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What gym are you a member of?

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Originally posted by heretic909

the 'weights and bench in my kitchen' gym

working out at home is about 20% of the work out you can get in a gym. you basically can do shitty chest and bicep work outs at home. maybe some shoulders but that's it.

you just skipped tris which make up most of your arm, calves, quads, and back. i've never seen anyone seriously work out at home.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

working out at home is about 20% of the work out you can get in a gym. you basically can do shitty chest and bicep work outs at home. maybe some shoulders but that's it.

you just skipped tris which make up most of your arm, calves, quads, and back. i've never seen anyone seriously work out at home.

Well those of us without the cash to join a gym make due with what we've got. With an adjustable bench I can get chest done decent with flys and presses, curls for biceps, shoulder presses and standing and bent lateral raises for delts, tri extensions and kickbacks for triceps, and one arm rows and upright rows for back and traps. Crunches and leg raises for abs, and for legs I just take the stairs. At 6'2" and 255lbs, I'm not trying to add anymore size to my body so I can parade around like the juiceheads. I'm just maintaining the strength I already have for ass-kicking and beatdowns rather than vanity or trying to pick up Jersey chicks.

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Originally posted by nycchic24

hey nice meeeting you last night.. actually my girl that was with me last night goes to that gym too!

Nice meeting you too:)

sorry I had to leave so abruptly....

Come down to Groovejet tonite if u get a chance..

and tell your friend to keep an eye out for me at the gym(if she even remembers what i look like, IM there about 4 days a week)


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Originally posted by magilicuti

working out at home is about 20% of the work out you can get in a gym. you basically can do shitty chest and bicep work outs at home. maybe some shoulders but that's it.

you just skipped tris which make up most of your arm, calves, quads, and back. i've never seen anyone seriously work out at home.

a lot of ppl have actual gym equipment at home like bench, lats and butterflies so I don't know about that. the hardest part is having the discipline to do it....a lot of ppl do like 20 reps here 20 there throughout the day and that doesn't do shit....you have to condition yourself and pack all that into a solid 2hr workout as if you were at the gym then it shouldn't make a difference.

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I'm not even going to get into it. I don't wanna start a fight.

I don't know how you can compare squats to going up the stairs for a good leg work out. A lot of tricep work outs require a cable and I'm sure you don't have one of those. All body parts should be hit with atleast 4-5 exercises each. And if you are working out for strength then you are really in the wrong place. Definently not going to get stronger at home. I'm 160lbs and can say I can probably do close to the weight you do even at 255lbs.

If working out was a priority I'm sure you could find a gym and the money for it. And telling me what my goals are without knowing me is absurd. Even if my goals are different so what. Calm down I'm just saying you can't compare a home work out to a gym work out. Its a fact.

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Originally posted by hoke

So not true.

What? Make a statement like that and say nothing after it? I am a moderator for EliteFitness.com. I think I might know what I'm talking about. Unless maybe if you are a personal trainer or something like that.

oh and here is a pic of me from 4 months ago


I think I'm in alright shape. I've been working out for some time now. And I'm just telling ppl here what I know for fact. If anyone wants to disagree I'd like to know why. Some people work out and respond differently and that's fine. But I think everyone should chill out a bit because I just stated you can't work out at home like you do at a gym. I don't know how there is a fucking arguement here even when ppl pay so much more for a gym and how you can think that the home gym is the equivalent. Unless you have spent thousands on a home gym its impossible to work out at home.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

I'm just saying you can't compare a home work out to a gym work out. Its a fact.

When I lived on the west coast and actually had a garage, I had all the equipment I needed at home for my workouts: a squat rack, an adjustable bench, a lat machine for all of my cable work, tricep dip bars, an olympic size barbell set, and 120lbs of dumbbell weights along with a bar I rigged for pull ups. So what else would I have needed? Shelling out money for expensive memberships, expensive sports drinks, waiting in line to use equipment, shitty music, etc.? And working out at home, I never had to worry about upsetting anyone else since it was just me and my training partner and the puke bucket we had next to us whenever we did our leg workouts since that was the kind of intensity we trained with. Like I said, I'm not looking to build anymore, just maintain what I've got. And yes, a home workout can easily be as beneficial as a gym workout.

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in your case heretic I'll agree your home work out is probably the equivalent of a gym work out. But you have to agree that most of the time ppl just have a bench and some dumbells with not nearly as much weight as they should have at home.

Nothing wrong with maintaining or trying to grow bigger. If you work out hard your muscle is going to grow bigger regardless. And those expensive protein drinks can be replaced by real food. A proper diet is about 200% more important then the workout itself.

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Originally posted by heretic909

At 6'2" and 255lbs, I'm not trying to add anymore size to my body so I can parade around like the juiceheads. I'm just maintaining the strength I already have for ass-kicking and beatdowns rather than vanity or trying to pick up Jersey chicks.

That's sum funny shit...

I am in the Bally's program for the cheap deal we got years ago. I pay like $10/month and can go to anyone in the country. There are huge differences between locations. Right now I go to Springfield and they seem to have it all worked out alright - nice big running track, plenty of free weights, etc - and there are some pretty big boys that train there so it cant be that bad there.

And as an added bonus, there are nice yummie latinas to look at during the work out. Hay Hay Haaaayyyy....

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This is a stupid arguement that I won't continue. I have nothing to prove. I'm sure everyone that works out at home is working out for strength with their 125 pounds of weight. What kind of squats/deadlifts/bench presses are you doing? Forget it, you guys are right, I'm gonna start working out at home. I know completely nothing about working out and will keep my mouth shut.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

I'm not even going to get into it. I don't wanna start a fight.

I don't know how you can compare squats to going up the stairs for a good leg work out. A lot of tricep work outs require a cable and I'm sure you don't have one of those. All body parts should be hit with atleast 4-5 exercises each. And if you are working out for strength then you are really in the wrong place. Definently not going to get stronger at home. I'm 160lbs and can say I can probably do close to the weight you do even at 255lbs.

If working out was a priority I'm sure you could find a gym and the money for it. And telling me what my goals are without knowing me is absurd. Even if my goals are different so what. Calm down I'm just saying you can't compare a home work out to a gym work out. Its a fact.

i've seen some people's home gyms that were WAY nicer than any other gym I've been to. I'm not talking about a bench press and some free weights I'm talking full blown lifefitness, nautilus equipment and shit like that. A friend of mine has a full vectra station at his house, he works out like 3hrs a day every day....he's got at least $15k worth of equipment there. what's your definition of a home gym? less than $1k of equipment?

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It's also environment, though. For the most part, people just annoy the fuck outta me. I'd rather work out in a dark, concrete room blasting gabber music and using my own equimpent (some of which I welded myself like the squat rack), rather than dealing with a bunch of pretty boys and shitty music and waiting in line. Everyone's got their own system that works for them, so let's just leave it at that.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

This is a stupid arguement that I won't continue. I have nothing to prove. I'm sure everyone that works out at home is working out for strength with their 125 pounds of weight. What kind of squats/deadlifts/bench presses are you doing? Forget it, you guys are right, I'm gonna start working out at home. I know completely nothing about working out and will keep my mouth shut.

why are you getting all Bent on this...you said up above that you werent even going to get into it, than you did, and now you're upset...let it go let it flow man...everyone's gonna do their own thing no matter what...peace...

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Originally posted by magilicuti

What? Make a statement like that and say nothing after it? I am a moderator for EliteFitness.com. I think I might know what I'm talking about. Unless maybe if you are a personal trainer or something like that.

oh and here is a pic of me from 4 months ago

I don't care what you look like or who you moderate for. I'm not saying that you can't make progress with 4-5 movements per bodypart and 2-hour workouts.

What I am saying is that more is not better. A particular muscle only serves a limited number of functions, and you only need a limited number of exercises to stress those functions. Also, it's been scientifically proven that exercise done past the one-hour mark is generally counter-productive (and even weakens your immune system). Start doing 4-5 exercises per body part, and unless you're only doing one set per exercise, you're bound to pass that mark.

I'm not as big as you (but thanks for the photo :rolleyes: ) and I'm not a personal trainer, but I have read quite a bit on the subject. If you don't believe me, I suggest you look into books by Charles Poliquin and Ian King. Also check out this page . There's a huge community of VERY knowledgeable people out there who agree with me (and most of them practice what they preach, unlike me, hehe).

I'm not trying to rip on you, but there are a lot of bodybuilding myths that have persisted from the days of Arnold and Ferrigno, and I don't see any reason to perpetuate them.

Again, it's not that you can't make progress doing what you're doing, but there are better ways. Who knows -- maybe you can make some serious improvements by following this advice. -shrug-

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I think it's a matter of doing it with what you have. I have a bench and free weights in my apt. Obviously I don't have space for a squat rack, so I'll do plyometrics instead for my lg strength and fast-twitch muscles.

It can be done at home - if you're willing to do the work. I just refuse to pay exhorbitant fees for Gyms in Manhattan.

You can get bigger, stronger and more fit at home - you just have to be a little more "creative" :)

My 2cents

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Originally posted by magilicuti

3 x 5 = 15 sets. if you take a minute break in between sets you shouldn't have a problem finishing up before an hour is up. I agree spending 2 hours on one body part is way too much. I usually do a workout of 45 minutes no problem.

So you're only doing one bodypart per workout? That's different; what I said doesn't apply. :)

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

worst mistake of my life..3 yr contract too..im an idiot..it sux so bad that i hate going!! their hours of operation r balllz..they never fix their machines..man..its horribble..

and CHula..Equinox in the city?? isnt that like 160 a mth???

Yeah its kinda pricey but I got a company deal. I pay 120 a month. So i was only under contract for 3 months and I have all access, which means I can go to any equinox gym I want.

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