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Interesting Day/Night...

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Start the day off, chillin with hoke, brickhouse, & wideskies in thompkins sq. park w/ some 2step... Tilly ends up swinging by...

meetup with hitokiri, and have dinner... Run into Mr. Highmay on the street... tells us hes on his way to an imprompt to meetup at barnone...

We cab it to FUN from the lower east side (where my car is)...

my ID bounces at FUN... so i'm like "fuckit... you guys go, i'll go find something else"

Walk back to the LES... (fuckit, i'm bored, I'm not paying for a cab)... I figure... hey, let me see if anyone's still at barnone... (where my ID didn't work previously)... boom, no problem, inside... Creep to the back... and we got djjon, siceone, highmay, sexxyme, kingarthur, nychic420, & ghost...

all I have to say... is we WERE the party in there... the crowd was awful, and the music was vintage early 90's "classics" of hiphop, but it was some of the most fun i've had in a long time...

highlight of the night:

I forget who, but someone says "Thats DT!" as the dj puts on a micheal jackson track... and this girl is like "omg, this is dt?!?!?!"

and literally, we all double over laughing at her, it was the most rude & obnoxious thing i've ever seen us do... but holy shit, was that funny or what...

we are truly club snobs... its almost disturbingly funny...

anyway, we split, head to lep lounge (another place my id is pretty shaky at...) and boom, in, no problem again... Frankie Pep is throwin down some good breakstep up on the top floor... and surprisingly enough, not a lot of naughties there...

we chill for a while... everyone realizes that they're listening to breakstep and is like "uhhh... this is cool and all, joe... but uhhhh.... we're in nyc.... wheres the house music??!?!" ;)

so then we split, head to some pizza place on 8th&2nd... theres an abandonded car with the keys in it sitting in the middle of the road for 45 minutes or so... we call the cops and they're like "We know about the situation"...

whatever... not our problem... (although we got a lot of laughs out of the situation) (thank you carl, lol)

we walk up towards the subway/my car (i'm parked on the corner of 12th & 2nd...)

11th ave is blocked by a plethora of police vehicles...

we walk up a block and find out, there was a shooting (or multiple shootings)

everyone splits, i head down a blocked off street towards my car... apparently, there was a hostage situation, with shots fired at the cops several times... luckily my car is NOT on the other side of the blockade, and i'm able to get in my car, turn around (on a 1 way street, lol) and jump a curb and get on my way... (btw, fuck everyone with an SUV, apparently an AWD sports car is all you need these days to jump curbs and drive through mug (long story))

ok, so you'd think everything would be over, and i can just go home?


I laugh at you... HA HA HA...


I get 2 blocks from the holland tunnel... and theres fucking construction, and i have to take a 10 block detour... and some stupid cuntrag taps my car in traffic because shes too busy plastering her face with some makeup which will never makeup for the fact that shes a horrible wretch of a human being...

whatever, no damage done, but i AGAIN thanked myself for blacked out windows, as she angrily yelled at my car to her own reflection in my window, as i held up my middle finger (highmay style) and laughed...

Finally... home...

Its always an adventure with cp...

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phat fuckin night...so phat man...I had to start the "HYPE UP THE DJ" episode..it was great...im sittin there screamin YEHH THATS HOWELLS..and it turns out dudes name is actually dan or danny or some shit...love chillin with all u guys tonite..JOe sorry about the Breaks...i duno eheh...pizzeria had some dope music though ahaha...

I gota say i havent laughed in a while as hard as i laughed tonite...BAR FUCKIN NONE IS THE GREATEST BAR IN THE WORLDDDDDDDDD!!..gota love 18 yr old girls who think a 5'6 white man with shaggy blonde brown hair is Danny Tenaglia..

and to think...all this out of a simple chat room created by sexxyme..ahahah gota love it..

HhhhhhhhhhhhhAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! (sorry to bite...but we were rockin it all night)

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Guest tilly

(~hello, hello~)

-courtesy of dinesh..

i still love that track .. i don't care what anyone else says (and I was glad to find that you did too Joe)..

So Dinesh,

"when are you bringing the Stanton Warriors back to NYC?"


"um, i would like to sometime by the end of the summer."

Thoughts as I walked away:

"oh ok, that's much clearer now..glad I asked! ha!"

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OMG what an intresting night. Glad I came out to meet cp crew at BAR NONE.;)

It was so funny, when a girl came up to me and asked "Is that really DT spinning?" :laugh:

Joe glad to hear that ur car wasn't part of that hostage situation

VixenFoxxy is was nice to meet u, glad u stopped by;)

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God, you people get absolutely rowdy when you hang out at bars. Oh yeah, so was I. Ah well.........

Seriously, that DJ must have been gettin pissed after we kept chanting DT, DT, DT!!!!!!!

The pizza place was funny too.....we're trying to egg a bunch of kids on to take the car, they wimped out though.....bunch of pussies.

I had fun chillin with all of you........sice, nycchick, ghost, kingart, sexxyme, highmay, ghost's friend, joeg, and vixxenfoxy briefly......

We made something out of nothing.

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damn, wheres my head at...

it wasn't nycchic420, its was nychick24 or whatever.... (sorry sue... ehh, whats a screenname anyway...you're the only half korean/half polish girl i know!)

and ALY!!!!!!!!! (i can't believe i forgot... you should have stayed longer!)

Sexxyme is the MVP of the night... hell, if it wasn't for her chatroom, I would have been in bed by like 12:30... (funny thing is, I wasn't in the chatroom... lol)

lol... Jon kept running out to the car when traffic would backup and pretend like it was his and then walk away... lol....

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Originally posted by joeg

Sexxyme is the MVP of the night... hell, if it wasn't for her chatroom, I would have been in bed by like 12:30... (funny thing is, I wasn't in the chatroom... lol)

:bounce: Funny how things turn out :bounce:

We made a great night out of nothing, and most of the people almost stayed home, but because of Irene's chat room it was a great night :D

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Originally posted by joeg

lol... Jon kept running out to the car when traffic would backup and pretend like it was his and then walk away... lol....

That was great.....I'd stand in front of the car until the light turned green then walk away.....people would get all pissed and start beeping and yelling out the car......I'd sit there and wave and they'd peel off all pissed......

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Originally posted by joeg

Start the day off, chillin with hoke, brickhouse, & wideskies in thompkins sq. park w/ some 2step... Tilly ends up swinging by...

meetup with hitokiri, and have dinner... Run into Mr. Highmay on the street... tells us hes on his way to an imprompt to meetup at barnone...

We cab it to FUN from the lower east side (where my car is)...

my ID bounces at FUN... so i'm like "fuckit... you guys go, i'll go find something else"

Walk back to the LES... (fuckit, i'm bored, I'm not paying for a cab)... I figure... hey, let me see if anyone's still at barnone... (where my ID didn't work previously)... boom, no problem, inside... Creep to the back... and we got djjon, siceone, highmay, sexxyme, kingarthur, nychic420, & ghost...

all I have to say... is we WERE the party in there... the crowd was awful, and the music was vintage early 90's "classics" of hiphop, but it was some of the most fun i've had in a long time...

highlight of the night:

I forget who, but someone says "Thats DT!" as the dj puts on a micheal jackson track... and this girl is like "omg, this is dt?!?!?!"

and literally, we all double over laughing at her, it was the most rude & obnoxious thing i've ever seen us do... but holy shit, was that funny or what...

we are truly club snobs... its almost disturbingly funny...

anyway, we split, head to lep lounge (another place my id is pretty shaky at...) and boom, in, no problem again... Frankie Pep is throwin down some good breakstep up on the top floor... and surprisingly enough, not a lot of naughties there...

we chill for a while... everyone realizes that they're listening to breakstep and is like "uhhh... this is cool and all, joe... but uhhhh.... we're in nyc.... wheres the house music??!?!" ;)

so then we split, head to some pizza place on 8th&2nd... theres an abandonded car with the keys in it sitting in the middle of the road for 45 minutes or so... we call the cops and they're like "We know about the situation"...

whatever... not our problem... (although we got a lot of laughs out of the situation) (thank you carl, lol)

we walk up towards the subway/my car (i'm parked on the corner of 12th & 2nd...)

11th ave is blocked by a plethora of police vehicles...

we walk up a block and find out, there was a shooting (or multiple shootings)

everyone splits, i head down a blocked off street towards my car... apparently, there was a hostage situation, with shots fired at the cops several times... luckily my car is NOT on the other side of the blockade, and i'm able to get in my car, turn around (on a 1 way street, lol) and jump a curb and get on my way... (btw, fuck everyone with an SUV, apparently an AWD sports car is all you need these days to jump curbs and drive through mug (long story))

ok, so you'd think everything would be over, and i can just go home?


I laugh at you... HA HA HA...


I get 2 blocks from the holland tunnel... and theres fucking construction, and i have to take a 10 block detour... and some stupid cuntrag taps my car in traffic because shes too busy plastering her face with some makeup which will never makeup for the fact that shes a horrible wretch of a human being...

whatever, no damage done, but i AGAIN thanked myself for blacked out windows, as she angrily yelled at my car to her own reflection in my window, as i held up my middle finger (highmay style) and laughed...

Finally... home...

Its always an adventure with cp...

no 1 gives a fuk u fat piece of sh1t stop sharen your life with people who dont' give a fuk u low life mother fuker LoL

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Originally posted by shook

no 1 gives a fuk u fat piece of sh1t stop sharen your life with people who dont' give a fuk u low life mother fuker LoL

lol... I don't even remember how many jokes were passed at your expense last night...


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Originally posted by kingartur

:bounce: Funny how things turn out :bounce:

We made a great night out of nothing, and most of the people almost stayed home, but because of Irene's chat room it was a great night :D

damn...how lame am I? After the invite, and a 2 hr long phone conversation, I thought....ahhh..better to stay home and bond with my stepbrothers....After all, I've been to bar none a bazillion times....

....I'm sad I missed the insanity....I'm lame as hell! :(

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Originally posted by marcid21

damn...how lame am I? After the invite, and a 2 hr long phone conversation, I thought....ahhh..better to stay home and bond with my stepbrothers....After all, I've been to bar none a bazillion times....

....I'm sad I missed the insanity....I'm lame as hell! :(

U SUCK:laugh:

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Originally posted by joeg

lol... I don't even remember how many jokes were passed at your expense last night...


true yall losers are thinken bout me even when u are out and about thats wut i like to here i love the atteion and when i can get into a losers head that even when they are out they need to think bout me and concern them selfs with me it makes me happy and damn admiting that u think bout me well as u say joke which is stil la essence of thought kinda makes u look more loser then even i thought kid i wonder if u get hard off me and when your jerken off teh dik u cant' see if u think of me too ??????????

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what the fuck...

last night was as random as random gets....

fuck lotus, lot 61, or eugenes...THE ELITE ARE AT BARNONE!!!

i couldnt begin to tell you the amount of young chicks there...it was staggering...

every stereotype of a college bar was there: the one token guy dressed like a clubber, thinking he's the best dressed one there...the avg age of the men were 23, and avg age for girls were 18...$2 drink specials on anything, $5 for bottles...and DJ THUNDER DAN throwing down one of his typical unbelievable sets (michael jackson, britney, biggie, old school prince)...


in anycase, great chilling out with everyone there....

and joe: wheres the hate thread??

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Originally posted by shook

true yall losers are thinken bout me even when u are out and about thats wut i like to here i love the atteion and when i can get into a losers head that even when they are out they need to think bout me and concern them selfs with me it makes me happy and damn admiting that u think bout me well as u say joke which is stil la essence of thought kinda makes u look more loser then even i thought kid i wonder if u get hard off me and when your jerken off teh dik u cant' see if u think of me too ??????????


I find it enthralling that a few socially inept members of the community feel the need to pass judgement. Especially since I wasn't even there. To be quite honest, the attention excites me. I feel especially important since people of lower social class think of me when I am not even there.

However, this perplexes me to a certain degree. Admitting that one would think of someone in a negative fashion without the physical presence available makes one look more of a degenerate in the social ranking, or so I would think. I would also inquire if my presence is in someones thoughts while extracurricular activities are being performed. While exploring one's sexuality with an appendage not very well seen, I wonder if an obscure complex forms in which I'm involved. This may set one back in social development.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen


I find it enthralling that a few socially inept members of the community feel the need to pass judgement. Especially since I wasn't even there. To be quite honest, the attention excites me. I feel especially important since people of lower social class think of me when I am not even there.

However, this perplexes me to a certain degree. Admitting that one would think of someone in a negative fashion without the physical presence available makes one look more of a degenerate in the social ranking, or so I would think. I would also inquire if my presence is in someones thoughts while extracurricular activities are being performed. While exploring one's sexuality with an appendage not very well seen, I wonder if an obscure complex forms in which I'm involved. This may set one back in social development.

very nice, very nice...

*claps gently*

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