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So I asked someone at Exit...

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Originally posted by apotheosis

How they liked PVD's set.

They replied "who's that?" :rolleyes:

The sad thing is the majority of that crowd was there for drugs, not PVD.

I was talking to this girl and her boyfriend, they follow PVD all over the place and only go to clubs when PVD is appearing.

She had never been to exit and made the following statement:

"This crowd does not have a lot of energy, it seems there is too much ecstacy calming this place"

Not to sound like I am anti drug use or anything, but I had to agree with her.

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yaaaa..not to sound like im anti drugs too..i even ate a pill last nightt..but i hate exit and i went there to hear pvd.....but the crowd was a bunch of asains that did way to many drugs..i was on the main floor trying to dance..and tripped over this asian trying to sleep on the floor... yoooooooo thisssssss is why exit suckssss.....:mad:

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Originally posted by bamitsme

yaaaa..not to sound like im anti drugs too..i even ate a pill last nightt..but i hate exit and i went there to hear pvd.....but the crowd was a bunch of asains that did way to many drugs..i was on the main floor trying to dance..and tripped over this asian trying to sleep on the floor... yoooooooo thisssssss is why exit suckssss.....:mad:

wow! someone said it~buts it sooooooooo true...i don't wanna sound biased, but people like this truely bring down the scene...PVD @ exit is nothing comparable to PVD @ twilo, moons ago...there is no energy from the crowd like there used to be cause of mellowed outed bums who fill the club~~~grrr........i miss twilo~~~~~ :(

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i hate exit wit a passion, the crowd is the worst, and no not just the asains, everyone sucks, to many people trippin and acting stupid

i would much rather go to SF or ROXy or vinly then go to exit, it si the worst

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this is gonna sound assinine.. but did you ever think that the *quality* of the drugs are the reason there is no energy? I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's taken some pills that have brought you WAY THE FUCK UP, and others that have just put you in a daze.. perhaps all the good ones ain't around aymore (sorry to say..but sept. 11 and all the busts at the border probably have alot to do with that).

And by the way.. I almost never roll anymore, I party sober probably 95% of the time.. and if what the DJ is playing is WORTHY of energy..they will get it out of me!!

the B+T factor of not knowing who is playing doesn't help either.

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Originally posted by dancingyro

wow! someone said it~buts it sooooooooo true...i don't wanna sound biased, but people like this truely bring down the scene...PVD @ exit is nothing comparable to PVD @ twilo, moons ago...there is no energy from the crowd like there used to be cause of mellowed outed bums who fill the club~~~grrr........i miss twilo~~~~~ :(

hey Gyro..take this advice from someone whos been there..CHANGE UR FUCKING FONT COLOR....i used to type in that fucked up blue just like ya..and everyone gave me grief for it..so its my turn

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Originally posted by bamitsme

yaaaa..not to sound like im anti drugs too..i even ate a pill last nightt..but i hate exit and i went there to hear pvd.....but the crowd was a bunch of asains that did way to many drugs..i was on the main floor trying to dance..and tripped over this asian trying to sleep on the floor... yoooooooo thisssssss is why exit suckssss.....:mad:

Yo buddy, I don't think asians made the place bad. If anything, they add more style to a club. I think you're pinpointing a nationality on a general bad vibe/bad crowd. I didn't go, as I've never been to Exit, but it seems like the type of place where people who have no clue about dj's go just to go to a big club.

Person X: (sitting at a bar): Wanna go to a club tonight?

Person Y: Sure! Which one.

Person X: Let's go to Exit!

Person Y: Sounds good to me.

My point: These people suffer from CLUELESSNESS.

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damn, we gotta go through this 'asian' thing again and again...big f-ing deal that there were a lot of asians who probably don't even know who pvd is...if you went there for pvd, then enjoy it for pvd...stop knocking on the fact that the 'asians' ruin the scene and exit...i'm not going to front, i see most of them and they are all high and ish, disgusting to me, but i looked away, or walked to a different spot and continued with the nite...nothing is going to ruin my nite paying 40 bucks to see pvd...energy was there when he got on, when another way was played, and when they dropped the balloons...i thought that was hot...anyhow, not trying to start drama, but just don't want to hear a persons race thrown in for the fact a party is whack...peace

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Originally posted by lasix

this is gonna sound assinine.. but did you ever think that the *quality* of the drugs are the reason there is no energy? I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's taken some pills that have brought you WAY THE FUCK UP, and others that have just put you in a daze.. perhaps all the good ones ain't around aymore (sorry to say..but sept. 11 and all the busts at the border probably have alot to do with that).

Wow, your handle combined with what you've posted makes me think that you're in showbusiness.

But yeah, Drugs should be legalized and produced by pharmaceutical companies, not some underground labs with flunked graduates and pocket stuffing criminals.

MDMA and other clubby drugs are very cheap to produce. Its not like they fight cancer or anything!

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Originally posted by djdecay

Wow, your handle combined with what you've posted makes me think that you're in showbusiness.

But yeah, Drugs should be legalized and produced by pharmaceutical companies, not some underground labs with flunked graduates and pocket stuffing criminals.

MDMA and other clubby drugs are very cheap to produce. Its not like they fight cancer or anything!

Now THIS is assinine.

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nice thread...you guys made all good points. true about the drugs..dont really need it..plenty of times i go out and have 2 drinks...red bull and kettle one and i have energy all night. about the asians...it was just a bad experience..damn...i've been seeing them in my dreams..its whacked!! i shouldnt pinpoint 1 race..but its not about the race to me...its just that they were sooo rude. soem bitch stepped on my girls toe with her stiletto real bad..looked at her and walked away..no apologies..nuttin..and she saw my girl in pain. my girl was gonna whack her but i said forget it. it was just us two. anyway..its a shame that the crowd these days ruin it for events like this cuz i so look forward to them. peace everyone.

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That happens mostly everywhere. I think givin on any night at Exit. If you ask everyone who's the DJ that night...at least half wouldn't know, but I think that number is close to 70%.

I remember one time at Roxy, I didn't have my contacts on, and they had the stage area closed off, so I couldn't really see who was DJing. Then I went to 3 people near there, "Do you know if Johnny Vicious is DJing right now?" And they looked at me and told me "Who's that?" "I don't know who that is"

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complaints about pvd at exit?

no surprise after my last exit experience (tiesto). i was not prepared to go through that again!

it's really a shame that crowds/clubs keep people from going out. i do hope that you get to see these dj's in europe. it's a whole different experience....


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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

Now THIS is assinine.

Just because you don't agree with me does not mean that I'm not making any sense!

Legalezation is the only way to stop peddling of drugs, 99% of drug related crime, and 90% of overdoses which happen due to bad stuff.

Less people in prison!

No people with posession charges!

No people trying to rob you for their crack money!

No more aimless shooting in the ghettos.

No more columbian druglords.

No more Israely and German ecstasy rings!

Less dead clubbers.

And less people doing it because it does not have a THRILL (subculture) appeal and is available everywhere.

No more "war on drugs" and millons of tax dollars spent on it.

This is the only way I see the drug business destoyed and removed from our society!

This is way off-topic and the reason I came out with this was because someone had metioned the fact that people were prolly on

"crap ecstasy" hence the vibe at PVD was toned down, and prolly they were, maybee even on speed.

Regardless drugs are crap and I would not do durgs, esp at a venue or a concert.

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No surprise there.... I'm surprised nobody said, "Paul Van DICK." Yes i've actually heard that before. A DJ on a cruise I went on a few years ago said that. He used to spin at Studio 54. Funny shit.

You can't say that Asians are the problem. That select population at Exit might be rude and disrespectful, but old school Twilo a few years back was composed of mostly Asians. They would outlast everyone else, take over the floor later on at night.

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Originally posted by codica3

And that's exactly one of the reasons why I wasn't there. :rolleyes:

i don't get why you would care about who has, and has not heard of PVD...do you know who he is? do you know and love his music? oh, you do? then whats the problem? I don't get how some random kid who you've never met and never will meet's lack of knowledge about PVD would keep you from enjoying his music.

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Originally posted by zekefreak

i don't get why you would care about who has, and has not heard of PVD...do you know who he is? do you know and love his music? oh, you do? then whats the problem? I don't get how some random kid who you've never met and never will meet's lack of knowledge about PVD would keep you from enjoying his music.

couldn't have said it any better.

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Originally posted by preludeboy

you're so right... the asians that were at twilo are so different from the ones at exit...

Where are all the Asian people to defend themselves? How can the Asians at Twilo be different than the ones at Exit. I have no idea what makes someone say something so illogical. If someone said something about Jews, they'd be all over this thread!

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