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Farewell FieryDesire


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On Monday we bid farewell to one of the Sex board kittens. For 2 months she will be running around Turkey with her whip in hand exploiting and corrupting the minds of innocent Turkish boys. Oh yeah, she's gonna be doing some studying as well. You're spankings and whippings (which left some of us scared ::ouch:: ) will be missed...So let me be the first to wish you the best in Turkey. Have some fun this summer and dont take all that school work too seriously. I'm gonna miss you babe...:(:love:

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Guest gabo

that sex board trollop will be missed.

Do they have computers in turkey land?? or is the printing press the most advanced piece of machinery over there?

jkk honey bunny. were all gonna miss ya.

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Originally posted by atomicapples

shes gay~!

You're doubly gay, peanut head :tongue:;)

We're gonna miss you around these parts, oh fiery one! Especially all the surprise spankings and whips you'd lay out on each of us ... Ouch :eek:

Have a great trip, and keep in touch :D

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Originally posted by atomicapples

shes gay~!

Um, helloooo...clubkat and I knew that a LOOOONG ass time ago *wink wink wink* Hehee...j/k...Zehra~so close so fast, I love you THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES Much! ;) You've been with me throughout everything this past year and I can't thank you enough! Don't worry babe--in spirit I'll take you to every party, every dinner, every get together at my place and every Rubber Monkey bathroom!!! I miss you already but like I said--you're with me always :heart:
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Best of luck to you Zehra, you will be missed :( :(

I hope you gain a lot from your trip to Turkey, and I'm sure there will be a insane welcome back party upon your glorious return. :drunk:

Good luck and be safe Z :)

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Tons of luck to you bebs....You def will be with all of us in spirit!!!

..but seriously...your opportunity to go and study in Turkey is one in a million....take full advantage and soak it all up....You're one smart cookie, and if anyone will benefit it's you!

Come back with tons of stories and pics for us all....take care sweet pea!

*smoochies* :kiss2:

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:( :( ...my first CP friend...nnnnnnoooooooooo! im gona miss ya Z...why u gota b all smart and get a free trip to Turkey and shit? what kinda shit is that yo? :tongue: ...hope u have fun woman and ull be sorely missed...if u want swim, over to montenegro this summer and visit me..im gona miss u poppin urself in the head with he intercom phone at G's...or runnin out in the middle of manhattan and ditching us...ah memories...well woman i guess ill u c in August or whenever were both in the States again...Peace Out Cub Scout..

ps- Think HASHISH!!

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have fun while ur there u will be missed ..oO(there will be no one to spank my ass anymore :( ) but its cool 2months goes by quick so i ll see u in no time btw....can u do us a favor while u are down there can u not start a us an turkey conflict .... id hate to have to tell ppl that turkey got issues with us on the account of one sex kitten :laugh:

:spank::whip2: i miss it already :cry::tongue:

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Thanks for all your soft words, and I hope you get out of Turkey everything you wanted and more. Hope you learn many new and wonderful things about this culture, and about yourself. Have fun, be safe, and do try to stay out of trouble with your sadisticly sinnacle ways! Best of luck! Bring me back a Pencil ;)!

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Originally posted by echostar

whys this a stickie?

cuz she's one of the sex board major whores. . . ;)

::and she's leavin today :(::

hun where do i begin? Nowhere! ::i dont want to get all sappy haha::

You know u and me have gotten thisclose in such a short amount of time. . .we agree to disagree but almost always share the same opinions! You come to me for advice and I do the same with you, and since we are in the same mindframe and on the same boat, we always manage to help each other out. . .if its "who's going to be spanked next" to "wtf am i going to do now" :grin:

Im gonna totally miss ya babe. . .but you know that already. . .not only for those wacky phone calls where all we seem to talk about is sex and vynil. . .to being with ya at vynil. . .because seriously when you were there. . .the place always felt like home, but it was more like family. :love:

::get up you slugz!!!! danny's on!!!!!:: :laugh:

Two months is way toooooo long. . .and Im gonna be depressed and shit (i am now) but hell, Al told me over a plate of spagettios to be happy for ya, and I totally am! And proud!! But Its still wayyy too long lol.

so i'll just swallow hard ::swallowing hard:: and wipe the tear from my eye ::wipes tear:: and just wish ya farewell and goodluck. . .and take it easy on the turkish. . .cuz, you know, they probably have never experienced a spanking as hard as yours ::eek::

Love ya baby!!

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damn george is pissed girl i mean u leaven befor we ever got a chance to fuk and u didnt' look in the mirror with me when i seen u last so no sex and no mirror = george pissed :tongue:

have a fun time and be safe tho girl ;) mirrors and sex can wait till when u cum back :tongue:

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Originally posted by clubkat

so i'll just swallow hard ::swallowing hard:: and wipe the tear from my eye ::wipes tear:: and just wish ya farewell and goodluck. . .and take it easy on the turkish. . .cuz, you know, they probably have never experienced a spanking as hard as yours ::eek::

Love ya baby!!

stopit...stopit...you just made me cry..again...and I'm at WORK!!!!

Our little get together last night was fabulous and left me hurting...what a perfect send off for our favorite kitten! ;) Don't worry babes...we'll keep the party going for her, and like I said in my post...she's with us always! ;) ESP when we're at DT...ahhh I can hear her yelling at me to get off the speaker now :tongue:

Here are some more hugs and kisses Z....love you bunches.

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Awwwwwww. . .

Marty babes....I will miss ya sooo much...hun you have made me soo happy these past few months...its ironic how things worked out and how they begun, I wouldn't want it any other way :heart::love:

Doris...what can I say hun...that post brought me to tears..its hard to imagine that you can get soo close to someone in such a short period of time...everything you said was true...Love ya whore, slizut, babes!!! :love:

G...girlie girlie...we have been through alot ups and downs and rounds...but u always seem to smile and are merry...we got close too and its weird that shit happens ths way it did....but it all turned out great....love ya too baby :love:

Now for you 3. . .just think its only two months...It will fly by before any of us know it..Ill be back shakin my ass in vinyl...::arc:: whatever in no time...

As for the rest of you, thanx for all the kind words...I will miss you all much...our ritualistic weekly gatherings...whether it be pseudo, roxy and especially my second home vinyl....but no need to fret...many of us met here through a messageboard, through the realm of online...so I won't be gone..I'll find my way to a comp... I just won't be here physically or with my :whip2:. . .:( . . .

Love ya all...big kisses....XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO...Have a great summer everyone and spank the newbies for me! ! !

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Sorry Im a bit late with my goodbyes hun, but I haven't been on cp as often as before.

I just want to wish you good Luck and happy travels. You are definitely a sweetheart and I will miss you posts. And although I have not had the pleasure of getting one of your infamous spankings, I look foward to one or two or multiples in the future;) .


MUAHzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:kiss2: :kiss2:

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