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ROXY review of sorts

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okay so i just got in and am about to get back in my car and drive 6 hours to Buffalo to meet up with my college buddies so no CP rest of the weekend, but i couldnt bounce without saying THANKS

Holy Shit is relly all i can say. To play on that system, with all you guys/girls screaming and cheering was amazing. I dunno if anything i ever do will top that. I tried my best to lay it all out there and I think i spun well. Corey was awesome, Woo was sickk with those tracks he made, and Justin was on point as usual. Following those guys was tough, but when my promo dropped and u guys started yelling, I calmed down and proceeded to do my thing. Unbelievable.

Im guessing they will post the winner today here on cp. I already feel like i won something. Words cant capture how that was playing up there.

To Mike and Bobby and whole Roxy staff thank u for giving me the shot. For years I've begged club promoters to gimme just one hour on the main floor to no avail. U guys did. I'm forever grateful.

It was nice meeting Neil Christian, Boris, Jason Ojeda, and the many other industry heads who came down. It was awesome to play for all them.

And to ALL the CP heads, from the ones who been down since day number 1 to the peeps i just met tonight, thank u guys for coming out, and making ur presence felt. At one point, someone in the booth asked me how much i pay u guys:laugh: U guys are NUTS! I almost wanted to look behind me to see if someone famous was behind me.

Then Vicious took over which was sick as usual. His remix of the new Deb Cox song is amazing. Mr Lonely. WOW....

All in all, top to bottom, I dunno if i'll ever have a night out like this, spinning or just partying. I couldn't believe how much support there was there. The extended stage wasnt big enough!

Okay time to stop babling and start driving. Hope to see everyone soon, and again, YOU GUYS ARE THE F*CKING BEST!!!!


Mike Bugout

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I can't even begin to describe how pissed I am that I missed last night. I just got off the phone with one of my friends that was there and he said he had a sick sick sick time. he said all 4 were awesome. Anyway, glad it was a success. Why couldn't my brother's dog have died a day later? fucking mut

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Great sets by all four djs tonight! I wish each and everyone of you the best of luck with this contest, but fuck it, you all definitely made a name for yourself tonight. Just being able to spin once like that is a step at stardom.

Definitely a great night of music.

nice meeting a lot of new heads, and seeing the familiar faces.

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What a night, I am getting my pics developed soon and posting an official story on www.bugoutandfeva.com.

Jasper,Woo,Higgins did a great job.

BuGout, WOW. I had 100% confidence in you the whole time. You rocked that house.

A lot of fucking bullshit went on that ALMOST ruined the night, but I am too happy for you to let some people do that.

Now all we can do is wait, good luck to all the contestants :)

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Great Set Mike BUGOUT.....i was having a great time just listening to you work.....definitely provided some energy in that room....the next time you are DJing at roxy....you should be opening for Vicious....i wish u all the best my brotha;)

thanks for the cd also....it rocks:D

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Mike you were fucking insane last night!!! I tried sooooooooooo hard to get a pic with you and scooby but everytime i went to take it you put scooby down :( .. i was very upset about that.. I took a good amount of pics tho.. Larry did as well but he ran out of film so i gave him your camera.. it was probably better off that he takes the pics anyway... i could barely see you from the dance floor b/c im so short... lol.. they need to make the stage higher for short people like me... jk.. the only thing left to say is........sick fucking night mike!!!!

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WOWWWWWWWWW, What can I say... Mike u were fucking great last night. Thanks for Energizer, I Love the Cd, I was listening to it on my way home it was perfect. Overall great night, great seeing familiar and new faces once again. Pleasant Surprise seeing vicious.

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Wow, great night. Mike great job last night. Had the whole crowd into it, and not just the stage, I was down on the mainfloor and everyone was feelin your set. That Insomnia mix was hot. It was great seeing you up there in the DJ booth doing your thing. And then as if it couldn't get any better, Vicious comes on. Sick night non-stop. Only complaint I got about last night was the girl to guy ratio. A lot more guys then usual. It's all good though. I actually closed Roxy out for the first time. Anyways next week, Eddie Baez will be there. I can't wait for that.

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First off...last night was just insane...all u djs where awesome...yous had the crowd on your palms....yous definetly set a great vibe throughout the whole night......hopefully we get to hear you guys spin again at the Roxy........Good Luck an thanks for those awesome sets last night.

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a little late, but better than never... soooo glad i went out last night, great night of music, chillen with all the CP people and getting drunkkkk :D

mike, it was nice to meet you and finally hear you spin....you did a great job keepin me dancing, and it's no wonder you have so many peoples support...you've got talent. keep up the good work! :aright:

good to see everybody again and meeting all the new faces!!

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