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Does anyone like Tony Draper

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It depends on my mood...I must say that i dont think his (if you can call them) Mixing skills are anything greater than horrible. But the tracks he played last Friday night seemed right for the time. Sitting on the white room balcony at 4:30am, watching the strippers, drinking, the image of the Scene from the Movie Cobra when there is that little Cult meeting type deal going on, thats what it reminded me of. I still like some cheesy, pounding tracks. So getting to the point, im not a fan, but i dont hate the guy. People go to Exit on a friday for a certain thing and he helps give it to em.

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***WARNING*** *****LONG POST*****

from what i've learned over the years... there are many important segments to the nightlife crowd but i suppose you could divide them into three categories. It seems to suit every kind of person regardless:

There are:

1.) Partykid vs Clubkid

2.) Musically Educated vs Musically Underdeveloped (diplomatic, eh?)

3.) Powered by Vibe vs Powered by Glam/Booze/Things Other than the Music.

from there on out you can divvy people up as Househeads, Breakbeat Junkies, Tranceheads, DnB Purists, etc.

So from what i've seen the people who tend to like Draper TEND to be the same kind of people who like KTU trance... the same kind of people who go to their music store's "Electronica/Dance" section and buy Paul DareyCorsTiestOakenfold's Ibiza Trance Vol 347 or whatever else is on sale that has tracks on it that are years old. Then they go to a party and want one thing: Hard Beats.

Not smooth beats or Jazzy beats or Experimental beats or anything other than just BWANGGG BWANGGG BWANGGG... because they haven't been around enough to know there is stuff other than that, or they haven't allowed themselves to listen to anything other than hard booming crap.

I'm personally convinced nobody can become a househead until they're secure in their sexuality. Most people who listen to their "introductory 'Techno'" are converted Fratboys, crossover-hip-hop people, or just generic people who hear some crap shit like Robert Miles - Children, and think that all trance is like that, or that all techno is like Prodigy - Smack my bitch up. So they just tend to look only as far as the "Featured MTV Techno/Dance Artists" rack at their local music store because they simply dont REALIZE that they haven't even scratched the tip of the iceberg yet.

That being said... i am of the opinon that most Tony Draper fans fit into the category of "Clubkid", "Musically underdeveloped" and "powered by something other than the music."

Before someone bites my head off, notice I said "most", not "all."

In any given group of 500 people at a club on a given night listening to generic BOOM BOOM introductory beats kind of stuff, i'd say there are possibly 25-50 people who have a clue of what's going on, maybe some Track ID's and possibly a sense of what's being mixed. Most normal people can't detect trainwrecks or thick beats.

Out of those 25-50 people i'd say probably 50% will go on to actually look into what tracks they're listening to.

Out of that 12-25 people i'd say 50% would continue to keep on looking for new tracks, to branch out and explore different musical genres and eventually to understand more and more of what "electronic" music is all about. Those are the kids who will eventually end up exploring lots more clubs, knowing the specific sounds of their favorite DJ's and understanding what's going on around them, instead of just hearing "BOOM BOOM BOOM" and trying to grind with the nearest hot ass they can find.

So you see, out of 500 people on any given night, on any given dancefloor at a big generic club, only between 6 to 12 of them (that's between 1 and 2%) will go on to really become enveloped in the music itself. All too many of all the others will only go to the cool "underground" spots because they heard it's the "place to be"... but they won't understand when they get there.

That 1%-2% of kids WILL understand EVERYTHING that's going on, they'll create this wonderful thing they learned about called "VIBE" and they'll eventually be the ones who keep the underground scene alive.

:) The gist of this long winded, Starscape-influenced speech is that Most people dont know who the hell Tony Draper is.

They go because the name is synonymous with "It's Friday, i've got hair gel, cologne, money and i want some ass and music to dry-hump it with."

The kids who DO know what's going on probably wont be going there for much longer anyway....

that's why Draper's crowd always STAYS young... even as the tracks keep getting older.:D

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Very Well put i must say...

But i categorize Myself as Musically Educated but love having that 'being 17 in a huge club' again feeling a few times a year. Now its money that brings me there not the place or the music itself, but id be a fool to not let myself have fun while being there.

I was saying to myself this past Friday night at Exit after not being there on a friday for over a year, 'wow, i wish this was my scene again.' Cause no matter what Stage you are at now in your life at one point or another you were that kid getting into the scene not knowing anything but BOOM BOOM BOOM and loved it.

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i think Cintron sindgle-handedly managed to defuse a somewhat possibly volatile thread..nice job man...

o and btw.....i , like SOMEONE who will remain nameless on the board (clubkat) , enjoy everything from French House to UK Garage...what does that make me??

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i think Cintron sindgle-handedly managed to defuse a somewhat possibly volatile thread..nice job man...

o and btw.....i , like SOMEONE who will remain nameless on the board (clubkat) , enjoy everything from French House to UK Garage...what does that make me??

Educated obviously ;)

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Donnie, Tony Draper is really good. He plays really good house music and he's a good mixer. All the people that are putting him down, dont know what there talking about. I'v heard plenty of DJs. Draper plays some of the best house out there. Believe me, I'v heard DJs play bad house music. I also know, alot of people like this Electronica music. I dont like that type of music. I'v heard Draper 3 times and he was really good.

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Originally posted by danwilson

Donnie, Tony Draper is really good. He plays really good house music and he's a good mixer. All the people that are putting him down, dont know what there talking about. I'v heard plenty of DJs. Draper plays some of the best house out there. Believe me, I'v heard DJs play bad house music. I also know, alot of people like this Electronica music. I dont like that type of music. I'v heard Draper 3 times and he was really good.

you have a lot to learn about music kiddo. ;)

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Originally posted by danwilson

Donnie, Tony Draper is really good. He plays really good house music and he's a good mixer. All the people that are putting him down, dont know what there talking about. I'v heard plenty of DJs. Draper plays some of the best house out there. Believe me, I'v heard DJs play bad house music. I also know, alot of people like this Electronica music. I dont like that type of music. I'v heard Draper 3 times and he was really good.

~~~i think this is sarcasm!:idea:

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Originally posted by danwilson

Donnie, Tony Draper is really good. He plays really good house music and he's a good mixer. All the people that are putting him down, dont know what there talking about. \

No offense Dan, but that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

Its like beating a dead horse, but Draper can't mix if his life depended on it. Among other things, His track progression/selection is repulsive.

Anyone can lay down hard track after hard track and not make sense of it.

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Originally posted by cintron

So you see, out of 500 people on any given night, on any given dancefloor at a big generic club, only between 6 to 12 of them (that's between 1 and 2%) will go on to really become enveloped in the music itself.

I think you are underestimating the number of people who understand the music. But I agree with everything else you said.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i think Cintron sindgle-handedly managed to defuse a somewhat possibly volatile thread..nice job man...

o and btw.....i , like SOMEONE who will remain nameless on the board (clubkat) , enjoy everything from French House to UK Garage...what does that make me??

a fucking fruitcake?

although i'll admit i do like some french house.....like deep french house, les macons de la musique, jori hulkonnen's shit (and he's not even french)....

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:laugh: ...ur dad listens to french house too , he accompanies siegfried and roy on their annual gay romp through lyon and marseille ,

anywhoooooooo...its kinda hard not to get hooked on french house when u listen to it 24/7 over the summer in europe..it infects ur brain..and then spreads...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

:laugh: ...ur dad listens to french house too , he accompanies siegfried and roy on their annual gay romp through lyon and marseille ,

anywhoooooooo...its kinda hard not to get hooked on french house when u listen to it 24/7 over the summer in europe..it infects ur brain..and then spreads...

my dad hates the french. i think siefried and roy would look cuter bald.

anywheeeeeee anyone who listens to uk garage deep down wants to have their penis split in half and shoved inside their intestines. Any MC with "Lady" on their name can suck my C

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im tellin u man...i cant help it...when ur subject to things like that for 2 mths straight out of the yr u kinda develop an ear for it..but i seriously like french house...as well as booty house..ghetto tech...trance..acid trance...goa-psy...jungle...DnB...etc etc etc

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im tellin u man...i cant help it...when ur subject to things like that for 2 mths straight out of the yr u kinda develop an ear for it..but i seriously like french house...as well as booty house..ghetto tech...trance..acid trance...goa-psy...jungle...DnB...etc etc etc

sure. and everytime i see your sig i just wanna seriously fuck dj rap's brains out. keri too except she's married w/ kids....in which case that'd make me a motherfucker. oh wait...

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