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Hate Object of the day: Phuturephunk

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i wish i was as cool as phuter ,joe g hoke wild skys brick and snoozi and damn i don't knwo how to become as cool as them or i would try so hard to be it cause u people are the real winners of this board and of the world yall cum on here and spit lyrics like peopel give a fuk sayen how much your lifes suk and how much u have none LoL u people are winners and i too wish i could be a winner but i feel as if yall have a weight limet well a body fat limet where u have to be over 25 percent body fat cause all of yall seem to be it and damn thats too much work to get fat so maybe 1 day yall can get me to be down with yall and i to can be a winner and type all proper and geeky and brag bout my life just like yall

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

And to address you Xpander: Being fat is one of the worst curses out there, and for good reason. If a person can't be at least mildly in shape, then they don't deserve to exist.

will u explain *why* it is that you think being out of shape is a reason that someone doesn't deserve to exist? after all, if i'm fat, i'm only hurting myself. if i am OBNOXIOUS, on the other hand, i am hurting others as well. that there is more of a reason to declare that someone should not longer share his life with the world.


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . like I said to you when you when you came at me in PM . . . Hate eventually consumes itself . . . now what do you have? . . .

. . . try and have a good night . . .

Oh you'll get yours. Remember this fatass: There's always tomorrow, ALWAYS TOMORROW. And I will be there. I will be there when you're sad, I'll be there when you hurt!! I will be the last fucking thing you see in this life before you pass on forever, and I will be LAUGHING AT YOUR PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A LIFE.

Every time your fatass pusses out cause you won't talk to the girl, I WILL BE THERE. Every time you cram that extra slice of cake in your worthless whale hole of a mouth I WILL FUCKING BE THERE.


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Originally posted by wideskies

*waits for answer*

The reason his fatness should be ample reason to deny him life is because he doesn't have the simple self-respect to keep himself in shape. I am by no means an adonis, but I do make an effort to keep my weight stable and at least be healthy.

It allows me the luxury of actually enjoying life, unlike a guy like him who's very presence puts people on edge. And don't for a minute tell me you haven't looked in horror at someone like him and wondered in your mind how someone that large and that slow and that morbid could possibly want to continue with life.

THAT is why I hate him along with the fact that he's a shit talker who claims to "know" alot of shit about alot of shit and in reality, knows nothing.

He's a fraud, a phony and fat to boot. He spews SHIT from his mouth and allows his being to waste in the face of everything life gives him.

Now you look at that kid and ask yourself "Wouldn't it be better if he was dead?"

The answer is yes and I'd think he'd agree with me.

Do ya? Fatass! (Oh that's right, he's not gonna answer, cause he's so painfully "diplomatic" as evidenced by his posts... remember, the fat guy can NEVER get angry.)

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

Oh you'll get yours. Remember this fatass: There's always tomorrow, ALWAYS TOMORROW. And I will be there. I will be there when you're sad, I'll be there when you hurt!! I will be the last fucking thing you see in this life before you pass on forever, and I will be LAUGHING AT YOUR PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A LIFE.

Every time your fatass pusses out cause you won't talk to the girl, I WILL BE THERE. Every time you cram that extra slice of cake in your worthless whale hole of a mouth I WILL FUCKING BE THERE.


umm, how old r u? :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by embodiedhate

The reason his fatness should be ample reason to deny him life is because he doesn't have the simple self-respect to keep himself in shape. I am by no means an adonis, but I do make an effort to keep my weight stable and at least be healthy.

It allows me the luxury of actually enjoying life, unlike a guy like him who's very presence puts people on edge. And don't for a minute tell me you haven't looked in horror at someone like him and wondered in your mind how someone that large and that slow and that morbid could possibly want to continue with life.

THAT is why I hate him along with the fact that he's a shit talker who claims to "know" alot of shit about alot of shit and in reality, knows nothing.

He's a fraud, a phony and fat to boot. He spews SHIT from his mouth and allows his being to waste in the face of everything life gives him.

Now you look at that kid and ask yourself "Wouldn't it be better if he was dead?"

The answer is yes and I'd think he'd agree with me.

Do ya? Fatass! (Oh that's right, he's not gonna answer, cause he's so painfully "diplomatic" as evidenced by his posts... remember, the fat guy can NEVER get angry.)

why do aesthetics take precedence over behaviours that affect others on a level that goes beyond physicality? clearly, you are not perfect either; the way you treat others implies you may have some issues in the self-esteem/self-respect areas as well. healthiness goes beyond the body and extends to emotional and intellectual health as well. hate is stressful. maybe you should try taking care of yourself for a change rather than worrying so much about other people that bug you for whatever reason.

btw, this weekend i hung out with phuturephunk and observed him dancing around (in a very pleasing manner, mind you) with a huge grin on his face. he was clearly enjoying life. so i'm afraid your argument falls short there.

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