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What do you "DO"??

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In the past i've met a lot of people. During the initial conversation with them the question of having fun and going out was raised. They start talking about drugs/drinking and stuff and ask what I do. I told them I don't roll or smoke or anything, and this is their response.." So what DO you do??"

I fuckin can't stand people like that. These are the kind of people who get fucked on a nightly basis and need to smoke up or whatever to have good time. Most of them are younger, say around 18 or so. I have nothing against drugs and stuff, but it makes it difficult to socialize with people like this. Maybe they think i'm boring, who knows. Their attitude is wack, "I have to smoke, i have to drink, i need to.. blah blah blah." I'm guessing it is just a phase that some go through. It just bothers me when people think i'm dull if I don't find happiness in drugs/alcohol. No i'm not a complete straight edge kid, and I do know how to have fun. Anyone know what i'm talking about?? I don't think i've met anyone on the boards with this attitude.

Ahhh had to vent. High schoolers are so dumb. :blank:

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the only thing worse then that is when people say "what do you do" and they are really trying to judge you based on your job. pricks. i had one ex-friend who introduces people by their occupation: "this is angela, she's a managerial consultant. this is jason, he's an investment banker at..." pricks. finding out more about someone by asking what their job is ok, but defining them based on their job is slimy.

i usually counter with "well, a more appropriate question is what DON'T i do"... or just simply list them all one by one, and follow that off with "and that's just my day job". dirty bastards.



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not all high schoolers are bad, im only a senior myself.

i agree though, people who dont think you can have fun without drugs are just morons, and mostly trying to be cool. i can have as much fun sober as i can fucked up, and trying to push someone into drugs when they dont want to is just being an asshole.

i do enjoy smoking, and other drugs, for recreation, but i will never act as if thats the only way to have fun.

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yea i know what you mean. i think it's just a phase some kids go through (i hope so anyway, if not then they're just really sad) when they think it's cool to be doing anything and everything all the time.

i haven't really encountered too much of it because my friends either: 1) are the same as me and don't need to drink and do drugs to have fun, or 2) they do a lot of shit and think it's cool that i don't so we can still go out and have fun together.

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I agree. I've been through this before. Now that I'm older, it doesn't bother me as much, or wouldn't bother me as much should i say, because I'm not around those kinds of people. However, when I was just past that age, people would ask me about my drug use and it would annoy me.

About asking about jobs, that is so artificial. People who ask that question have insecurities or have been asked that themselves before. Therefore they feel the need to ask it of others. It's pathetic what people say to make conversations these days. I can't associate with those people.

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yeah i hear ya teklord....i dont do that crap either...then when i start trying to make conversation with other clubbers its like im an outsider. Cant people just go to clubs just to dance and have fun for once in their lives??? The best thing you can do is ignore their foolish comments and go on with the rest of your life.

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Originally posted by TrentBeefpile

. . I like to get fucked up from time to time, that simple. I don't think I should have to take shit because I liked to get fucked up.

thats my point, you dont have to take shit cause you like to get fucked up (i do to), just as long as you can also have fun sober.

as long as you understand you dont have to be fucked up to have fun, your cool in my book.

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i went thru that phase...where i had to be fucked up to go out. i always needed pills, and then if i didnt have pills i needed to get drunk. i got over pills, and have no desire to do them anymore. and i love goin clubbin sober. i gotta admit, drinking is fun too, but i appreciate the music more sober

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Originally posted by dialectics

the only thing worse then that is when people say "what do you do" and they are really trying to judge you based on your job. pricks. i had one ex-friend who introduces people by their occupation: "this is angela, she's a managerial consultant. this is jason, he's an investment banker at..." pricks. finding out more about someone by asking what their job is ok, but defining them based on their job is slimy.

i usually counter with "well, a more appropriate question is what DON'T i do"... or just simply list them all one by one, and follow that off with "and that's just my day job". dirty bastards.



I agree with you, Does it matter. Or when u see people u haven't seen in a while. THere's like so what do you do? Same shit, does it matter.........

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Yeah... I was straightedge for a while there, and people really couldn't understand it. One of my friends was personally offended that I wouldn't drink with him. Another asked me, "So are you still going to go to clubs?" :rolleyes: It definitely made social situations difficult at times. These days I choose moderation, but I can definitely sympathize with people who still deal with this crap.

(This was in college, mind you... unfortunately, some people just think that way and never grow out of it...)

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

this has quoth written all over it btw

:laugh: :laugh:

Yo Hookfuck... it definetely has the quoth touch even if it isn't the master. Sorry man. Nice job though, decent taste. But your avatar is fuckin ugly. Thanks for bringing stupid shit in my thread, you are a moron.


I'm glad i'm not the only one out there, I have nothing against drugs or users, but everyone that I know is capable of just kicking back and having a good time without getting fucked up.

The job thing is true as well, it is damn annoying. Hi I do THIS and make more money so i'm better.

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