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There is always that one friend...


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Ok, I've been with my bf a little over 6 months and get along with all his friends. His one friend is always nice to me but I know he's annoyed that my bf have a girlfriend now cause now they cant go out like they used to and he has to split his limited time among me and his friends. I dont get it, cause all my friends are so happy that I finally met someone that I want to be with. Why are guys and girls so different? I am really letting it get to me but I know I should let it. I guess the topper was when his friend called my bf at 6:30am Sunday morning from the Hamptons and proceeded to put a girl on the phone, for what reason I dont know. Am I being silly for letting it get to me so much?

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You have got to be kidding me. Girls are a THOUSAND times more vicious when it comes to that stuff, at least underneath the surface.

I think it's the fact that guys will show that kind of displeasure on the surface, where as girls will just let it seethe. It's a classic difference between the sexes. Guys are always looking at their friend's girl's personalities, and if distrust is detected, you can expect no end to the hating.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

You have got to be kidding me. Girls are a THOUSAND times more vicious when it comes to that stuff, at least underneath the surface.

I think it's the fact that guys will show that kind of displeasure on the surface, where as girls will just let it seethe. It's a classic difference between the sexes. Guys are always looking at their friend's girl's personalities, and if distrust is detected, you can expect no end to the hating.

Ok, you have got to be kidding me. No, girls are not more vicious. My friends arent jealous that I have a boyfriend and spend time with him. And I dont know what you are implying about guys looking at their friend's girls' personalities and detecting mistrust but there is no mistrust to be detected here. His friend doesnt hate me either but it's a matter of jealousy. And I dont hate his friend, I just dont think it's right that he has a problem with me when I never did anything to him.

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i think its pretty annoying when my girlfriends choose to hang out with a guy over me repeatitively & after a while i start questioning whether they are infact my friends or if it was merely convenience until they met someone...

i think it's important to keep your friends even if you are in a serious relationship. i wouldn't say i would get upset because im jealous of their relationship, i just realize that when they're feeling insecure about their relationship they are gonna call me up and expect me to listen and after a certain point, i, as a "friend", dont wanna hear it from someone who can't even take one night out of a month to actually see me.

sorry, had to vent on that issue.

anyway, i can see where his friends are coming from. u have to respect peoples other friendships.

I think its fucked up that the kid put a girl on the phone and i dont even know where to go with that...

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Originally posted by somebitch

i think its pretty annoying when my girlfriends choose to hang out with a guy over me repeatitively & after a while i start questioning whether they are infact my friends or if it was merely convenience until they met someone...

i think it's important to keep your friends even if you are in a serious relationship. i wouldn't say i would get upset because im jealous of their relationship, i just realize that when they're feeling insecure about their relationship they are gonna call me up and expect me to listen and after a certain point, i, as a "friend", dont wanna hear it from someone who can't even take one night out of a month to actually see me.

sorry, had to vent on that issue.

anyway, i can see where his friends are coming from. u have to respect peoples other friendships.

I think its fucked up that the kid put a girl on the phone and i dont even know where to go with that...

I totally agree that is important not to neglect your friends when you are in a relationship. I cant stand when people do that. Boyfriends/girlfriends come and go but your friends (well, at least most of them) are here to stay. I just dont like the fact that his friend has a problem with me when I have done nothing wrong. And it's not like we arent nice to each other but my boyfriend told me that his friend doesnt really like the fact that he has a girlfriend. I guess I shouldnt let it get to me so much though cause then I am really going to resent him.

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yeh well the last time i hung out with one of my best friends was 2 yrs ago..i mean like really hung out..not like grabbin food at a restaurant or workin on some project @ kinkos in the wee hours of the morn....its all because of the woman....shes got him whooped...and now shes pregnant..and shes keepin it...i can say bye to my buddy forever

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Just for an Example, i have 2 friends that are going out with sisters. The one kid matt still hangs out at least once a week with 'the guys' but the other anthony doesnt. Matt goes clubbing whenever he can but anthony likes spending alot of alone time with his g/f. What do you think about this situation...they are/were really good freinds. I have sinced stopped talking to anythony but matt still calls me at least 2 times a week to find out whats going on with all of us and what the plans are. Real Freinds know how to treat freinds. Get rid of the ones that dont.

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