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candy/gum of choice when you are "partying"? I'm curious since I'm usually the one "carrying" at Buzz *lol*

I love Trident for Kids and every one I've ever given a piece of it to seems to really like it. "This is the best gum in the world!" HAHA!

Other things I like to have are Sprees (the hard kind), Jolly Ranchers or Starburst.

Anything minty too such as Certs Cool Mint Drops do the trick as well...

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

candy/gum of choice when you are "partying"? I'm curious since I'm usually the one "carrying" at Buzz *lol*

I love Trident for Kids and every one I've ever given a piece of it to seems to really like it. "This is the best gum in the world!" HAHA!

Other things I like to have are Sprees (the hard kind), Jolly Ranchers or Starburst.

Anything minty too such as Certs Cool Mint Drops do the trick as well...

I ususally have minty gum out of habit because, in "real life" fruity gum makes me nauseous. I like lollipops, too- but not blow-pops- they're too big. dum dums are good. and jolly ranchers. One time, i was *madly* chewing on this piece of gum, and for some reason, thought it would be a great idea to eat a jolly rancher, too. so i tried to balance both in my mouth, but it didn't really work out, because i ended up chewing them up together- i had this mass of sticky, weirdly grainy jolly-rancher-gum in my mouth. but i kept chewing on it until the jolly rancher dissolved and i was just left with gum again. Fascinating, no? :roll:

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Originally posted by dragongrrrl

One time, i was *madly* chewing on this piece of gum, and for some reason, thought it would be a great idea to eat a jolly rancher, too. so i tried to balance both in my mouth, but it didn't really work out, because i ended up chewing them up together- i had this mass of sticky, weirdly grainy jolly-rancher-gum in my mouth. but i kept chewing on it until the jolly rancher dissolved and i was just left with gum again. Fascinating, no? :roll:

I have done the same but not with a jolly rancher, it was some other type of sweet candy. But I will often suck on a lolli while chewing gum cause I don't want to throw my gum out because I am too fucked up to remember how much gum I have left and it's best to keep the old gum foever than to run out completely

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

candy/gum of choice when you are "partying"? I'm curious since I'm usually the one "carrying" at Buzz *lol*

I love Trident for Kids and every one I've ever given a piece of it to seems to really like it. "This is the best gum in the world!" HAHA!

Other things I like to have are Sprees (the hard kind), Jolly Ranchers or Starburst.

Anything minty too such as Certs Cool Mint Drops do the trick as well...

How the hell do you sneak all that past security??:confused:

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Originally posted by therunner

it's best to keep the old gum foever than to run out completely

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

My logic exactly!!

The best thing about the jolly rancher-gum incident was that i felt the need to give the guy i was talking to (now my boyfriend, oddly enough) a play-by-play of it as it was happening while also having a conversation about something completely different. woooo... good times... :rolleyes:

you know, it's funny- i actually really like the chocolate-caramel creme savers, and loathe the strawberry and orange creme ones. :tongue:

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Originally posted by zaguero

How the hell do you sneak all that past security??:confused:

The pat down for girls is not that bad. Besides, I don't take all that in at the same time, usually just gum.

One of my friends got a camera in for Seb a few weeks ago - he held it in his hand *lol*

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Originally posted by dragongrrrl

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

My logic exactly!!

The best thing about the jolly rancher-gum incident was that i felt the need to give the guy i was talking to (now my boyfriend, oddly enough) a play-by-play of it as it was happening while also having a conversation about something completely different. woooo... good times... :rolleyes:

you know, it's funny- i actually really like the chocolate-caramel creme savers, and loathe the strawberry and orange creme ones. :tongue:

I once got a roll caught in my gum - don't ask. Lets just say I was in hell for about 5 minutes. Ugh!

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