest asshole around these parts.....can't u ever just keep your mouth shut?


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

and by the way.....Highmay, you are the biggest asshole around these parts.....can't u ever just keep your mouth shut?


. . . no, he can't keep his mouth shut, which is fine with us . . . and anyways, he's RIGHT!! . . . . Got that? . .

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

its only filler to us, because we get there late and expect to be treated with energy beats....BG

i agree with you,

But At least for myself that when i am "under the influence", i tend to be much more tolerable of the filler music; than compared to when doing that place sober (like i was this past weekend) one tends to be less patient and i just wnat him to "cut to the fuckin' chase"

while under the influence.. half the time you dont even notice the filler music lol

and lemme say this now this is not an anti-drug post.... believe me i have had my share of nights.

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well, finally went back to Cractory got there at 5am most of the people I knew left early...the music definitely got better around 11am

decorations were very cool, so were the costumes I glanced at during one of the shows

the guys in the 4th floor lounge were really good one on electric violin, one on drums accompanying some really good tunes we were joking about the one guy being old enough to be some clubber's dad

I felt so bad towards the end of the night the one drag queen (Vicious?) must have done too many bumps in the corner on the third floor because it had to be the WORST show I've ever seen.... first of all, she looks like an S&M victim in an iridescent blue/green outfit...face covered/painted too supposed to be coming out of a bed/shell thing that broke ( I think it was supposed to be standing up/hanging.... saw another costume inside of it, I think she was supposed to change in it) it didn't work. Now, once that was a disaster she should have stopped but no... some man brings a skirt down to her and they lower the swing..... oh no......... she seps into this huge skirt and as she tries to hop onto the swing she falls off on her ass .... she ends up putting the skirt on the swing and just pushing it all over the place, then just hangs on it and oh God did she think we were THAT cracked out that we would think it was a good thing she kept going? or maybe I was THAT cracked out because I stood there trying to figure out what the hell she was doing....

Robin, good to see you hehe he tried to get with your friend

oh yeah and the guy who shook your hand and wouldn't let go

gosh our friend who drove left early and Danielle's car was in Jersey City at another friend's house so after standing around for a half house trying to figure out how to get back (our brains weren't functioning) and having lost her cell phone, I realized I don't have mine so I go back inside and I CANNOT SEE I FELT LIKE I WAS BLIND I make my way over to where we kept our stuff and the people prob thought I was nuts because I couldn't see so I just tried to feel around and when I touched someone I just asked them if they saw a cell phone and the guy said, "Is this it" but I couldn't see so I felt it and it had the case on it I grabbed it and ran back outside we got a ride to the bus station missed the bus as my friends were buying the tickets, waited 45 minutes for the next one

We left Factory at 4:30-5 pm I walked in my house at 8pm

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Originally posted by nycchic24

i agree with you,

But At least for myself that when i am "under the influence", i tend to be much more tolerable of the filler music; than compared to when doing that place sober (like i was this past weekend) one tends to be less patient and i just wnat him to "cut to the fuckin' chase"

while under the influence.. half the time you dont even notice the filler music lol

and lemme say this now this is not an anti-drug post.... believe me i have had my share of nights.

100% percent right.....but when JP plays that stuff i spend the time talking to friends or just chillin enjoying my buzz.....Iv'e never gone anywhere where I felt like dancing every single minute of every night...you gotta have some down time too

I was gonna stay sober, but then I thought about it....I am sober 99% of the week...why spend the time at SF sober when i can be :jar: :laugh:


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Originally posted by snoozi8

I felt so bad towards the end of the night the one drag queen (Vicious?) must have done too many bumps in the corner on the third floor because it had to be the WORST show I've ever seen.... first of all, she looks like an S&M victim in an iridescent blue/green outfit...face covered/painted too supposed to be coming out of a bed/shell thing that broke ( I think it was supposed to be standing up/hanging.... saw another costume inside of it, I think she was supposed to change in it) it didn't work. Now, once that was a disaster she should have stopped but no... some man brings a skirt down to her and they lower the swing..... oh no......... she seps into this huge skirt and as she tries to hop onto the swing she falls off on her ass .... she ends up putting the skirt on the swing and just pushing it all over the place, then just hangs on it and oh God did she think we were THAT cracked out that we would think it was a good thing she kept going? or maybe I was THAT cracked out because I stood there trying to figure out what the hell she was doing....

that was Vivacious and i believe the guy was Revlon.....the show was stupid...i stopped watching after 5 minutes

the show at 6:30-7 am was the best by far.....the people from the LoMB flyer were doing a show and it was wacked dood....


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sf has deff fallen off the 2nd floor is puny the 3rd floor wasn't looken the same the only pluses were the pro body builders and jp deff wasn't on point over all tho its sf u go to mingle and bump into people i met mad body builders excahnged mad info met a few girlys so all in all it was decent in those aspects but 40 bucks for a typical sat nite was kinda wack but atleast they had the water falls that driped the glow sh1t on and when u walked around up stairs u glowed LoL i'm easly amused i guess make me glow give me a few girls and stick 280 pound body builders around me and i'm happy and the music i could even hear it from the 3rd floor and when ever i made my way down it just looked like a ugly person's heaven so the most i spent down ther was like 30 mins

but all sf really needs is a stricter door that looks count more then style i mean i don't 'care if wut people are wearen but looks should count at the door if it was like that it would be the pretty person place again rather then the ugly well dressed person place

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as far as all this talk about what SF used to be and such, I can't say since I am only a newbie (been going since December)

but anything gets old when you do it enough times...how can it not get boring if you go EVERY week? I mean, even sex gets boring if you have it with the SAME person all the time and don't change it up at all.....

I only go once in a while so it will be a treat to me...and I keep a positive mood when I go too....and I have fun:D

I may not know what SF used to be, or whatever, but that doesnt mean you can't have a good time there now:D

and P.S. I dont really think Shook's opinion means all that much :laugh:


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

as far as all this talk about what SF used to be and such, I can't say since I am only a newbie (been going since December)

but anything gets old when you do it enough times...how can it not get boring if you go EVERY week? I mean, even sex gets boring if you have it with the SAME person all the time and don't change it up at all.....

I only go once in a while so it will be a treat to me...and I keep a positive mood when I go too....and I have fun:D

I may not know what SF used to be, or whatever, but that doesnt mean you can't have a good time there now:D

and P.S. I dont really think Shook's opinion means all that much :laugh:


damn kid lol i'm more newbie then u to sf i'm 20 just turned it a few months ago first time i ever went i was 19 at tg it wasn't all that but it was steps above other places but i mean walken into sf these days is like walken into a better dressed older crowd exit LoL fuk it u can still pick up a cutie and u can always bump into some 1 who's better then u so its still 1 of the better spots out ther but from the first few months it has changed and has deff gotten ugly and u can't really go back to how it was once you've gone trashy

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