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do all men secretly wanna hav sex w/ their female frenz


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(sorry the title of this thread was spelled like that, but it was the only way i could get it to fit :) )

it just seems that, from what i've experienced, guys throw in innuendo with their female friends a lot, and i wonder if they'd actually "get with" their friends if the girls consented. you can see examples of this in older episodes of "friends," before everything got complicated w/ all the love between monica and chandler, and now rachel and joey - maybe ;) (maybe that answers my question). chandler and joey used to always make comments about not minding if the girls showed them their boobs, slept with them, etc. they were supposed to be kidding, for laughs, but would they have really jumped at the chance, if it had been presented to them?

that's tv, i know, but i see this joking with people in my life, too. any thoughts?

(sorry this isn't that well-phrased; i'm in a bit of a hurry... but if you need me to explain it better, just let me know :) .)

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A Lot of guys would say "yes."

reason? Chris Rock said it best...

"platonic friends are girls you were trying to fuck, took a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up in the friend zone."

so if you give us the chance, who's to say we won't do it?

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Originally posted by cintron

A Lot of guys would say "yes."

reason? Chris Rock said it best...

"platonic friends are girls you were trying to fuck, took a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up in the friend zone."

so if you give us the chance, who's to say we won't do it?

i heard that chris rock bit, too, but he's a comedian, and that was a bit. is that what you think, and is that how you feel about your female friends?
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Originally posted by weyes

i heard that chris rock bit, too, but he's a comedian, and that was a bit. is that what you think, and is that how you feel about your female friends?

Personally... very often. And you know what? I'd hate to have friends that I wasn't at least emotionally attracted to.

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I can honestly say that all my female friends at one time or another 'I wanted to f@%k.' However, I have a few female friends that I've known for years and years, and I consider them almost as 'sisters,' and sex has completely been removed from the equation.

So, yes I currently have female friends who I don't want to have sex with.

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Originally posted by weyes

i heard that chris rock bit, too, but he's a comedian, and that was a bit. is that what you think, and is that how you feel about your female friends?

it was something for me to laugh at. I'm sure we all have a few friends like that. I know I do...

but yes I do have friends who i wouldn't get physical with no matter what.

And then there are some that i would. After all some of the best couples ARE best friends, right?

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no the answer is no....

i have a friend named jennifer..she is fucking hot..spanish/jewish..amazing body..cute face...ppl at her job (she dances at barmitzvah's n shit) nicknamed her J-LO cause she looks like her and dances better than her...

ive known her since we were 13...never in my life did i wana bang this girl..i never tried...her BF totally trusts me with her where he trusts no other dude...this girl is like a sister..

sometimes ur bigger head dominates the smaller one..and this is one those few times

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I have two very close guy friends, and all of my friends and their freinds give us hell bc we tell them nothing ever happened between us, and they all say that its not possible to be close friends for that long,( one im friends with around 6 years, and the other im fieds with around 4 years, )without doing SOMETHING, which i dont get. I asked my friend this question too and he agrees with what joeygk says, maybe in the beginning you want to, but then once you hit that "sister" level its not even an option.

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Originally posted by rdancer

I don't know about wanting to fuck your friends, but I know that there is always sexual tension between a man and a women in a platonic friendship. :idea:

i believe that too... a man is a man & a woman is a woman.... they are meant to be attracted to eachother... even if you wouldnt want to for some reason... the tension is there ...

but there is one case that would make me think differently... me & y best freinds wife are very close BUT ... they were with me since i was a little young buck:D ... they helped me when i was goin thru some tough shit... & were kinda like my parents for awhile ... so i guess i kinda see her as a mother figure .. its weird.. i dont know how to explain it ... but i guess joey is right to a point.... all my other girl friends are gonna get banged sooner or later :D :D :laugh:

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Originally posted by cintron

A Lot of guys would say "yes."

reason? Chris Rock said it best...

"platonic friends are girls you were trying to fuck, took a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up in the friend zone."

so if you give us the chance, who's to say we won't do it?

My vote is yes!!!!!!

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Originally posted by cintron

A Lot of guys would say "yes."

reason? Chris Rock said it best...

"platonic friends are girls you were trying to fuck, took a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up in the friend zone."

so if you give us the chance, who's to say we won't do it?

this is often true, but i do have female friends that i have no desire to have sex with. i see them as friends and that's it. this may sound sad, but most them are girls i just don't find attractive.:3some:

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i think it has a lot to do with the circumstances you met them in, as well as the vibes that go between you guys...i have very attractive male friends, but for some reason we (well, at least I) would not consider hooking up with them because I treasure their friendship more than their dick.

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Originally posted by rdancer

I don't know about wanting to fuck your friends, but I know that there is always sexual tension between a man and a women in a platonic friendship. :idea:

I disagree that there is ALWAYS tension between friends of the opposite sex... I do however think that, most of the time, there is some tension in the beginning of the friendship. It's just a hump you need to get over (no pun intended).

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Originally posted by somebitch

of course they would. they probably would even if they were in a relationship with someone.

That's not fair. Some of us are halfway decent. Not all the way... just halfway. ;)

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Originally posted by tastyt

I disagree that there is ALWAYS tension between friends of the opposite sex... I do however think that, most of the time, there is some tension in the beginning of the friendship. It's just a hump you need to get over (no pun intended).

exactly!...hence the needs for deep knee-bends :tongue:

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Originally posted by somebitch

i know some halfway decent guys who have fucked friends while in 3+ year relationships and never told their gf.. men have no self control.

I'm sorry you've met some shitty guys... but I'd really like to think they don't speak for all men. I've been in a two year relationship, long distance at that, without even coming close to cheating... some of us really do have hearts bigger than our dicks (or maybe I have an abnormally small dick...). ;)

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U.S. Constitution: Fifth Amendment

Fifth Amendment - Rights of Persons

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

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but isn't that why there freinds though.

Yeah i htink it is natural to find a good looking friend attractive but when you sleep with them you kinda cross the line. I have many guy friends and you get over the atraction, plus if you sleep with them 90% of the time it just ends up wierd, someone gets attached ----------- IMO

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