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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

jesus...takin the bus home from work...and the little fuckers keep pullin the stop cord...so the 15 min bus ride took 30....and their ghetto ass mother is just sitting there watching....

hahaha that sucks...but nothing is worse than badass kids who run around a store while mommy shops totally "clueless".

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Originally posted by solbeam

hahaha that sucks...but nothing is worse than badass kids who run around a store while mommy shops totally "clueless".

OMG! today i was in a store in the city and this mother was shopping and her kid was running laps around the damn store and running into other people's fitting rooms while they were like half naked and this dumb bitch just kept trying on clothes like nothing was going on...

:mad: what is wrong with people?

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okay talking about ignorant parents..... our performing arts studio is having it's recital weekend the 15th and 16th.... well last month we gave out two packets to the parents with all the information they could possibly need or want including a ticket order form, t-shirt form, video form, booster form etc etc all with due dates and directions.... well one of the parents came to buy tickets and the show is sold out/or close to it ....so she complained, and we told her she got her order form a month ago that explained the procedures, etc..... she said "there was too much information in there, I didn't read it." HELLO!!!!! when people choose to be ignorant, choose not to watch what their kids are doing, etc ----it just proves they shouldn't be trusted with a life.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

jesus...takin the bus home from work...and the little fuckers keep pullin the stop cord...so the 15 min bus ride took 30....and their ghetto ass mother is just sitting there watching....

~~~why does shyt always happen to u?:rolleyes::tongue:

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my sister used to work for noodle kidoodle (or something like that....a kids educational toy store)

when it first opened, parents would drop their kids off and leave them in the store while they would go shopping in neighboring stores. once some moron left her kid in there for 4 hours.

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What about parents who go the completely opposite route? I remember once, waiting for the train, a mother was with her son. He wasn't doing anything bad or bothering anybody, but he's a little boy, he's not going to just stand still and quiet waiting for the subway. Anytime he made the smallest peep she'd scream at him and tell him if he didn't stop it, she was going to (and I quote) "smack the shit out of him." Terrible.

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Originally posted by tastyt

What about parents who go the completely opposite route? I remember once, waiting for the train, a mother was with her son. He wasn't doing anything bad or bothering anybody, but he's a little boy, he's not going to just stand still and quiet waiting for the subway. Anytime he made the smallest peep she'd scream at him and tell him if he didn't stop it, she was going to (and I quote) "smack the shit out of him." Terrible.

u also gotta love the parents that keep kids on those leashes

*youre kid is not a pet*

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

my sister used to work for noodle kidoodle (or something like that....a kids educational toy store)

when it first opened, parents would drop their kids off and leave them in the store while they would go shopping in neighboring stores. once some moron left her kid in there for 4 hours.

Any entrepreneur who comes up with a name like "noodle kidoodle" has employees that deserve everything they get. Tragedy, I tell you.

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:laugh: ..u can tell Joe lives in the 'Burbs....

that shit dont fly round these parts hehe..u try somethin like that on a queens surface bus..and chances r ur gona get slapped..or one of those lil ghetto ass kids will pull out their Nine mm :D

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

:laugh: ..u can tell Joe lives in the 'Burbs....

that shit dont fly round these parts hehe..u try somethin like that on a queens surface bus..and chances r ur gona get slapped..or one of those lil ghetto ass kids will pull out their Nine mm :D

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

sigh. . .and this is y i love my baby fatha walrus

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

:laugh: ..u can tell Joe lives in the 'Burbs....

that shit dont fly round these parts hehe..u try somethin like that on a queens surface bus..and chances r ur gona get slapped..or one of those lil ghetto ass kids will pull out their Nine mm :D

:laugh2: gooooooooood call....

but then, thinking about it... sometimes it's the ghetto ass mothers i can't stand... the one's that are dragging their kid down the block just wacking the shit outta them and screaming, not giving two fucks about who is watching... :( it's not pleasant to see at allll...

i saw a mother on the train the other day flex like she was gonna punch her little girl dead in the face cause the kid wanted to sit in her lap... :eek::(

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