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<<<Howells & Tenaglia>>>

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That was the best night in my clubbing career.

Minus the serious overpacking and occasional heat exhaustion/dehydration incident........I've never encountered anything like it in a club or event.

I was into the music the minute I stepped through the front door.

Howells' played a superior set......he stuck to what he does best. Around 3 or so I was completely sucked in......and packed in. I always love DH's sets anyways so I knew I could expect something that I would be dancing to and not know anything regarding the track titiles......sure enough, minus a couple songs, he delivered.

Then DT

He announced some stuff about the staff while he was seemingly bragging about his Phazon with that unbelievable low end sample. That sound system is unreal.

I don't even have to mention how DT single-handedly fucked my mind up. I don't think anyone realizes what he was doing at times........take for Example 'Elements'. He started the song with the beat pattern and drum sequence. He then added a looped groove. Then a looped sample. Then a looped synth. Then a sample, then groove, then sample, then synth (this is not in order)........then broke it back down once he reached a peak. All this in a span of about 20 min.


Then Howells goes back on, then DT.......end of the night comes around........DT starts doing some interesting things, such as play two songs from the "Hair" soundtrack, that song To Be Real, three Michael Jackson songs including Man In The Mirror, amongst other things.

Also, awesome vibe..........surprising for how many people were hot an nasty and cramped up.

To all the people I just met great meeting you and to all the people I already know that made it, I hope you enjoyed the night as much as I did.

Once again.....That was the best night in my clubbing career.

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Definitely the best party I've ever been too. The music, the crowd, the vibe, the lighting. siiiiiiiiiiick!

Howells started it off, then DT around 5, then he layed down I feel loved(howells mix) but it was the howells mix DT reedit! So he let Howells take over and he did so for another 2 hours.

THen DT came on and mind fucked us again. His intro the first time around was NUTS!!!!!!!!! wowwwwwwwww turned up the bass like 4 notches then what it was all night.

John mentioned DT's closing shenanigans. Fuckin played the acapella to "Safe from harm" just the part where it says " I see my reflection, i dont like what i see" and looped it like 21214214 times and then drops micheal jacksons man in the mirror LOOOOL.

Great fuckin night.

Fuckin Carl got to wear DT's wig and glasses for a while LOL that was classic. My god, I havent danced my ass off that much for so long in like forever. 2 stackers is all i needed to get me from 12:15am-12:45 pm

Once again Sick night, and nice meeting new faces, as well as chillen with the usual suspects.

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Originally posted by zekefreak

uh....wow....jesus christ, what are you, the fucking Terminator?

I don't know if this is serious or sarcastic, but I was with a handfull of other sober people that made it that long. Most others were cracked out at 1 point or another in the night.

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Originally posted by roninmess

I don't know if this is serious or sarcastic, but I was with a handfull of other sober people that made it that long. Most others were cracked out at 1 point or another in the night.

haha, no, no...i'm being serious...a 12 hour night like that...no way i could handle it

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there from doors until close....troopin it out with just 2 red bulls and two packs of camels, def the best party i've been to since CC vs DT last presidents day (you all know what Im talkin about)

hey, did anyone notice the lack of ear ringing after the night was over...i didnt get that buzzing or muffled feeling that you usually expect after a 13 hour night....guess thats Phazon...

well, just woke up to post, now its back to sleep..BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!:hat:

ps. - shoutz to everyone...especially those who made it to the end (AL and OZ are little bitches)

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Originally posted by clubmouse

hey, did anyone notice the lack of ear ringing after the night was over...i didnt get that buzzing or muffled feeling that you usually expect after a 13 hour night....guess thats Phazon...

i was sooo waiting for someone to say that. . .absolutely flawless :drunk:

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Originally posted by roninmess

I don't know if this is serious or sarcastic, but I was with a handfull of other sober people that made it that long. Most others were cracked out at 1 point or another in the night.

ur sick rob...i did it from 1-9...no stackers..no nothing..just water..but 12 hrs..ur fuckin hardcore

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Well well what can I say.... Except that Howells was just masterful... insane.. emotinal.. and manipulative... and gorgeous. From the moment I steped in there I was dancing.. walking around seeing familiar faces. MR howells on the one's and two's laying it down a bit funky trying to keep the love and the emotion in the room from reaching a fever pitch to quickly working the crowd like a potter works clay.. finally after some coaxing from a few friends I take a pill... and keep on dancing half an hour later Im rolling my face off.. 1 and a half hours later I was completely down and tired... I just about fell asleep in the chill out room cracked out of my mind pretty misserable... even though howells was pretty much ripping it... then I hear "WHATS UP New York ?" I wak up out of my "coma" too a club packed with ... the wrong "element" they know who they are and they should have been at a club a lil further up town... asking me who the DJ was... mispronouncing TENAGLIA here's a clue ( TEN AG LEEE UHHHHHHH) to people not even knowing who Danny howells was to these rude little girls trying to push me out of thier way like Im gonna fuckin move.. but anyway I spend most of my time in the chill room till about 7 ish till the club starts to clear out a lil bit... Then from then on I don't know what happened but it was Pure MAGIC... Searching for a dream was the first song of the night for me.. then he played and old school reggae track and remixed it.. then the age of aquariaus.... then let the sun shine ... I felt like a kid in church... I got to wear danny's Feather hat... and I almost stole Danny howells anti perspirant.. over all just a ridiculous night after we got some space.. Mama tenaglia and Brother howells ripped it... AMEN

oh.. not to flame but some of you kids need to read or something.. take an ECON class if you want to keep people out you charge more the place was packed enough as it is... its your own fault for getting in there late... don't blame Arc because you're not Hardcore...

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Originally posted by siceone

Your pussy stinks, your pussy stinks !!!! choo choo honey and get on the clue train.. cause you know your pussy stinks:D

"Its alright ladies......I'm not a pussy hater. I like pussy. Its just been about 22 years......"


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some kid asked me if danny tinigiliano was spinning...i just smiled and pointed out that HOWELLS was spinnin now..and TENAGLIA would b on later

carl..i feel ur pain about the chill room...i was on the dance floor the whole night and every once in a while id shout GO BACK TO (fill in club name) ...they even had their little circles going..unfoooooortunately there were no circle police like they have at (fill in club name) cause a lot of these people were straight whack

my favorite scene of the night had to b the group of "whales" who kept diving down in one big circle to take a Bump...and then rising again to the surface clutching their noses..it was coordination at its most majestic...i dont think synchronized swimmers could have outdid that pack of juicers

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

"Its alright ladies......I'm not a pussy hater. I like pussy. Its just been about 22 years......"


:laugh: i was thinkin what he said. i posted what i thought he said in another thread.

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Hello guys!

I just wanted to say I also had the best time, everything about Vinyl(ARC) was flawless the crowd, music and vibe couldn't be beat! And I know that I can speak for all of my Boston friends in saying it was well worth the drive down from Boston!

Just wanted to say it was great meeting all of you, and for the few people that I already knew it was great to have some time to talk.

Again, it was great to meet some of you and thanks for the great time!


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Originally posted by clubmouse

hey, did anyone notice the lack of ear ringing after the night was over...i didnt get that buzzing or muffled feeling that you usually expect after a 13 hour night....guess thats Phazon...

No shit... I hadn't even thought about that... however my voice was nearly gone and is still a little scratchy, from talking over the music and screaming for the two Dannys...

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