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How many times do you think of Suicide per week?

How often do you contemplate suicide?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you contemplate suicide?

    • Ones a week..
    • Every now and then (Months apart)
    • NEVER! (Mugz get Prozac)

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(Hums "MASH")

At least twice a week for me..

Sometimes less..

sometimes more.

I know it's selfish


and lord only knows

what some drunken night

might bring me in a haze

of a subway station..

But It is my hunch

that I'm

not the only one

out there in Clubland..

feeling that pull..

from the other side of the cliff..


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I actually read something about this a few days ago. Most teenagers are severely depressed. They go through anxiety problems, depression, isolation and much more. Suicide is something I think a good population of teenagers have thought about just for the fact that when your growing up, especially in high school it's hard to truly find yourself, and sometimes your not happy with the person you are.

I will admit there are times that I get really depressed, but Iv never really thought about doing something to that extent. Over the years iv learned just to let things roll. Some people let things get to them, what other say people say about them, if they are insecure or anything, it bothers them so much they take it out on either themselves or other people. (ex: mad or depressed at yourself can possibly lead you to trying to make other people feel the same way by bringing them down to how you feel, misery loves company)

Some ways that people take their depression out on themselves is by cutting themselves, which is a disease within its own. There are so many things I can add onto this which im not because I don't wanna start another drama thread when this is actually a very serious thread. I just think that suicide, depression or anything in that boat should not be taken lightly. It's hard thing to deal with when you know someone is suffering from that and its even harder when your dealing with it youself.

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iv been thinking about it alot, When i was 16

i had problems, (lol) pit it that wat} and i took a kictchen knife and slashed my wrist, and my parents found me, and i lost alot of blood, and almost died, i went to a Hospital and shit, and was in there for like 8 months, and went into like 8 years of therapy

they were scarey times

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Originally posted by dr0ne

mugz is in dire need of a permanent IV drip hooked up to a colostomy bag containing MDMA, PCP and his own feces.

been there done that..

(I'm on a cocktail MUCH much stronger

than that as I type these words)


Famous suicides

Arthur Adamov

French poet

Markus Junius Brutus

Roman politician


Egyptian queen

Kurt Cobain

American rock star

Hart Crane

American poet

Ernest Hemingway

American writer

Margeaux Hemingway

American actress

Michael Hutchence

Australian rock star

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

German painter

Wilhelm Lehmbruck

German sculptor

Marcus Annaeus Lucanus

Roman poet

Titus Lucretius

Roman poet


Oriental tyrant

Lucius Domitius Nero

Roman emperor

Sylvia Plath

American poet

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Roman philosopher


Greek philosopher

Vincent van Gogh

Belgian painter

Heinrich von Kleist

German writer

Stanislav Ignaci Witkiewicz

Polish writer

Virginia Woolf

British writer

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its funny hearing all these little sissy ass upper class bitches whine about being depressed in high school and shit cuz they cant get a date to the prom now they wanna slit their wrist. then ppl feed them drugs up the ass to give 'em a false sense of hapiness what a load of crap. you don't see kids in 3rd world countries depressed about how their parents make 20 bucks a month and cant afford shit. they basically just play soccer all day, fuck bitches, smoke dope, and are perfectly happy with their lives, poor as they are. goes without saying the more you have the more it aint enough.

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yo mugz looks at those schmucks who killed themselves.....they're all either painters, philosophers, writers or musicians. in other words they're all art fags. they think way too much about the existance of life and self this and that and god my ass spiritual whack smacky and just think way too much about pointless shit. if i was like that i'd probably end it all right now too. what a crock.

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Devoted to the neglected art of suicide

While in some contexts suicide seems a legitimate, sometimes heroic or

even romantic choice, in real life it is condemned and those who either

commit or attempt suicide are perceived as either weak or cowards who

flee rather than to face their problems. However this is a largely Western

attitude. In Japan seppuku is perceived as noble and dignified. This site is

devoted to suicide and takes a less dogmatic and politically correct and

more humorous approach.


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Originally posted by dr0ne

yo mugz looks at those schmucks who killed themselves.....they're all either painters, philosophers, writers or musicians. in other words they're all art fags. they think way too much about the existance of life and self this and that and god my ass spiritual whack smacky and just think way too much about pointless shit. if i was like that i'd probably end it all right now too. what a crock.

Too true..

Once again you nailed it..

And to quote a



Easily amused!.."


Here are a few suicide notes from

art fags like me just for DRONE:



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Originally posted by dr0ne

yo mugz looks at those schmucks who killed themselves.....they're all either painters, philosophers, writers or musicians. in other words they're all art fags. they think way too much about the existance of life and self this and that and god my ass spiritual whack smacky and just think way too much about pointless shit. if i was like that i'd probably end it all right now too. what a crock.

Ignorance is bliss, eh chief?

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Originally posted by xpander

Ignorance is bliss, eh chief?

damn straight. these ppl who think too much about this higher meaning of shit should just get off their lazy ass and get jobs.

look at all these art fags who killed themselves. either:

- they got famous made tons of dough and sat around all day thinking about why shit smells.

- they had rich parents / royalty so they just sat around and thought about why they're so rich yet they suck.

and thats it.....how many working class dudes you see hanging themselves cuz they make minimum wage? they just go to the bar get hammered w/ some peeps every night and its all good.

seriously ppl need to just get a life. just looking at these dumb ass suicidal motherfuckers makes me happy to see how much i see the good shit in life. now matter how much i get kicked in the ass, its never over baby, never. i wish i could live forever.

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Originally posted by mugwump

Too true..

Once again you nailed it..

And to quote a



Easily amused!.."


Here are a few suicide notes from

art fags like me just for DRONE:



i dunno im not that easily amused only when im drunk like now ROFL hahahah. that shit is hilarious. the bitch in the newscast and the russian roulette one are the best!!!! i can picture the partay:

"hahahaha dudez t-000000tally kewl this shit aint loaded bra!"


*silence on the set*


writer, musician, poet, inventor, actor, writer, newscaster, musician, poet, comedian, actor, poet, actress, film director, author.

in other words, except for the inventor, who should be ashamed of himself for his tendencies towards art fagotry, EVERY single person is an "artist" of some sort, including the newscaster since he probably went to some cheesy liberal arts school anyway. whats wrong with you people. my art fag friends are mad chill why do these little bitches have to take shit so seriously. you cant take nothing seriously....absolutely nothing. not even this shit i just typed AHHAAH.

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by echostar

id say 28 times per week....4 times per day...minimum

I think I got you beat...

Waking up...

Right before I go to sleep...

Oh at night when I wash my face and have to look at my awful self in the mirror...

At like 11 or 12 at night when I go home and realize I've accomplished nothing...

Oh and anytime I talk to Stacey on the phone...

Yep, thats 5, I got you beat

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I was suicidal in high school, tried to kill myself a few times, but my situation was very bad back then...was oppressed in the worst ways possible....had to leave and move to the other side of the world to get away from it...I haven't thought about it for 2 years now though.

It is normal to think about it, I guess...but I also think it's a wimpy way of dealing with life....life is full of obstacles and if you let it get the better of you, then that means life has won.....but you shouldn't allow it to win..you should mock it in its face and say hey fuck you I beat you and I am still here and I'm trying to make the best of things....but this can be hard, especially when you're deeply depressed...

Just talk to someone...let go of your problems....try aromatherapy...massages....a walk in the park....appreciate the little things in life we take for granted. ie. having a home, living in one of the most amazing parts of the world, being ALIVE, being HEALTHY, being able to LOVE!

feel better...i know it's easy to say, but....do what you have to do.

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Originally posted by abortionator

I think I got you beat...

Waking up...

Right before I go to sleep...

Oh at night when I wash my face and have to look at my awful self in the mirror...

At like 11 or 12 at night when I go home and realize I've accomplished nothing...

Oh and anytime I talk to Stacey on the phone...

Yep, thats 5, I got you beat

well i didnt actually put thought into it, so lets see.....

1) when i wake up and realize i have a whole day of NOTHING in front of me

2 and 3 and 4) about 3 times daily when i realize i am a complete loser with no reason to exist

5) looking at my debt

6) realizing im 19 and am incapable of finding a companion because i am a superficial asshole who is too picky

7 and 8) twice a day when i realize this is the worst day of my life

im sure there will be more

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